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小说: amc.killashandra 字数: 每页4000字

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ediate response。 Thumping on the door also produced no results; and Killashandra felt determination replace courtesy。
 Was brewing illegal in Optheria's largest city? Or could it be brewing without due license? After all; Bascum originated on Optheria and might have a monopoly。 To be sure; she hadn't paid much attention to what plants were being so carefully tended in the gardens。 Home industry? Thwarting the ever vigilant and repressive Elders?
 Quickly she stepped around the building and toward its rear; hoping to find a window。 She caught a glimpse of a running juvenile body and heard it raise its voice in warning。 So she raced around the corner to find the rear doors folded back on a scene of much industry as men and women supervised the bottling of a brew from an obviously improvised vat。 The young messenger took one look at her and fled; ducking down the nearest alley。
 〃May a thirsty stranger to this planet have a sample of your brew? I'm perishing for lack of a decent glass。〃
 Killashandra could; when she exerted herself; be smoothly charming and ingratiating。 She'd played the part often enough。 She glanced from one stony expression to the next; holding her smile。
 〃I'll tell you it was some shock to discover this planet doesn't import anything spirituous or fermented。〃
 〃Shuttle got in yesterday;〃 someone in the group said。
 〃Too early for tourists。〃
 〃Those clothes aren't local。〃
 〃Nor island。〃
 〃I'm not a tourist;〃 Killashandra inserted in the terse ments。 〃I'm a musician。〃
 〃e to see the organ; have you?〃 The man's voice was so rich in contempt; disapproval; cynical skepticism; and malicious amusement that Killashandra tried hard to spot him in the hostile group。
 〃If I can judge by my reception above; that sour lot permits few favors。 A body really needs a brew here。〃 Again she fortified her smile with winning charm。 And licked dry lips。
 Later; in reviewing the scene at her leisure; Killashandra decided that it might have been that unconscious reflex that won her case。 The next thing she knew an uncapped bottle was thrust at her。 She reached to her belt pouch for the Optherian coins she had acquired on the Athena but was curtly told to leave off。 Money didn't buy their brew。
 Although some had turned back to their job; most watched while she took her first sip。 It was rich despite its clandestine manufacture; slightly cool; undoubtedly improved by a proper chilling but superior to the Bascum and almost on a par with Yarran。
 〃Your brewmaster wouldn't happen to be of Yarra origin?〃 she asked。
 〃What do you know of Yarra?〃 Once again the question was posed anonymously though Killashandra thought the speaker was on her left; near the vat。
 〃They make the best beer in the Federated Sentient Planets。 Yarran brewmasters have the best reputation in the Galaxy。〃
 A rumble of approval greeted this。 She could feel the tension ease though the work continued at the same swift pace。 Above the rattle of bottles; and the noise of crating the full containers; Killashandra heard a gasping wheeze to her right; on the roadway; and then a dilapidated vehicle; its sides scarred and rusting; pulled up to the open door。
 Immediately crates were loaded into it; Killashandra helping; for she'd finished her bottle and wondered how she could wheedle another; others; from them。 Thirst properly quenched; she'd find it easier to deal with the reproaches of Thyrol and the others。 No sooner had the load bed been filled than the vehicle moved off and another; equally disreputable; slid into its place。 Of course this patently unauthorized operation proved conclusively to Killashandra that the population of Optheria had not all stagnated。 But how much of a minority did they constitute? And did any of them actually wish to leave Optheria! Some people enjoy thwarting their elected/established/appointed governments out of perversity rather than disloyalty or dislike。
 When the third transport had been loaded; only a few crates remained。 And the vat and its attendant paraphernalia had been dismantled and reassembled in different form entirely。 Killashandra gave the brewers full marks for ingenuity。
 〃You expect a search?〃
 〃Oh yes。 Can't mask brewing pletely; you know;〃 said a sun…wrinkled little man with a twinkle in his eye。 He offered Killashandra a second bottle; gesturing to the loaded vehicle in explanation of his generosity。
 As she inadvertently glanced in the same direction; Killashandra noticed that his workers; each laden with a crate; were disappearing up and down the street and into the alleys。 Just audible was an odd siren。 He cocked his head at the sound and grinned。
 〃I'd take that with me; were I you。 Won't help you to be found in my disreputable pany。〃
 〃You'll be making another batch soon?〃 Killashandra asked wistfully。
 〃Now that I couldn't say。〃 He winked。 The siren became more insistent and louder。 He began to fold over the doors。
 〃What's the quickest way back to the City?〃
 〃Over two ranks and then to your left。〃 He closed the last lap of the door behind him and she heard the firm click of the lock。
 The vehicle with the siren was moving at a good clip so Killashandra made rapid progress in the direction the brewer had indicated。 She had just reached the next parallel road when she heard the sound of air brakes engaging and considerable shouting。 She ducked around the corner and was on another deserted block。 When she heard the pounding of booted feet; she realized that she might not have time to explain her possession of the illegally brewed beer if she was caught out on the streets。
 The first door she approached was locked and her quick rap met with no response。 The second door was jerked open just as she got to it。 She needed no urging to step into the sanctuary。 Indeed; not a moment too soon for the searchers came pounding around the corner and stormed past the door。
 〃That was a bit foolish; if you ask me;〃 said the woman beside her in a hoarse accusation。 〃You may be an alien but that wouldn't matter to them did they apprehend you down here。〃 She gestured for Killashandra to follow her to the rear of the little house。 〃You must have some thirst to go roaming about Gartertown in search of quenching。 There are places which legally serve drink; you know。〃
 〃I didn't; but if you could tell me … 〃
 〃Not that the hours you can drink are that convenient; and our brew's superior to anything out of the Bascum。 The water; you know! This way。〃
 Killashandra paused because a crate of the illegal bottling was sitting in the middle of the floor of the rear room; right by a section of flooring which had been removed。
 〃Give me a hand; would you? They might do a house…to…house if they're feeling particularly officious。〃
 Killashandra willingly plied and; when the crate was stored; the section replaced; the hiding place was indistinguishable。
 〃Don't like to rush a body's enjoyment of a brew; but。。。〃
 Killashandra would have preferred to savor the second bottle; but she downed it in three long swallows。 The woman took the empty and chucked it toward the disposal。 With a loud crunch the evidence was disposed of。 Killashandra drew her fingers down the corners of her mouth; and then belched yeastily。
 The woman took a position by her door; ear to the panel; listening intently。 She jumped back just as the door swung in wide enough to admit a fall figure。
 〃They were recalled;〃 the man said。 〃And there's some sort of search going on in the City … 〃 He broke off then because he had turned and caught sight of Killashandra standing in the doorway。
 She was as motionless with surprise as he for she recognized him; by garb and stance; as the young man from the infirmary corridor。 He recovered first while Killashandra was considering the advisability of dissembling。
 〃You're making this far too easy;〃 he said cryptically; striding up to her。 Surprised; she saw only his fist before a stunning blackness overcame her。
 She roused the first time; aware of a stuffy atmosphere; the soreness of her jaw; and that her hands and feet were tied。 She groaned; and before she could open her eyes; she felt a sudden pressure on her arm and her senses reeled once more back into unconsciou

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