九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > amc.killashandra >



小说: amc.killashandra 字数: 每页4000字

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 What could be of such fascination to them in the midst of all this jollity? Her original instinct about Corish had been correct: he was an FSP operative。 Unless she was fooling herself and his association with the impertinent Lars Dahl was a coincidence。 She doubted that vigorously。 Did Corish know that Lars Dahl had abducted her? And why? Had Corish taken some covert part in that kidnapping? Had Corish known who she was? Killashandra chuckled to herself; amused by the possibility although everything pointed to Corish having accepted her in the role she had played for him。 Then she thought of how her earlier shipmates had reacted to the knowledge that she was a crystal singer。 She doubted that Corish was less a man; particularly in his ease on the Athena; who would not make the most of his chances。
 Keralaw had said that Lars Dahl was the first Angel Islander to reach the Music Conservatory。 That explained his presence in the infirmary corridor; and his unconventional clothes; for the islanders appeared to prefer the browns and tans that emphasized their sunned skins。 Why had he appeared so unexpectedly in Gartertown? Though he certainly maximized his opportunities。 Had the original note of dissatisfaction with Optheria originated in these islands? That appeared logical; now that she had seen the different styles and standards; and had heard Elder Ampris's disparaging remarks about the islanders' early rebellion against the Optherian authoritarianism。
 A shout went up by the long beef pit; and people surged toward it; platters in hand。 The aroma was tantalizing and slowly Killashandra rose to her feet。 A full stomach was unlikely to improve her understanding of the puzzle; but it wouldn't hinder thought。 Corish and Lars Dahl seemed to have succumbed to the enticement as well。
 In that instant; Killashandra decided to approach her problem in a direct fashion。 Altering her direction; she intercepted the two men。
 〃You've had your natter;〃 she began; mimicking Keralaw's throaty drawl and speech pattern; 〃now enjoy。 Angel's a good island for feasting。〃 She flung one garland on Corish; the other about Lars Dahl's neck; making her smile as seductive as possible。 Before they could respond; though neither removed her flowers; she linked her arms in theirs and propelled them toward the pit; grinning from one to the other; daring them to break away。
 Corish shrugged; smiled tolerantly down at her; accepting her impudence。 Lars Dahl; however; covered her hand on his arm and; just then; their thighs brushed and she lurched against him; abruptly aware of receiving an intense shock。 Startled; she glanced up at Lars Dahl; his face illuminated by the pit fires; his lazy smile appreciating the contact shock they had both felt。 His long fingers curled tightly around hers with a hint of possessiveness。 His blue eyes sparkled as his gaze challenged her。 His arm fastened hers to his smooth warm waist as Killashandra candidly returned his glance。 He sidestepped suddenly; pulling Killashandra with him so that she had to drop Corish's arm。
 〃I've certainly done enough talking;〃 he said; grinning more broadly at the success of his maneuver and maneuvering。 〃Corish find yourself another one。 You're mine; aren't you; Sunny?〃
 Corish gave a slightly contemptuous snort but continued on while Lars Dahl stopped; swinging Killashandra into a strong embrace; his hands caressing her back; settling into her waist to hold her firmly against him as he bent his head。 The flowers were crushed between them; their fragrance spilling into her senses。 With an inadvertent gesture of acceptance; Killashandra's hands slid up his bare warm chest; her fingers caressing the velvet skin; taking note of the strong pectoral muscles; the column of his throat。 His lips tasted salty; but firm; parting hers as he settled his mouth against her; and once again the shock of their contact was almost like。。。 crystal。 Hungrily Killashandra surrendered to his deft kiss; trying to meld her body against the strong; lean length of him。 She altered her arms; stroking the silky skin of his hard…muscled back; all her senses involved in this simple act。
 They parted slightly; his hands still caressing her; one hand on the bare skin beneath her shirt as she gently stroked his shoulders; breathless and unable to leave his supporting arms。 If his embrace had begun as perfunctory; it wasn't now。 There was about his grasp a sense of astonishment; wonder; and discovery。
 〃I must know your name;〃 he said softly; tipping her chin up to look into her eyes。
 〃Carrigana;〃 she managed to remember to say。
 〃Why have I never seen you before?〃
 〃You have;〃 she said with a rich; suggestive chuckle; amused by her own presumption; 〃but you are always too busy with deep thoughts to see what you look at。〃
 〃I am all eyes now。。。 Carrigana。〃 A slight tremor in his soft tone sent one through her body; as his hands renewed their grip; encouraging her body to conform to his。
 Part of her mind recognized the sincerity in his voice while another section wondered how she could make the most of this encounter。 All of her didn't care what else happened to either of them if they could just enjoy this one evening。 She was so hungry。。。 it had been months since she'd made love。
 〃Not yet; sweet Sunny; not yet;〃 he said determinedly but gently disengaging himself。 〃We've the whole night before us;〃 and his low voice lilted with promise。 〃You'll know I cannot absent myself so soon。 And we'll both be the stronger after a good meal〃 … his laughter rippled with sensuality … 〃for our dalliance。〃
 She let herself be swung again to his side; his arm tucking hers against his ribs; his warm hand stroking hers as he guided her to the barbecue pits。 She had no argument against his so firm decision。 Although she murmured understanding; she seethed with abruptly interrupted sensations; forcing herself to an outward amity。 Perhaps it was as well; she told herself; as they collected platters from one of the long tables and joined those awaiting slices of roasted meat。 She'd need time to recover and buffer herself against the charisma of the man。 He was as potent as Lanzecki。 And that was the first time she'd thought of the Guildmaster in a while!
 What did Lars mean in saying she'd know why he couldn't absent himself so soon? How important was he within the island society; aside from being its first citizen to get into the Conservatory?
 Then they were in the midst of the eager diners; with Lars exchanging laughing ments; teasing acquaintances; his rich lilting laughter rising above theirs。 Yet he kept a firm grip on Killashandra and she tried to pose her expression against the surprise in the women's faces and the curiosity of the men。 Who was this Lars Dahl when he wasn't kidnapping crystal singers?
 Once thin slices of the juicy meat had been served them; Lars Dahl escorted her back to the table and they sank to the sand。 Lars kept his left hand lightly on her thigh as he filled their plates from the foods displayed in the center of the table: breaded fried fish bits; steaming whiteroots; chopped raw vegetable; large yellow tubers which had been baked in polly leaves and exuded a pungent spiciness。 He snagged a jug as it was being passed and filled their cups; deftly pouring without losing so much as a drop。 Killashandra was aware of furtive glances the length of the table for Lars Dahl's partner。 She looked for Keralaw for her support but there was no sign of her friend。 Nor could she discern any animosity in the scrutinies。 Curiosity; yes; and envy。
 〃Eat。 I guarantee you'll need your strength。。。 Carrigana。〃
 Though she gave him a gleaming smile; she wondered why he had hesitated with the name; as if he was savoring the sound of it; the way he had rolled the rs and lengthened the final two as。 Was he dissembling? Had he recognized her? He knew she'd been injured by that island star…knife。。。
 She almost pulled away from him; startled by a sudden knowledge that he had thrown that vicious starblade at her。 She shook her head; smiling to answer his sudden quizzical look; and applied herself to the heaped food。 His hand soothed her thigh; the fingers light and caressing。
 You sure can pick 'em; Killashand

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