九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > amc.killashandra >



小说: amc.killashandra 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃I'll supervise;〃 Lars interrupted。 〃The bleaching must be。。。〃
 With a quick movement; Teradia placed one hand across Lars's chest and eased him away from Killashandra; a look of mild disdain on her elegant features。 〃My dear boy; clever you may be in some of the ways of pleasing a woman; but this is my art。。。〃 she began to draw Killashandra away with her; 〃and you will allow me to practice it。 e; Guildmember; this way。〃
 〃Teradia; that's not fair。〃 Lars pushed through the door in pursuit。 〃I'm Killashandra's bodyguard … 〃
 〃Here I guard her body; though from the look of her skin and hair; you've done a poor job … Sun…bleached; dry…skinned; waterlogged child。〃
 For the first time Killashandra had seen her lover rattled; she looked more keenly at Teradia。 There was a twinkle in the woman's eyes; though her expression did not soften at his exasperation。
 〃It is; of course; as the Guildmember wishes。。。〃
 〃How do you do it; Teradia?〃
 〃Do what?〃
 〃Quell him。〃
 Teradia shrugged delicately。 〃It is easy。 He has been reared to respect his elders。〃
 〃What?〃 Killashandra peered more closely at Teradia's face。
 〃She's my grandmother;〃 Lars said with a disgusted growl。
 〃My pliments; citizen;〃 Killashandra replied; trying not to laugh at Lars's disposure。 〃I shall have your artistry to support me this evening … 〃
 〃And me!〃 Lars was emphatic。
 So; under Lars's eyes and occasionally with his help and pany; Killashandra was soaped and bathed and massaged and oiled; and repairs to hair and nail acplished; Killashandra fell asleep during the massage and later Lars fell asleep while Teradia tinted Killashandra's hair and dyed her eyebrows dark again。
 〃It does make a considerable difference in your appearance;〃 Teradia said; surveying her handiwork。 〃I'm not certain which bees you more;〃 she added thoughtfully。 〃You are a striking woman in either guise。 Now;〃 she went on so briskly that Killashandra did not have to make any reply to this assessment; 〃we don't have everything back from hurricane storage; but I know exactly where I put several unusual gowns that would suit your style and rank。 e this way; into the dressing room。〃
 Killashandra looked over her shoulder at the slumbering Lars。
 〃If he fell asleep in your presence; he is far more tired than he would ever admit; Killashandra Ree。 We will leave him so until he is needed to escort you back to Olav Dahl。〃
 By the time Teradia had garbed Killashandra to her satisfaction; which had nothing; Killashandra realized; to do with her own; Lars had awakened。 He executed a double take at the vision before him; presented a properly stunned expression before he began to smile then nod with approval。
 〃In there; 〃 Teradia said; flicking her fingers to direct him to another dressing room in the shop portion of her establishment。 〃We can't have a shabby escort。 Not that any will notice you。〃
 Killashandra began to frown; then the woman winked slowly and grinned。 〃That one is too sure of himself by half。〃
 〃He'll need it;〃 Killashandra said sadly。
 But before Killashandra could say anything more; an unclad Lars had stormed into the room; waving a heavily embroidered; tissue thin; blue shirt and equally thin blue trousers。
 〃If you think I'm parading about like a stud on sale! When did I ever have the need to display … 〃
 In one long stride Teradia reached the room; and scooped up a pair of blue briefs that had evidently fallen to the floor。 She flourished them under his nose and then pushed him back into the room。
 〃Well; if that's the case。。。〃
 Killashandra stifled her giggles。
 〃You only wanted to take the limelight。。。〃
 He poked his head around the door。 〃Not when I know Torkes's proclivities。 Then again;〃 he paused in the act of withdrawing his head; 〃he probably has the cruiser packed with his boys so I'm safer here than in City。〃
 〃Who needs the bodyguard then?〃
 〃Shall we have a mutual assistance pact? I read those were once very popular。〃
 Lars slammed open the door; strode across the room; and gathered her into her arms; beaming down at her。 〃If you spoil her dress or make…up。。。〃 Teradia's mock anger subsided as she became aware of the atmosphere between them。
 Lars ached to kiss Killashandra as badly as she wanted to have his lips on hers。 He sighed deeply and let her go。 〃You look regal; Killashandra! But I think I liked you even better on the beach at Wing! Then you were mine alone to enjoy!〃 His voice was low; his words meant for her; his sentiment unhindered by his grandmother's presence。 〃You have outdone yourself; Teradia。〃 He pulled the woman close; and kissed her cheek。
 Killashandra felt relief that there would be another sane and well…adjusted person to help Lars when she had returned to Ballybran。
 〃Now we had better go; Killashandra。 The cruiser will have docked!〃
 Killashandra thanked Teradia as warmly as she could; wishing that the woman did not dismiss so casually her genuine gratitude。
 As they started to retrace their steps to the Harbor Master's residence; Killashandra was instantly aware of an alteration in the ambiance。 Far below the squat bulk of the cruiser jet did much to explain the change; looming as it did; gross and menacing; its white ovoid hull diminishing the graceful fishing vessels。 The slanted superstructure; the little nodules of its armaments; and the sprouting whiskers of its munications and surveillance equipment added to its menacing presence。
 Killashandra unconsciously hugged Lars's arm。 〃That is a very deadly looking machine。 Do they have many of those?〃
 〃Can Nahia and Hauness escape it?〃
 Lars chuckled; relieving his own tension and reducing hers。 〃The Yellowback is smaller and faster; highly maneuverable and could slip through reefs that would ram the cruiser。 Once they're away; they're well away。〃
 Killashandra could see the ing and going on the ramp leading to Olav's … people bearing tables; chairs; seating cushions; baskets of fruit; bowls of fruit; jars; several men staggering under loads of provender。 Killashandra had been expecting another beach barbecue; with its pleasant informality。 It had not occurred to her that there might be no beach at North Harbor; nor would the Elder have been entertained in the casual setting she had so much enjoyed at Wing。 She groaned。
 Lars squeezed her hand。 〃What's wrong?〃
 She gave a gusty sigh。 〃State occasions! Formality! Scrapes and smiles and total boredom。〃
 Lars laughed。 〃You'll be surprised。 Pleasantly。〃
 〃How will your father get away with it?〃
 Lars grinned at her。 〃You'll see。〃
 What she first saw was the disposition of guards; lining the route up from the harbor; spaced neatly and stiffly about the Residence; and armed。 She had seen very few stun rifles in her life but she could recognize them。
 〃What was he expecting? Civil war?〃
 〃Elders usually travel with a considerable entourage。 Especially in the islands。 We are so aggressive; you see。〃 Lars spoke with deep sarcasm and she took in an anxious breath。 〃Oh; don't worry; Killa。 I'll be circumspect。 You'll not even recognize me as your impetuous lover。〃
 She cocked an eyebrow at him。 〃I'll expect a return of that lover as a reward for my evening with Torkes。 And why is it Torkes? I thought he was in charge of munications。〃
 Lars choked back a loud laugh; for they had neared the first sentry。 〃Elder Pedder is afflicted with motion sickness。〃
 The sentry who had been watching them approach from the corner of his eye suddenly pivoted; ported his weapon; and stared with impartial malevolence at them。 〃Who goes there?〃
 〃The crystal singer; you fool;〃 Killashandra replied in a loud and disgusted tone。 〃With her bodyguard; Lars Dahl。〃 When Killashandra would have proceeded she was stopped by the weapon。 〃How dare you?〃 She darted forward; grasped the weapon by its muzzle; and levered it forcefully to the ground。 The surprised young sailor panicked and relinquished his weapon。 〃How dare you threaten a crystal singer? How dare you threaten me?〃
 Killashandra was seized by a violent surge of real anger at the archaic and inane formality。 She didn't hear Lars trying to soothe her; she barged past two more sentrie

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