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小说: amc.killashandra 字数: 每页4000字

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ence on him。 Although her jagged; red scars looked more painful than they were; a lover as considerate as Lars had always been would be reluctant to approach her。 The symbiont couldn't work fast enough for her。 But would it have repaired her before the scout ship brought them to the Regulus Federation Base? She tried to overe her desire for Lars and to ignore the fact that time was running out for them both。
 It was too soon and not soon enough when Mirbethan municated the imminent arrival of the scout ship; the CS 914。 Then she was called upon to witness Trag's confrontation of Lars; in the presence of the astonished; and delighted; Elders Ampris and Torkes as the Guildmember; imposing in his righteous indignation and wrath; accused Lars Dahl of infamous acts against the person of Killashandra Ree; and displayed the Federal Warrant。 Against Killashandra's loud cries of distress and disillusionment over her erstwhile lover's felonies; Ampris and Torkes struggled to contain their exultation over the arrest。
 Trag's timing was superb and his manner so daunting that; with the Federal Scout ship landed in the shuttleport valley; the Elders were left with no option but to permit the arrest and the deportation of their erring citizen。 There was no doubt they were delighted; though deprived of the joy of punishing him; that the Federal justice due to be meted out to Lars Dahl would be far more severe than their Charter allowed them。 Among the others vindicated by this unexpected climax was Security Officer Blaz; who clamped restraints on Lars's wrists with undisguised satisfaction。
 What was supposed to have been a dignified farewell to their auspicious guests was hastily cancelled by Ampris; waving off the various instructors and senior students gathered on the steps of the Conservatory。 Presently only Torkes; Mirbethan; Pirinio; and Thyrol were left。
 Lars was strong…armed by Blaz into the waiting transport and it was difficult for Killashandra not to react to that treatment。 Or deliver an appropriate parting shaft at the officious Blaz。 But she was supine on the grav…stretcher guided by the disguised Olav and she had to concentrate on looking ill to require the services of an empath。
 When Torkes stepped forward; obviously about to say something which would nauseate her; she forestalled him。 〃Don't jostle me when you load this floating mattress;〃 she irritably warned Olav。
 〃Yes; let us not unnecessarily prolong our leave…taking;〃 Trag said; giving the float a little push into the ground transport。 〃Scout pilots are notoriously short…tempered。 Is the prisoner secure?〃 Trag's voice was the cold of glaciers as he glanced back at his prisoner; and Security Captain Blaz growled a reassurance。 He had insisted on personally turning over this felon to the scout captain。
 It was a silent journey; only Blaz enjoying his circumstances。 Lars affected an appropriate dejected; fearful pose; not looking up from his hand restraints。 From her position; Killashandra could see nothing but the upper stories of buildings and then sky; and they passed so fluidly she experienced motion sickness; she spoke severely to her symbiont until the reaction disappeared。 Trag was staring stolidly out the window on the seat in front of her; and Olav was beyond her view。 Rather an ignominious departure to all appearances。 And yet; a triumphant one; considering what she and Trag and Lars had acplished。
 She contented herself with that reflection but it was with considerable relief that she saw the spires of the shuttle port appear; approach; and pass by as the transport was driven to the landing site of the scout ship。 It was on its tail fins; ready for take…off; the mobile scout pilot waited for her passengers by the lift on the ground。
 〃There is no way I am going up that;〃 and Killashandra pointed to the lift; 〃in this;〃 and she slapped the grav…stretcher
 〃Guildmember; you have been … 〃 Olav began firmly。
 〃Don't 'Guildmember' me; medic;〃 she said; raising up on her elbow。 〃Just get me off this thing。 I'll leave this planet as I got on it; on my own two feet。〃
 The transport stopped and Trag and Olav were quick to get her float out。
 〃Chadria; Scout Pilot of the CS 914;〃 said the trim woman in the Scout Service blue; walking forward to lend an unobtrusive hand。 〃My ship's name is Samel!〃 A smile lurked in her eyes but fled as Security Officer Blaz hauled Lars unceremoniously out of the transport and roughly propelled him to the lift
 〃Where do I stow the prisoner; Scout Pilot Chadria?〃 he said in an ill…tempered growl。
 〃Nowhere until the Guildmembers are settled;〃 Chadria replied。 She turned to Killashandra。 〃If you're more fortable on the float … 〃
 〃I am not! 〃Killashandra swung her legs over the side of the float; and Olav hastily adjusted its height so that she only had to step off it to be erect。 Lars moved forward but was hauled back to Blaz's side and she could see him tensing in rebellion。 〃Trag!〃 The man supported her around the waist。 〃Permission to e aboard; Chadria; Samel!〃
 〃Permission granted;〃 scout and ship replied simultaneously。
 The unexpected male voice; apparently issuing about his feet; startled an exclamation out of Blaz。 A small; superior smile twitched at Lars's lips; hastily erased but reassuring to Killashandra。
 She let herself be conducted to the lift by Trag and the medic; wondering how Olav would be able to stay if Blaz continued in his officious manner。 There was no hint of uncertainty in either man's face so she decided to let them worry about such a minor detail。 She remembered to salute the ship as she stepped aboard。
 〃Wele; Killashandra; Trag。 And you; gentle medic。〃 The ship spoke in a baritone voice which rippled with good humor。 〃If you will be seated; Chadria will be up in just a moment。〃
 〃How are we going to get rid of Blaz? And keep Olav?〃 Killashandra whispered urgently to Trag。
 〃Watch;〃 Samel said and one of the screens above the pilot's console lit up; displaying a view of the lift。
 〃I'll take control of this fellow; now;〃 Chadria was saying as she pulled a wicked little hand…weapon from her belt。 〃I was told to secure quarters aboard。 And there's nothing he can do to escape a scout ship; Officer。 Get on there now; you。〃
 The observers could see the conflict in Blaz's face but Chadria had pushed Lars onto the lift and stepped on the platform with her back to Blaz so that there was no room for him to acpany them; and no way to dispute the arbitrary decision with someone's back。 That maneuver confused Blaz just long enough。 The lift ascended quickly; Blaz watching uncertainly。
 〃Permission to board?〃 Lars said; grinning in at Killashandra。
 〃Granted; Lars Dahl!〃 Samel replied; and Chadria stepped beside Lars in the airlock; punching out control sequences。 The lift collapsed and secured itself; the airlock door closed; Lars and Chadria stepped into the cabin while the inner door slid shut with a final metallic thunk。 An alarm sounded。
 On the ground; Blaz reacted to the claxon; suddenly aware that the medic was still on board and not quite sure if that was in order。 The transport driver shouted at him as the ship's drive began to rumble above the noise of the take…off alarm; and Blaz had no recourse but to retreat to safety。
 〃Oh; that was well…done!〃 Killashandra cried and; finding her legs a bit unstable in reaction to the final moments of escape; she sank onto the nearby couch。
 Trag thumbed the bar that released the restraints on Lars's wrists and Lars stumbled to enfold Killashandra in his arms。
 〃Everyone; take a seat;〃 Chadria warned; sliding into the pilot's gimballed chair。 〃We were told to make it a fast exit; she added with a grin。 〃Okay。 Sam; they're secure。 Let's shake the dust!〃
 Chapter 25
 Killashandra's placency about their confrontation with the Federated Council on Regulus Base altered drastically as the CS 914 began its final approach to the landing strip。 The building which housed the administrative offices for that sector of the Federated Sentient Planets covered an area slightly more than twenty klicks square。
 Chadria cheerfully informed her passengers that there was as much again in subterranean levels as above ground; and some stora

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