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小说: bill_the_galactic_hero_v1.1 字数: 每页4000字

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  〃Get outta the monkey suit and we'll pull you in;〃 the guard corporal called。
  〃Are you nuts!〃 the soldier shouted。 〃It takes an hour to get into and outta this thing。〃 He triggered his rockets; but they just went pfffft; and he rose about a foot in the water; then dropped back。 〃The fuel's gone! Help me you bastards! What's this; bowb…your…buddy week 。 。 。〃 he shouted as he sank。 Then his head went under; and there were a few bubbles and nothing else。   〃It's always bowb…your…buddy week;〃 the corporal said。 〃Get the column moving!〃 he ordered; and they shuffled forward。 〃Them suits weigh three thousand pounds。 Go down like a rock。〃
  If this was a quiet day; Bill didn't want to see a busy one。 Since the entire planet of Veneria was a swamp no advances could be made until a road was built。 Individual soldiers might penetrate a bit ahead of the road; but for equipment
or supplies or even heavily armed men a road was necessary。 Therefore the labor corps was building a road of felled trees。 At the front。 
  Bursts from atomrifles steamed in the water around them; and the poison darts were as thick as falling leaves。 The firing and sniping on both sides was constant while the prisoners cut down trees and trimmed and lashed them together to push the road forward another few inches。 Bill trimmed and chopped and tried to ignore the screams and falling bodies until it began to grow dark。 The squad; now a good deal smaller; made their return march in the dusk。   〃We pushed it ahead at least thirty yards this afternoon;〃 Bill said to the old prisoner marching at his side。
   〃Don't mean nothing; Venians swim up in the night and take the logs away。〃 
  Bill instantly made his mind up to get out of there。
   〃Got any more of that joyjuice?〃 Sergeant Ferkel asked when Bill dropped onto his bunk and began to scrape some of the mud from his boots with the blade of his knife。 Bill took a quick slash at a plant ing up through the floorboards before he answered。
  〃Do you think you could spare me a moment to give me some advice; Sergeant?〃
   〃I am a flowing fountain of advice once my throat is lubricated。〃
   Bill dug a bottle out of his pocket。 〃How do you get out of this outfit?〃 he asked。
   〃You get killed;〃 the sergeant told him as he raised the bottle to his lips。 Bill snatched it out of his hand。
   〃That I know without your help;〃 he snarled。
  〃Well that's all you gonna know without my help;〃 the sergeant snarled back。
   Their noses were touching and they growled at each other deep in their throats。 Having proven just where they stood and just how tough they both were they relaxed; and Sergeant Ferkel leaned back while Bill sighed and passed him the bottle。
  〃How's about a job in the orderly room?〃 Bill asked。
   〃We don't have an orderly room。 We don't have any records。 Everyone sent here gets killed sooner or later; so who tares exactly when。〃
  〃What about getting wounded?〃
   〃Get sent to the hospital; get well; get sent back here。〃
  〃The only thing left to do is mutiny!〃 Bill shouted。
   〃Didn't work last four times we tried it。 They just pulled the supply ships out and didn't give us any food until we agreed to start fighting again。 Wrong chemistry here; all the food on this planet is pure poison for our metabolisms。 We had a couple of guys prove it the hard way。 Any mutiny that is going to succeed has to grab enough ships first so we can get off…planet。 If you got any good ideas about that I'll put you in touch with the Permanent Mutiny mittee。〃
  〃Isn't there any way to get out?〃
   〃I anshered that firsht;〃 Ferkel told him; and fell over stone drunk。
  〃I'll see for myself;〃 Bill said as he slid。 the sergeant's pistol from his holster; then slipped out the back door。
  Armored floodlights lit up the forward positions facing the enemy; and Bill went in the opposite direction; toward the distant white flares of landing rockets。 Barracks and warehouses were dotted about on the boggy ground; but Bill stayed clear of them since they were all guarded; and the guards had itchy trigger fingers。 They fired at anything they saw; anything they heard; and if they didn't see or hear anything they fired once in a while anyway just to keep their morale up。 Lights were burning brightly ahead; and Bill crawled forward on his stomach to peer from behind a rank growth at a tall; floodlighted fence of barbed wire that stretched out of sight in both directions。
  A burst from an atomic rifle burned a hole in the 'Mud about a yard behind him; and a searchlight swung over; catching him full in its glare。 
  〃Greetings from your manding officer;〃 an amplified voice thundered from loudspeakers on the fence。 〃This is a recorded announcement。 You are now attempting to leave the bat zone and enter the restricted headquarters zone。 This is forbidden。 Your presence has been detected by automatic machinery; and these same devices now have a number of guns trained upon you。 They will fire in sixty seconds if you do not leave。 Be patriotic; marl Do your duty。 Death to the Chingers! Fifty…five seconds。 Would you like your mother to know that her boy is a coward? Fifty seconds。 Your Emperor has invested a lot of money in your trainingis this the way that you repay him? Forty…five seconds 。 。 。〃
   Bill cursed and shot up the nearest loudspeaker; but the voice continued from others down the length of the fence。 He turned and went back the way he had e。   As he neared his barracks; skirting the front line to avoid the fire from the
nervous guards in the buildings; all the lights went out。 At the same time gunfire and bomb explosions broke out on every side。 


  Something slithered close by in the mud and Bill's trigger finger spontaneously contracted and he shot it。 In the brief atomic flare he saw the smoking remains of a dead Venian; as well as an unusually large number of live Venians squelching to the attack。 Bill dived aside instantly; so that their return fire missed him; and fled in the opposite direction。 His only thought was to save his skin; and this he did by getting as far from the firing and the attacking enemy as he could。 That this direction happened to be into the trackless swamp he did not consider at the time。 Survive; his shivering little ego screamed; and he ran on。 
  Running became difficult when the ground turned to mud; and even more difficult when the mud gave way to open water。 After paddling desperately for an interminable length of time Bill came to more mud。 The first hysteria had now
passed; the firing was only a dull rumble in the distance; and he was exhausted。 He dropped onto the mudbank and instantly sharp teeth sank deep into his buttocks。 Screaming hoarsely; he ran on until he ran into a tree。 He wasn't going fast enough to hurt himself; and the feel of rough bark under his fingers brought out all of his eoanthropic survival instincts: he climbed。 High up there were two branches that forked out from the trunk; and be wedged himself into the crotch; back to the solid wood and gun pointed straight ahead and ready。 Nothing bothered him now。 The night sounds grew dim and distant; the' blackness was plete; and within a few minutes his head started to nod。 He dragged it back up a few times; blinked about at nothing; then finally slept。
  It was the first gray light of dawn; when he opened his gummy eyes and blinked around。 There was a little lizard perched on a nearby branch watching him with jewellike eyes。
  〃Gee…you were really sacked out;〃 the Chinger said。
   Bill's shot tore a smoking scar in the top of the branch; then the Chinger swung back up from underneath and meticulously wiped bits of ash from his paws。
  〃Easy on the trigger; Bill;〃 it said。 〃Gee…I could have killed you anytime during the night if I had wanted to。〃
  〃I know you;〃 Bill said hoarsely。 〃You're Eager Beager; aren't you?〃
   〃Gee…this is just like old home week; isn't it?〃 A centipede was scuttling by; and Eager Beager the Chinger grabbed it up with three of his arms and began pulling off legs with his fourth and eating them。 〃I recognized you Bill; and wanted to talk to you。 I have been feeling bad ever since I called you a stoolie; that wasn't right of me。 You were only doing your duty when you turned me in。 You 

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