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小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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go into retreat at the close of their lives; far from the stratagems and turbulence that none but sisters ever knew。 Far from everyone; often as not。 Who could say what befell them before the end? One look at the clear; steady gaze regarding her over that teacup quickly disabused her of any such notion。 Anyway; twenty…year…old vileness; whatever it had been; certainly could not hold a candle to what the world confronted now。 And Cadsuane still had not answered her original questions。 What did she intend? And why now?
   Before Merana could ask again; the door opened and Bera and Kiruna were herded in by Corele Hovian; a boyishly slim Yellow with thick black eyebrows and a mass of raven hair that gave her something of a wild appearance no matter how neatly she dressed; and she always dressed for a country dance; with masses of embroidery on her sleeves and bodice and up the sides of her skirts。 There was barely room to move; with so many people in this confined space。 Corele never failed to seem amused; whatever happened; but now she wore a wide smile somewhere between disbelief and outright laughter。 Kiruna's eyes flashed in a face of frozen arrogance; while Bera fumed; mouth tight and forehead creased。 Until they saw Cadsuane。 Merana supposed that for them; it must be as if she had found herself face to face with Alind Dyfelle or Sevlana Meseau or even Mabriam en Shereed。 Their eyes bulged。 Kiruna's jaw dropped。
   〃I thought you were dead;〃 Bera breathed。
   Cadsuane sniffed irritably。 〃I am growing tired of hearing that。 The next imbecile I hear it from is going to yelp for a week。〃 Annoura began studying the toes of her slippers。
   〃You'll never guess where I found these two;〃 Corele said in her lilting Murandian accent。 She tapped the side of her upturned nose; the way she did when about to tell a joke; or what she saw as one。 Spots of color appeared in Bera's cheeks; and larger in Kiruna's。 〃Bera there was sitting meek as a mouse under the eyes of half a dozen of those Aiel wilders; who told me bold as you please that she couldn't e with me until Sorilea … oh; now that woman's a harridan to give you nightmares; she is … I couldn't have Bera until Sorilea was done with her private chat with the other apprentice。 Our darling Kiruna; there。〃
   It was no longer a matter of spots。 Kiruna and Bera reddened to their hair; refusing to meet anyone's eye。 Even Daigian stared at them。
   Relief surged through Merana in wonderful waves。 She would not have to be the one to explain how the Wise Ones had interpreted that wretched al'Thor's orders that the sisters were to obey them。 They were not really apprentices; there were no lessons involved; of course。 What could a great lot of wilders; savages at that; teach Aes Sedai? It was just that the Wise Ones liked to know where everyone fit。 Just? Bera or Kiruna could tell how al'Thor had laughed … laughed! … and said it made no difference to him and he expected them to be obedient pupils。 No one was having an easy time bending her neck; least of all Kiruna。
   Yet Cadsuane did not demand explanations。 〃I expected a dog's dinner;〃 she said dryly; 〃but not a bucket from the midden。 Let me see if I have the straight of it。 You children who stand in rebellion against a lawfully raised Amyrlin have now somehow associated yourselves with the al'Thor boy; and if you are taking orders from these Aiel women; I assume you take his as well。〃 Her grunt was disgusted enough for a mouthful of rotten plums。 Shaking her head; she peered into her teacup; then fixed the pair again。 〃Well; what's one treason more or less? The Hall can put you on your knees from here to Tarmon Gai'don for penance; but they can only take your heads once。 What of the rest; out in the Aiel camp? All Elaida's; I suppose。 Have they also。。。 apprenticed。。。 themselves? None of us have been allowed as close as the first row of tents。 These Aiel seem to have no love of Aes Sedai。〃
   〃I do not know; Cadsuane;〃 Kiruna answered; so red…faced she appeared about to catch fire。 〃We have been kept apart。〃 Merana's eyes widened。 She had never before heard Kiruna sound deferential。
   Bera; on the other hand; drew a deep breath。 She already stood straight; yet she seemed to straighten herself for an unpleasant task。 〃Elaida is not … 〃 she began heatedly。
   〃Elaida is overambitious; as near as I can make out;〃 Cadsuane broke in; leaning forward so abruptly that Merana and Annoura both started back on the bed; though she was not looking at them; 〃and she may be a catastrophe simmering; but she is still the Amyrlin Seat; raised by the Hall of the Tower in full accordance with the laws of the Tower。〃
   〃If Elaida is a lawful Amyrlin; why have you not obeyed her order to return?〃 All that betrayed Bera's lack of posure was the stillness of her hands on her skirts。 Only a marked effort to keep from clutching or smoothing could hold them so motionless。
   〃So one of you has a little backbone。〃 Cadsuane laughed softly; but her eyes did not look mirthful at all。 Leaning back; she sipped her tea。 〃Now sit down。 I have a great many more questions。〃
   Merana and Annoura rose; offering their places on the bed; but Kiruna simply stood peering at Cadsuane worriedly; and Bera glanced at her friend; then shook her head。 Corele rolled her blue eyes; grinning broadly for some reason; but Cadsuane did not seem to care。
   〃Half the rumors I hear;〃 she said; 〃concern the Forsaken being loose。 It would hardly be a surprise; with all else; but do you have any evidence; for or against?〃
   Before very long; Merana was glad to be sitting; before very long; she knew what laundry felt going through the laundress's mangle。 Cadsuane did all the questioning; dodging from topic to topic so you never knew what was ing next。 Corele held her peace except for chuckling now and then or shaking her head; and Daigian did not even do that; of course。 Merana caught the worst; her and Bera and Kiruna; yet Annoura was certainly not spared。 Every time Berelain's advisor relaxed; thinking she was in the clear; Cadsuane skewered her anew。
   The woman wanted to know everything; from the al'Thor boy's authority with the Aiel to why a Sea Folk Wavemistress was anchored in the river; from whether Moiraine truly was dead to whether the boy really had rediscovered Traveling and whether Berelain had bedded him or had any intention of it。 What Cadsuane thought of the answers was impossible to say; except once; when she learned that Alanna had bonded al'Thor; and how。 Her mouth pressed to a thin line and she frowned a hole though the wall; but while everyone else expressed disgust; Merana thought of Cadsuane saying she had considered taking another Warder herself。
   The answer was ignorance entirely too often to suit; but saying you did not know failed to quench Cadsuane's appetite; she required every last shred and particle you did know; even if you did not know you knew it。 They managed to keep a little back; most of what had to be kept back; yet a few surprising things came out that way; some very surprising; even from Annoura; who; it turned out; had been receiving detailed letters from Berelain almost from the day the girl rode north。 Cadsuane demanded answers; but gave none; and that worried Merana。 She watched faces grow dogged and defensive and apologetic; and wondered whether her own looked the same。
   〃Cadsuane。〃 She had to make one more effort。 〃Cadsuane; why have you decided to take an interest in him now?〃 An unblinking gaze met hers for a moment; then Cadsuane turned her attention to Bera and Kiruna。
   〃So they actually managed to kidnap him right out of the palace;〃 the gray…haired woman said; holding out her empty cup for Daigian to refill。 No one else had been offered tea。 Cadsuane's expression and tone were so neutral that Merana wanted to tear her own hair。 Al'Thor would not be pleased if he learned Kiruna had revealed the kidnapping; however inadvertently; Cadsuane used any slip of your tongue to pry out more than you meant to say。 At least the details of his treatment had not e out。 He had made plain how displeased he would be if that happened。 Merana thanked the Light that the woman was not stayin

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