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小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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away for the dancing。 This early; no one else was about; except for a skinny girl in a white apron; sweeping halfheartedly with a brush…broom。 She might have been pretty if her mouth had not seemed set in a constant pout。 There was surprisingly little mess; considering that inns were supposed to be riotous; even licentious; during festivals。 A part of her wished she could have seen it; though。
   〃Could you direct me to Master Cauthon's rooms?〃 she asked the skinny girl with a smile; proffering two silver pennies。 Nynaeve sniffed。 She was tight as the skin on a fresh apple; she had given the beggar one copper!
   The girl eyed them sullenly … and surprisingly; the coins as well … and mumbled something sour that sounded like; 〃A gilded woman last night and ladies this morning。〃 She gave directions grudgingly。 For a moment Elayne thought she intended to scorn the pennies; but on the point of turning away; the girl snatched the silver from her hand without so much as a word of thanks; pausing only to tuck them into the neck of her dress; of all places; before she set to swinging her broom as if to beat the floor to death。 Perhaps she had a pocket sewn in there。
   〃You see;〃 Nynaeve grumbled under her breath。 〃You mark me; he tried to push his attentions on that young woman。 That's the sort of man you want me to apologize to。〃
   Elayne said nothing; only led the way up the railless steps at the back of the room。 If Nynaeve did not stop plaining。。。 The first hallway on the right; the girl had said; and the last door on the left; but in front of it; she hesitated; biting her lower lip。
   Nynaeve brightened。 〃You see it's a bad idea now; don't you? We aren't Aiel; Elayne。 I like the girl well enough; for all she's forever fondling that knife of hers; but just think of the absolute drivel she talked。 It's impossible。 You must know it is。〃
   〃We did not agree to anything impossible; Nynaeve。〃 Keeping her voice firm took an effort。 Some of what Aviendha had suggested; apparently in all seriousness。。。 She actually had suggested letting the man switch them! 〃What we did agree to is quite possible。〃 Barely。 She rapped loudly on the paneled door with her knuckles。 There was a fish carved on the door; a round thing with stripes and a snout。 All of the doors had different carvings; most of fish。 There was no answer。
   Nynaeve puffed out a breath she must have been holding。 〃Perhaps he has gone out。 We'll just have to e back another time。〃
   〃At this hour?〃 She rapped once more。 〃You say he always lies abed when he can。〃 Still no sound from inside。
   〃Elayne; if Birgitte is any indication; Mat got himself juicy as a fiddler last night。 He won't thank us for waking him。 Why don't we just go away and … 〃
   Elayne lifted the latch and went in。 Nynaeve followed with a sigh that could have been heard back in the Palace。
   Mat Cauthon was sprawled on his bed atop the knitted red coverlet; a folded cloth lying over his eyes and dripping onto the pillow。 The room was not very tidy despite the absence of dust。 A boot stood on the washstand … the washstand! … next to a white basin full of unused water; the stand…mirror sat askew; as if he had stumbled into it and simply left it tilted back sharply; and his wrinkled coat lay tossed across a ladder…back chair。 He wore everything else; including that black scarf he seemed never to take off; and the other boot。 The silver foxhead dangled from his unlaced shirt。
   The medallion made her fingers itch。 If he really was lying there sodden with drink; she might be able to remove it unfelt。 One way or another; she intended to find out how the thing absorbed the Power。 Finding out how almost anything worked was a fascination to her; but that foxhead was all the puzzles in the world rolled into one。
   Nynaeve caught her sleeve and jerked her head toward the door; silently mouthing 〃asleep〃 and something else she could not make out。 Probably another plea to go。
   〃Leave me alone; Nerim;〃 he mumbled suddenly。 〃I told you before; I don't want anything but a new skull。 And close the door softly; or I'll pin your ears to it。〃
   Nynaeve jumped; and tried to pull her toward the door; but she stood her ground。 〃It is not Nerim; Master Cauthon。〃
   Raising his head from the pillow; he used both hands to lift the cloth a trifle and squinted at them with reddened eyes。
   Grinning; Nynaeve made no effort at all to hide her pleasure at his wretched state。 What Elayne could not understand at first was why she wanted to grin; too。 Her one experience with drinking too much had left her with nothing but pity and sympathy for anyone so snared。 In the back of her mind she felt Birgitte's head throbbing still; and it came to her。 Certainly she could not like Birgitte drowning herself in drink; whatever the reason; but neither could she like the thought that anyone could do anything at all better than her first Warder。 A ridiculous thought。 Embarrassing。 But satisfying; too。
   〃What are you doing here?〃 he demanded hoarsely; then winced and lowered his voice。 〃It's the middle of the night。〃
   〃It's morning;〃 Nynaeve said sharply。 〃Don't you remember talking with Birgitte?〃
   〃Could you not be so loud?〃 he whispered; closing his eyes。 The next instant; they popped open again。 〃Birgitte?〃 Sitting up abruptly; he swung his legs over the side of the bed。 For a time he just sat there; peering at the floorboards; elbows on his knees and the medallion swinging from its thong around his neck。 At last he turned his head to look at them balefully。 Or perhaps his eyes just made it seem so。 〃What did she tell you?〃
   〃She informed us of your demands; Master Cauthon;〃 Elayne said formally。 This must be how it felt to stand before the headsman's block; there was nothing for it but to keep her head high and face whatever came proudly。 〃I wish to thank you from my heart for rescuing me from the Stone of Tear。〃 There; she had begun; and it had not hurt。 Not very much。
   Nynaeve stood there; glowering; her lips growing tighter and tighter。 The woman was not going to leave her to do this alone。 Elayne embraced the Source almost before she thought; and channeled a thin flow of Air that flicked Nynaeve's earlobe like a snapping finger。 The woman clapped a hand to her ear and glowered; but Elayne simply turned coolly back to Master Cauthon and waited。
   〃I thank you; too;〃 Nynaeve mumbled sullenly at last。 〃From the heart。〃
   Elayne rolled her eyes in spite of herself。 Well; he had asked them to speak more softly。 And he did seem to hear。 Strangely; he shrugged with embarrassment。
   〃Oh; that。 It was nothing。 Likely thing; you'd have gotten yourself free in another tick without me。〃 His head sank to his hands; and he pressed the damp cloth to his eyes once more。 〃On your way out; would you ask Caira to bring me some wine…punch? A slender girl; pretty; with a warm eye。〃
   Elayne quivered。 Nothing? The man demanded an apology; she humbled herself to give it; and now it was nothing? He was not deserving of sympathy or pity! She still held saidar; and she considered thumping him with a much thicker flow than she had used on Nynaeve。 Not that that would do any good so long as he wore the foxhead。 Then again; it hung loose; not touching him。 Did it offer the same protection when it was not。。。?
   Nynaeve ended her speculation by lunging for him; fingers clawed。 Elayne managed to put herself between them and seize the other woman by the shoulders。 For a stretched moment they stood nose…to…nose except for the difference in their heights; with a grimace; Nynaeve finally relaxed; and Elayne felt it was safe to release her。
   The man still had his head bowed; all unaware。 Whether the medallion protected him or not; she could snatch his bowstave from the corner and beat him till he howled。 She felt heat rise in her face: She had stopped Nynaeve from ruining everything; only to think of ruining it herself。 Worse; by the smirky; self…satisfied little smile the other woman gave her; she knew very well what had been in her head。
   〃There is more; Master Cauthon;〃 she announced; squaring her shoulders。 The smile vanished from Nynaeve's face。 〃

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