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小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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s what she meant。 According to her; drunkenness was not the only excuse he could find for lying in bed till all hours; far from it。
   〃Besides;〃 Elayne added; 〃that way; you can keep an eye on us。〃 Nynaeve made a sound in her throat; very close to a groan。 Did she not see that he must be enticed? It was not as if she had promised to actually allow him to keep an eye on them。
   He seemed not to have heard her or Nynaeve。 Haggard eyes stared right through her。 〃Why did they bloody well have to stop now?〃 he moaned; so softly she barely heard。 What under the Light did he mean by that?
   〃The rooms are fit for a king; Master。。。 Mat。 Tylin herself chose them; just down from her own。 She has taken a very personal interest。 Mat; you wouldn't have us offend the Queen; would you?〃
   One look at his face; and Elayne hurriedly channeled to push open the window and empty the washbasin through it。 If she had ever seen a man about to lose the contents of his stomach; he was staring red…eyed at her right that minute。
   〃I don't see why you're making such a fuss;〃 she said。 Actually; she supposed she did。 Some of the serving women here probably let him paw them; but she doubted many in the palace would; if any。 He would not be able to drink and gamble his nights away; either。 Tylin surely would not allow a bad example for Beslan。 〃We all must make sacrifices。〃 With an effort she stopped there; not telling him that his was small and only right; theirs monstrous and unjust; no matter what Aviendha said。 Nynaeve had certainly railed against any sacrifice。
   He put his head in his hands again; making strangled noises while his shoulders shook。 He was laughing! She hefted the basin on a flow of Air; considering hitting him with it。 When he raised his eyes again; though; he looked outraged for some reason。 〃Sacrifices?〃 he snarled。 〃If I asked you to make the same; you'd box every ear in sight and pull the roof down on my head!〃 Could he still be drunk?
   She decided to ignore his frightful glare。 〃Speaking of your head; if you would like Healing; I'm sure Nynaeve would oblige。〃 If she had ever been angry enough to channel; she was now。
   Nynaeve gave a small jerk and glanced at her from the corner of one eye。 〃Of course;〃 she said hurriedly。 〃If you want。〃 The color in her cheeks confirmed all of Elayne's suspicions about that morning。
   Gracious as ever; he sneered。 〃You just forget my head。 I do very well without Aes Sedai。〃 And then; just to confuse matters she was sure; he added in a hesitant voice; 〃I thank you for asking; though。〃 Almost as if he meant it!
   Elayne managed not to gape。 Her knowledge of men was limited to Rand and what Lini and her mother had told her。 Was Rand going to be as confusing as Mat Cauthon?
   Last thing before going; she remembered to secure a promise that he would start moving to the palace immediately。 He kept his word once given; so Nynaeve had made clear; however reluctantly; but leave one crack; and he could find a hundred ways to slip through。 That she had been all too eager to emphasize。 He gave his promise with a bleak; resentful grimace; or maybe that was just his eyes again。 When she set the basin down at his feet; he actually looked grateful。 She would not feel sympathy。 She would not。
   Once back in the corridor; with the door to Mat's room closed; Nynaeve shook her fist at the ceiling。 〃That man could try the patience of a stone! I'm glad he wants to cuddle with his head! Do you hear me? Glad! He will make trouble。 He will。〃
   〃You two will make more trouble for him than he ever could。〃 The speaker stalked down the hall toward them; a woman with a touch of gray in her hair; a strong face and a manding voice。 She also wore a frown little short of a scowl。 Despite the marriage knife hanging into her cleavage; she was too fair for an Ebou Dari。 〃I couldn't believe it when Caira told me。 I doubt I've ever seen so much foolishness poured into just two dresses。〃
   Elayne eyed the woman up and down。 Not even as a novice had she gotten used to being addressed in that tone。 〃And who might you be; my good woman?〃
   〃I might be and am Setalle Anan; the owner of this inn; child〃 was the dry reply; and with that; the woman flung open a door across the hallway; seized them each by an arm; and hustled them through so fast Elayne thought her slippers had left the floor。
   〃You seem under some misapprehension; Mistress Anan;〃 she said coolly as the woman released them to shut the door。
   Nynaeve was in no mood for niceties。 Holding her hand so her Great Serpent ring was plain; she said heatedly; 〃Now; you look here … 〃
   〃Very pretty;〃 the woman said; and pushed each of them so hard they found themselves sitting side…by…side on the bed。 Elayne's eyes popped in disbelief。 This Anan woman confronted them; grim…faced; fists on her hips; for all the world like a mother about to castigate her daughters。 〃Flaunting that just shows how silly you are。 That young man will dandle you on his knee … one on each; I shouldn't wonder; if you allow … he'll take a few kisses and as much else as you're willing to give; but he won't harm you。 You can harm him; though; if you keep on with this。〃
   Harm him? The woman thought they … she thought he had dandled … she thought … Elayne did not know whether to laugh or cry; but she stood up; straightening her skirts。 〃As I said; Mistress Anan; you are under a misapprehension。〃 Her voice became smoother as she went on; confusion giving way to calm。 〃I am Elayne Trakand; Daughter…Heir of Andor and Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah。 I don't know what you think … 〃 Her eyes nearly crossed as Mistress Anan pushed a finger to the tip of her nose。
   〃Elayne; if that is your name; all that keeps me from dragging you down to the kitchen and washing your mouth out; yours and that other foolish girl's there; is the possibility that you actually can channel somewhat。 Or are you silly enough to wear that ring when you can't even do that? I warn you; it will make no difference to the sisters over in the Tarasin Palace。 Do you even know about them? If you do; frankly; you are not foolish; you're blind stupid。〃
   Elayne's temper grew by the word。 Foolish girl? Blind stupid? She would not put up with it; especially not right after being forced to crawl to Mat Cauthon。 Dandle? Mat Cauthon? She maintained her outward posure; though; but not so Nynaeve。
   She glared in a fury; and the glow of saidar enveloped her as she bounded to her feet。 Flows of Air wrapped mistress Anan from shoulders to ankles; crushing her skirts and petticoats against her legs; just short of tight enough to topple her。 〃I happen to be one of those sisters in the palace。 Nynaeve al'Meara of the Yellow Ajah; to be exact。 Now would you like me to carry you down to the kitchens? I know something of how to wash out a mouth。〃 Elayne stepped away from the innkeeper's outstretched arm。
   The woman had to feel the pressure of the flows; and even a half…wit would have known what those invisible bonds must be; yet she did not blink! Her green…flecked eyes narrowed; no more。 〃So one of you can channel; at least;〃 she said calmly。 〃I should let you drag me downstairs; child。 Whatever you do to me; you would be in the hands of real Aes Sedai by noon; I'll wager that。〃
   〃Didn't you hear me?〃 Nynaeve demanded。 〃I … !〃
   The Anan woman did not even pause。 〃You'll not only spend the next year blubbering; you will do part of it in front of anyone you told that you are Aes Sedai。 Be sure; they'll make you tell。 They will turn your liver to water。 I should let you go blundering on your way; or else run across to the palace as soon as you loose me。 The only reason I don't is that they'll make an example of Lord Mat nearly as much as of you; if they even suspect he's helped you; and as I said; I like the young man。〃
   〃I'm telling you … 〃 Nynaeve tried again; but still the innkeeper gave her no chance to tell anything。 Tied like a bundle; the woman was a boulder rolling downhill。 She was the whole hillside falling; flattening whatever lay in its path。
   〃Trying to keep up the lie does no good; Nynaeve。 You look to be; oh; twenty…one give or t

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