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小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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   Mat Cauthon; his name boiled in her head。 Nynaeve stumbled over her own feet and let go of her braid to lift her skirts。 The alley was hardly as smooth as a paved square much less a palace floor。 At times; Elayne in a taking was better than Elayne thinking clearly。 〃Remarkable;〃 she muttered。 〃I'll 'remarkable' her till her eyes cross。 No one has ever treated us this way; Elayne; not even people who doubted; not even the Sea Folk。 Most people would step wary if a ten…year…old said she was Aes Sedai。〃
   〃Most people don't really know what an Aes Sedai's face looks like; Nynaeve。 I think she went to the Tower once; she knows things she couldn't; otherwise。〃
   Nynaeve snorted; glowering at the back of the woman striding ahead。 Setalle Anan might have been to the Tower ten times; a hundred; but she was going to acknowledge Nynaeve al'Meara as Aes Sedai。 And apologize。 And learn what it was like to be hauled about by her ear; too! Mistress Anan glanced back; and Nynaeve flashed her a rigid smile; nodded as if her neck 。was a hinge。 〃Elayne? If these women do know where the Bowl is。。。 We don't have to tell Mat how we found it〃 That was not quite a question。
   〃I do not see why;〃 Elayne replied; then dashed all her hopes by adding; 〃But I'll have to ask Aviendha to be sure。〃
   If she had not thought the Anan woman might abandon them on the spot; Nynaeve would have screamed。
   The wandering alley gave way to a street; and there was no talking then to amount to anything。 The sun's thin rim glared blindingly above the rooftops ahead; Elayne shaded her eyes with one hand very ostentatiously。 Nynaeve refused to。 It was not that bad。 She barely had to squint at all; really。 A clear blue sky mocked her weather sense; that still told her a storm was right on top of the city。
   Even this early a few brightly lacquered coaches were about in the winding streets; and a double fistful of brighter sedan chairs; two or sometimes four barefoot bearers in green…and…red striped vests to each; trotting because they carried passengers hidden behind the grilled wooden screens。 Carts and wagons rumbled over the paving stones; and people began to fill the streets as shop doors opened and awnings went up; vested apprentices hurrying on errands and men with great rolled carpets balanced on their shoulders; tumblers and jugglers and musicians readying themselves at likely corners and hawkers with their trays of pins or ribbons or shabby fruit。 The open…sided fish…and meat…markets had long since been in full cry; all the fishmongers were women; and most of the butchers; too; except those dealing in beef。
   Dodging through the crowds; past the coaches and sedan chairs and wagons that seemed to think they had no reason to slow; Mistress Anan set a fast pace to make up for interruptions。 There were plenty of those。 She seemed to be a well…known woman; hailed by shopkeepers and craftsmen and other innkeepers standing in their doorways。 The shopkeepers and craftsmen received a few words; a pleasant nod; but she always stopped to chat a moment with the innkeepers。 After the first; Nynaeve wished fervently that she would not again; after the second; she prayed for it。 After the third she stared straight ahead and tried in vain not to hear。 Elayne's face grew tighter and tighter; colder and colder; her chin rose till it was a wonder she could see to walk。
   There was a reason; Nynaeve had to admit grudgingly。 In Ebou Dar; someone wearing silk might stroll the length of a square; maybe; but no further。 Everybody else in sight wore wool or linen; seldom with much embroidery; except for an occasional beggar who had acquired a cast…off silk garment; frayed on every edge and more hole than cloth。 She just wished Mistress Anan had chosen some other explanation for why she was leading the pair of them through the streets。 She wished she did not have to listen one more time to a tale of two flighty girls who had spent all their money on fine clothes to impress a man。 Mat came out of it well; burn him。 A fine young fellow; if Mistress Anan had not been married; a beautiful dancer with just a touch of the rogue。 All of the women laughed。 Not her or Elayne; though。 Not the brainless little honeykissers … that was the word she used; Nynaeve could guess what it meant! … Honeykissers; penniless from chasing after a man and their purses full of brass bits and tin to fool fools; witless loobies who would have been reduced to beggary or theft had Mistress Anan not known someone who might give them work in the kitchen。
   〃She doesn't have to stop at every inn in the city;〃 Nynaeve growled as she stalked away from The Stranded Goose; three broad stories with an innkeeper who wore large garnets at her ears despite the humble name。 Mistress Anan hardly even glanced back to see they followed; now。 〃Do you realize we'll never be able to show our own faces in any of those places!〃
   〃I suspect that is exactly the point。〃 Every word out of Elayne's mouth was chipped from ice。 〃Nynaeve; if you've sent us running after a wild pig。。。 〃 There was no need to plete the threat。 With Birgitte and Aviendha to help; and they would; Elayne could make her life miserable until she was satisfied。
   〃They will take us right to the Bowl;〃 she insisted; flapping her hands to shoo a beggar with a horrible purple scar that obliterated one eye; she could recognize flour paste dyed with bluewort when she saw it。 〃I know they will。〃 Elayne sniffed in an offensively expressive manner。
   Nynaeve lost count of the number of bridges they crossed; large and small; with barges poling beneath。 The sun climbed its own height above the rooftops; then twice。 The Anan woman did not follow even so straight a line as she might have … she really did seem to be going out of her way to find inns … but they continued generally east; and Nynaeve thought they must be nearing the river when the hazel…eyed woman suddenly rounded on them。
   〃You watch your tongues; now。 Speak when you're spoken to and not else。 You embarrass me; and。。。 〃 With a final frown and a mutter half under her breath that she was probably making a mistake; she jerked her head for them to follow again; to a flat…roofed house right opposite。
   It was not a large house; two stories without one balcony; cracked plaster and brick showing in several places; and hardly in an agreeable location; with the loud rattling of a weaver's looms to one side and the acrid stinks of a dyer's shop to the other。 A maid answered the door; though; a graying woman with a square jaw; shoulders like a blacksmith; and a steely eye unsoftened by the sweat on her face。 As Nynaeve followed Mistress Anan in; she smiled。 Somewhere in that house; a woman was channeling。
   The square…jawed maid obviously knew Setalle Anan on sight; but her reaction was odd。 She curtsied with a very real respect; yet she was plainly surprised to see her; and obviously doubtful about her being there。 She almost fluttered before letting them in。 Nynaeve and Elayne were greeted with no ambivalence; though。 They were shown to a sitting room one flight up; and the maid told them firmly;
   〃Don't stir a toe and don't touch anything; or you'll catch the old what…for;〃 then vanished。
   Nynaeve looked at Elayne。
   〃Nynaeve; one woman channeling doesn't mean … 〃 The feel changed; swelling for a moment; then subsiding; lower than before。 〃Even two women doesn't mean anything;〃 Elayne protested; but she sounded doubtful。 〃That was the most ill…mannered maid I've ever seen。〃 She took a tall…backed red chair; and after a moment Nynaeve sat too; but she perched on the edge。 From eagerness; not nerves。 Not nerves at all。
   The room was not grand; but the blue…and…white floor tiles glistened; and the pale green walls looked freshly painted。 No trace of gilt showed anywhere; of course; yet fine carving covered the red chairs arrayed along the walls and several small tables of a darker blue than the tiles。 The lamps hanging from sconces were clearly brass; polished till they shone。 Carefully arranged evergreen branches filled the swept hearth; and the lintel above the fireplace was carved; not plain stonework。 The carving seemed an odd cho

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