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小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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nework。 The carving seemed an odd choice … what people around Ebou Dar called the Thirteen Sins; a man with eyes that nearly filled his whole face for Envy; a fellow with his tongue hanging to his ankles for Gossip; a snarling; sharp…toothed man clutching coins to his chest for Greed; and so on … but all in all; it satisfied her very much。 Whoever could afford that room could afford fresh plaster outside; and the only reason not to put it up was to keep low; avoiding notice。
   The maid had left the door open; and suddenly voices ing up the hall drifted through。
   〃I cannot believe you brought them here。〃 The speaker's tone was tight with incredulity and anger。 〃You know how careful we are; Setalle。 You know more than you should; and you surely know that。〃
   〃I am very sorry; Reanne;〃 Mistress Anan answered stiffly。 〃I suppose I didn't think。 I。。。 submit myself; both to stand surety for these girls' behavior and to your judgment。〃
   〃Of course not!〃 Reanne's tone was high with shock; now。 〃That is to say。。。 I mean; you shouldn't have; but。。。 Setalle; I apologize for raising my voice。 Say you forgive me。〃
   〃You have no reason to apologize; Reanne。〃 The innkeeper managed to sound rueful and reluctant at the same time。 〃I did wrong to bring them。〃
   〃No; no; Setalle。 I shouldn't have spoken to you so。 Please; you must forgive me。 Please do。〃
   The Anan woman and Reanne Corly entered the sitting room; and Nynaeve blinked in surprise。 From the exchange; she had expected someone younger than Setalle Anan; but Reanne had hair more gray than not and a face full of what might have been smile lines; though they were creased in worry now。 Why would the older woman humble herself so to the younger; and why would the younger allow it; however halfheartedly? Customs were different here; the Light knew; some more different than she liked to think about; yet not this much; surely。 Of course; she had never gone very far toward being humble with the Women's Circle back home; but this。。。
   Of course; Reanne could channel … she had expected that; hoped for it; anyway … but she had not expected the strength。 Reanne was not as strong as Elayne; or even Nicola … burn that wretched girl! … but she easily equaled Sheriam; say; or Kwamesa or Kiruna。 Not many women possessed so much strength; and for all she herself bettered it by a fair margin; she was surprised to find it here。 The woman must be one of the wilders; the Tower would have found a way to keep its hands on a woman like this if they had to hold her in a novice dress her whole life。
   Nynaeve rose as they came through the doorway; smoothing her skirts。 Not from nervousness; certainly; certainly not。 Oh; but if only this came out right。。。
   Reanne's sharp blue eyes studied the two of them with the air of someone who had just found a pair of pigs in her kitchen; fresh from the sty and dripping mud。 She dabbed at her face with a tiny handkerchief; though the interior of the house was cooler than outside。 〃I suppose we'll have to do something with them;〃 she murmured; 〃if they are what they claim。〃 Her voice was quite high even now; musical and almost youthful。 As she finished speaking she gave a small start for some reason and eyed the innkeeper sideways; which set off another round of Mistress Anan's reluctant apologies and Mistress Corly's flustered attempts to deflect them。 In Ebou Dar; when folk were truly being polite; apologies back and forth could flow for an hour。
   Elayne had risen too; wearing a slightly fixed smile。 She raised an eyebrow at Nynaeve; cupped her elbow in one hand and laid a finger against her cheek。
   Nynaeve cleared her throat。 〃Mistress Corly; my name is Nynaeve al'Meara; and this is Elayne Trakand。 We are looking for … 〃
   〃Setalle has told me all about you;〃 the blue…eyed woman cut in ominously。 However many gray hairs on her head; Nynaeve suspected she was also hard as a stone fence。 〃Abide with patience; girl; and I'll deal with you directly。〃 She turned back to Setalle; blotting her cheeks with the handkerchief。 Barely suppressed diffidence once more tinged her voice。 〃Setalle; if you will please excuse me; I must question these girls; and … 〃
   〃Look who is returned after all these years;〃 a short; stout woman in her middle years blurted as she barged into the room; nodding at her panion。 Despite her red…belted Ebou Dari dress and a tanned face that glistened damply; her accents were pure Cairhienin。 Her equally sweaty panion; in the dark; plainly cut woolens of a merchant; was a head taller; no older than Nynaeve; with dark tilted eyes; a strongly hooked nose; and a wide mouth。 〃It's Garenia! She … 〃 The flow of words terminated abruptly in confusion as the stout woman realized others were present。
   Reanne clasped her hands as if in prayer; or perhaps because she wanted to hit someone。 〃Berowin;〃 she said with an edge; 〃one day you will run right off a cliff before you see it under your feet。〃
   〃I am sorry; Eld…〃 Blushing; the Cairhienin lowered her eyes。 The Saldaean became intent on fiddling with a circle of red stones pinned at her breast。
   For Nynaeve's part; she gave Elayne a triumphant look。 Both newers could channel; and saidar was still being wielded somewhere in the house。 Two more; and while Berowin was not very strong; Garenia stood even above Reanne; she could match Lelaine or Romanda。 Not that that mattered; of course; yet this made at least five。 Elayne's chin set stubbornly; but then she sighed and gave a small nod。 Sometimes it took the most incredible effort to convince her of anything。
   〃Your name is Garenia?〃 Mistress Anan said slowly; frowning at the woman in question。 〃You look very much like someone I met once。 Zarya Alkaese。〃
   Dark tilted eyes blinked in surprise。 Plucking a lace…trimmed handkerchief from her sleeve; the Saldaean merchant touched her cheeks。 〃That is my grandmother's sister's name;〃 she said after a moment。 〃I'm told I favor her strongly。 Was she well when you saw her? She forgot her family pletely after she went off to bee Aes Sedai。〃
   〃Your grandmother's sister。〃 The innkeeper laughed softly。 〃Of course。 She was well when I saw her; but that was a long time ago。 I was younger than you are now〃
   Reanne had been hovering at her side; all but grabbing her elbow; and now she leaped in。 〃Setalle; I truly am sorry; but I really must ask you to excuse us。 You will forgive me not showing you to the door?〃
   Mistress Anan made her own apologies; as if she was at fault because the other woman could not escort her down; and departed with a last; very dubious look at Nynaeve and Elayne。
   〃Setalle!〃 Garenia exclaimed as soon as the innkeeper was gone。 〃That was Setalle Anan? How did she …? Light of Heaven! Even after seventy years; the Tower would … 〃
   〃Garenia;〃 Mistress Corly said in an extremely sharp tone。 Her stare was sharper still; and the Saldaean's face reddened。 〃Since you two are here; we can make up the three for questioning。 You girls stay where you are and keep silent。〃 That last was for Nynaeve and Elayne。 The other women withdrew to a corner in a huddle and began conversing in soft murmurs。
   Elayne moved nearer Nynaeve。 〃I did not like being treated as a novice when I was a novice。 How long do you intend to continue this farce?〃
   Nynaeve hissed at her for quiet 〃I'm trying to listen; Elayne;〃 she whispered。
   Using the Power was out of the question; of course。 The three would have known on the instant。 Fortunately; they wove no barriers; perhaps not knowing how; and sometimes their voices rose just enough。
   〃。。。 said they may be wilders;〃 Reanne said; and shock and revulsion bloomed on the other women's faces。
   〃Then we show them the door;〃 Berowin said。 〃The back door。 Wilders!〃
   〃I still want to know who this Setalle Anan is;〃 Garenia put in。
   〃If you can't keep your mind on the straight;〃 Reanne told her; 〃perhaps you should spend this turn on the farm。 Alise knows how to concentrate a mind wonderfully。 Now。。。 〃 The words dropped back to a buzz。
   Another maid appeared; a slender woman; pretty except for a sullen expression; with a rough gray woolen

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