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小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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 was difficult to think of anything except。。。 Wide eyes stared up into the darkness; glistening with unshed tears。
   She had always thought she was brave enough to do whatever needed doing; to face whatever came; she had always believed she could pick herself up and continue to fight。 In one endless hour; without leaving more than a few bruises that were already fading; Rhadam Asunawa had begun teaching her differently。 Eamon Valda had pleted her education with one question。 The bruise her answer had left on her heart had not faded。 She should have gone back to Asunawa herself and told him to do his worst。 She should have。。。 She prayed that Elayne was safe。 Perhaps it was not fair to hope more for Elayne than for Galad or Gawyn; but Elayne would be the next Queen of Andor。 The Tower would not miss the chance to put an Aes Sedai on the Lion Throne。 If only she could see Elayne; see all her children once more。
   Something rustled in the dark bedchamber; and she held her breath; fought against trembling。 The faint moonlight barely let her make out the bedposts。 Valda had ridden north from Amador yesterday; him and Asunawa; with thousands of Whitecloaks to face the Prophet; but if he had e back; if he。。。
   A shape in the darkness resolved into a woman; too short for Lini。 〃I thought you might still be awake;〃 Breane's voice said softly。 〃Drink this; it will help。〃 The Cairhienin woman tried to put a silvery cup into Morgase's hand。 It gave off a slightly sour smell。
   〃Wait until you're summoned to bring me drink;〃 she snapped; pushing the cup away。 Warm liquid spilled onto her hand; onto the linen sheet。 〃I was almost asleep when you came stamping in;〃 she lied。 〃Leave me!〃
   Instead of obeying; the woman stood looking down at her; face shadowed。 Morgase did not like Breane Taborwin。 Whether Breane truly was nobly born and e down in the world; as she sometimes claimed; or merely a servant who had learned to counterfeit her betters; she obeyed when and as she chose and let her tongue run entirely too free。 As she proved now。
   〃You moan like a sheep; Morgase Trakand。〃 Even kept low; her voice seethed in anger。 She set the cup on the small bedside table with a thump; more of the contents splashed onto the tabletop。 〃Bah! Many others have seen far worse。 You are alive。 None of your bones are broken; your wits are whole。 Endure; let the past pass; and go on with your life。 You have been so much on edge that the men walk on their toes; even Master Gill。 Lamgwin has hardly slept a wink these three nights。〃
   Morgase flushed with annoyance; even in Andor; servants did not speak so。 She caught the woman's arm in a tight grip; but anxiety warred with displeasure。 〃They don't know; do they?〃 If they did; they would try to avenge her; rescue her。 They would die。 Tallanvor would die。
   〃Lini and I drape linen over their eyes for you;〃 Breane sneered; pulling her hand away and flinging it back at her。 〃If I could save Lamgwin; I would let them know you for the bleating sheep you are。 He sees the Light made flesh in you; I see a woman without courage to accept the day。 I will not let you destroy him with your cowardice。〃
   Cowardice。 Outrage welled up in Morgase; yet no words came。 Her fingers knotted in the sheet。 She did not think she could have decided in cold blood to lie with Valda; but had she; she could have lived with it。 She thought she could。 Another matter entirely to say yes because she feared facing Asunawa's knotted cords and needles again; feared worse that he would have gotten to eventually。 However she had screamed under Asunawa's ministrations; Valda was the one who had showed her the true borders of her courage; so far short of where she had believed。 Valda's touch; his bed; could be forgotten; with time; but she would never be able to wash the shame of that 〃yes〃 from her lips。 Breane hurled the truth in her face; and she did not know how to reply。
   She was spared the need by a rush of boots in the outer room。 The bedchamber door flung open; and a running man stopped a pace inside。
   〃So you're awake; good;〃 Tallanvor's voice said after a moment。 Which allowed her heart to start beating again; allowed her to breathe。 She tried to release Breane's hand … she did not remember clasping it … but to her surprise; the woman squeezed once before letting go。
   〃Something is happening;〃 Tallanvor went on; striding to the lone window。 Standing to one side as if to avoid being seen; he peered into the night。 Moonlight outlined his tall form。 〃Master Gill; e and tell what you saw。〃
   A head appeared in the doorway; bald top shining in the darkness。 Behind; in the other room; a hulking shadow moved; Lamgwin Dorn。 When Basel Gill realized she was still in bed; that faint shining from his scalp jerked as he directed his eyes elsewhere; though he probably had difficulty making out more than the bed itself。 Master Gill was even wider than Lamgwin; but not nearly as tall。 〃Forgive me; my Queen。 I didn't mean to。。。 。〃He cleared his throat violently; and his boots scraped on the floor; shifting。 Had he had a cap; he would have been turning it in。 his hands; or wadding it nervously; 〃I was in the Long Corridor; on my way to。。。 to。。。 〃 To the jakes; was what he could not bring himself to say to her。 〃Anyway; I glanced out one of the windows; and I saw a。。。 a big bird; I think。。。 land on top of the South Barracks。〃
   〃A bird!〃 Lini's thin voice drove Master Gill to leap into the room; clearing the doorway。 Or maybe it was a sharp poke in his stout ribs。 Lini usually took every advantage her gray hair offered。 She stalked by him still belting her nightrobe。 〃Fools! Ox…brained lummoxes! You woke my ch…!〃 She stopped with a fierce cough; Lini never forgot that she had been Morgase's nurse; and her mother's as well; but she never slipped in front of others。 She would be cross that she had now; and it showed in her voice。 〃You woke your Queen for a bird!〃 Patting her hairnet; she automatically tucked in a few strands that had escaped in her sleep。 〃Have you been drinking; Basel Gill?〃 Morgase wondered that herself。
   〃I don't know it was a bird;〃 Master Gill protested。 〃It didn't look like any bird; but what else flies; except bats? It was big。 Men climbed off its back; and there was another still on its neck when it took off again。 While I was slapping my face to wake up; another of the。。。 things。。。 landed; and more men climbed down; and then another came; and I decided it was time to tell Lord Tallanvor。〃 Lini did not sniff; but Morgase could almost feel her stare; and it was not directed at her。 The man who had abandoned his inn to follow her certainly felt it。 〃The Light's own truth; my Queen;〃 he insisted。
   〃Light!〃 Tallanvor announced like an echo。 〃Something。。。。 Something just landed atop the North Barracks。〃 Morgase had never heard him sound shaken before。 All she wanted was to make them all go away and leave her alone in her misery; but there seemed no hope。 Tallanvor was worse than Breane in many ways。 Much worse。
   〃My robe;〃 she said; and for once Breane was quick to hand her one。 Master Gill hastily turned his face to the wall while she climbed from the bed and put on the silk robe。
   She strode to the window; tying the sash。 The long North Barracks loomed across the wide courtyard; four hulking floors of flat…roofed dark stone。 Not a light showed; there or anywhere in the Fortress。 All was stillness and silence。 〃I see nothing; Tallanvor。〃
   He drew her back。 〃Just watch;〃 he said。
   Another time she would have regretted his hand leaving her shoulder; and been irritated at her own regret as well as his tone。 Now; after Valda; she felt relief。 And irritation at the relief as well as his tone。 He was too disrespectful by miles; far too stubborn; too young。 Not much older than Galad。
   Shadows moved as the moon did; but nothing else stirred。 Off in the city of Amador; a dog bayed; answered by more。 Then; as she opened her mouth to dismiss Tallanvor and all of them; darkness atop the massive barracks humped up and hurled itself off the roof。
   Something; Tallanvor had called it; and she had no better name。 An impression of a long body that

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