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小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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the setting went by to cross an intersection or bridge。 While waiting; Birgitte and Nalesean tossed coins to filthy urchins and dirtier beggars。 Well; Nalesean tossed; Birgitte concentrated on the children; and pressed each coin into a grubby hand like a gift;
   In one of those waits; Beslan suddenly put a hand on Nalesean's arm; raising his voice above the crowd and a cacophony of music ing from at least six different places。 〃Forgive me; Tairen; but not him。〃 A ragged man edged back into the throng; warily; gaunt…cheeked and bony; he seemed to have lost whatever pitiful feathers he might have found for his hair。
   〃Why not?〃 Nalesean demanded。
   〃No brass ring on his little finger;〃 Beslan replied。 〃He's not in the guild。〃
   〃Light;〃 Mat said; 〃a man can't even beg in this city without belonging to a guild?〃 Maybe it was his tone。 The beggar leaped for his throat; a knife appearing in his grimy fist。
   Without thinking; Mat grabbed the man's arm and spun; slinging him away into the crowd; some people cursed at Mat; some at the sprawling beggar。 Some tossed the fellow a coin。
   From the corner of his eye; Mat saw a second skinny man in rags try to push Birgitte out of the way to reach him with a long knife。 It was a foolish mistake to underestimate the woman because of her costume; from somewhere among those feathers she produced a knife and stabbed him beneath the arm。
   〃Look out!〃 Mat shouted at her; but there was no time for warnings; even as he shouted; he drew from his coatsleeve and threw side…armed。 The blade streaked past her face to sink into the throat of yet another beggar flaunting steel before he could plant it in her ribs。
   Suddenly there were beggars everywhere with knives; and clubs studded with spikes; screams and shouts rose as people in masks and costumes scrambled to get out of the way。 Nalesean slashed a man in rags across the face; sending him reeling; Beslan ran another through the middle; while his costumed cronies fought still others。
   Mat had no time to see more; he found himself back…to…back with Birgitte and facing his own adversaries。 He could feel her shifting against him; hear her mutter curses; but he was barely conscious of it; Birgitte could take care of herself; and watching the two men in front of him; he was not sure he could do the same。 The hulking fellow with the toothless sneer had only one arm and a puckered socket where his left eye had been; but his fist held a club two feet long; encircled by iron bands that sprouted spikes like steel thorns。 His rat…faced little panion still had both eyes and several teeth; and despite sunken cheeks and arms that seemed all bone and sinew; he moved like a snake; licking his lips and flicking a rusty dagger from hand to hand。 Mat aimed the shorter knife in his own hand first at one; then the other。 It was still long enough to reach a man's vitals; and they danced and shuffled; each waiting for the other to leap at him first
   〃Old Cully won't like this; Spar;〃 the bigger man growled; and rat…face darted forward; rusty blade flashing from hand to hand。
   He did not count on the knife that suddenly appeared in Mat's left hand and sliced across his wrist。 The dagger clattered to the paving stones; but the fellow flung himself at Mat anyway。 As Mat's other blade stabbed into his chest; he squealed; eyes going wide; arms wrapping around Mat convulsively。 The bald fellow's sneer widened; his club rising as he stepped in。
   The grin vanished as two beggars swarmed over him; snarling and stabbing。
   Staring incredulously; Mat shoved rat…face's corpse away。 The street was clear for fifty paces except for batants; and everywhere beggars rolled on the pavement; two or three or sometimes four stabbing at one; beating him with clubs or rocks。
   Beslan caught Mat's arm。 There was blood on his face; but he was grinning。 〃Let's get out of here and let the Fellowship of Alms finish its business。 There's no honor in fighting beggars; and besides; the guild won't leave any of these interlopers alive。 Follow me。〃 Nalesean was scowling … doubtless he saw no honor in fighting beggars either … and Beslan's friends; several with their costumes awry and one with his mask off so another could dab at a cut across his forehead。 The man with the cut was grinning; too。 Birgitte bore not a scratch that Mat could see; and her costume looked as neat as it had back in the palace。 She made her knife disappear; there was no way she could hide a blade under those feathers; but she did。
   Mat made no protest at being drawn away; but he did growl; 〃Do beggars always go around attacking people in this。。。 this city?〃 Beslan might not appreciate hearing it called a bloody city。
   The man laughed。 〃You are ta'veren; Mat。 There's always excitement around ta'veren。〃
   Mat smiled back with gritted teeth。 Bloody fool; bloody city; and bloody ta'veren。 Well; if a beggar slit his throat; he would not have to go back to the palace and let Tylin peel him like a ripe pear。 e to think of it; she had called him her little pear。 Bloody everything!
   The street between the dyer's shop and The Rose of the Elbar had its share of revelers; though not many scantily clad。 Apparently you had to have coin to go near naked。 Though the acrobats in front of the merchant's house on the corner came close; the men barefoot and bare…chested in tight; brightly colored breeches; the women in even tighter breeches and thin blouses。 They all had a few feathers in their hair; as did the capering musicians playing in front of the small palace at the far corner; a woman with a flute; another blowing on a tall; twisted black tube covered with levers; and a fellow beating a tambour for all he was worth。 The house they had e to watch looked shut up tight。
   The tea at The Rose was as bad as ever; which meant it was much better than the wine。 Nalesean stuck to the sour local ale。 Birgitte said thanks without saying for what; and Mat shrugged it off silently; they grinned at each other and tapped cups。 The sun rose; and Beslan sat balancing first one boot on the toe of the other; then the other way around; but his panions began growing restive; no matter how often he pointed out that Mat was ta'veren。 A scuffle with beggars was hardly proper excitement; the street was too narrow for any settings to pass; the women were not as pretty as elsewhere; and even looking at Birgitte seemed to pall once they realized that she did not intend to kiss even one of them。 With protestations of regret that Beslan would not e; they hurried off to find somewhere more exhilarating。 Nalesean took a stroll down the alley beside the dyer's; and Birgitte vanished into The Rose's murky interior to find; she said; whether there was anything at all fit to drink hidden in some forgotten corner。
   〃I never expected to see a Warder garbed like that;〃 Beslan said; changing his boots around。
   Mat blinked。 The fellow had sharp eyes。 She had not removed her mask once。 Well; as long as he did not know about …
   〃I think you will be good for my Mother; Mat。〃
   Choking; Mat sprayed tea into the passersby。 Several glared at him angrily; and one slender woman with a nice little bosom gave him a coy smile from beneath a blue mask he thought was meant to be a wren。 She stamped a foot and stalked off when he did not smile back。 Luckily; no one was angry enough to take it beyond glares before they too went on their way。 Or maybe unluckily。 He would not have minded if six or eight piled on him right then。
   〃What do you mean?〃 he said hoarsely。
   Beslan's head whipped around in wide…eyed surprise。 〃Why; her choosing you for her pretty; of course。 Why is your face so red? Are you angry? Why …?〃 Suddenly he slapped his forehead and laughed。 〃You think I will be angry。 Forgive me; I forget you're an outlander。 Mat; she's my mother; not my wife。 Father died ten years ago; and she has always claimed to be too busy。 I am just glad she chose someone I like。 Where are you going?〃
   He did not realize he was on his feet until Beslan spoke。 〃I just。。。 need to clear my head。〃
   〃But you're drinking tea; Mat。〃
   Dodging around a green sedan chair; h

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