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小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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   My Lady Elayne;
   I greet the Daughter…Heir of Andor with joyous news。 I have but just learned that your mother; Queen Morgase; lives and is at present the guest of Pedron Niall in Amador; and wishes above all to be reunited with you so that you may return to Andor together in triumph。 I offer escort through the bandits now infesting Altara; so that you may reach your mother's side in safety and all speed。 Forgive these few poor words; scribbled in haste; but I know you would wish to learn the wondrous news as soon as possible。 Until I can leave you at your mother's side。
   Sealed in the Light;
Jaichim Carridin
   The paper crumpled in her fist。 How dare he? The pain of her mother's death; without even a body to be buried; was only beginning to fade; and Carridin dared mock her this way? Embracing the True Source; she hurled the foul lies away from her and channeled; fire flared in midair; so hot that only a dust of ash fell to the blue…and…gold floor tiles。 That for Jaichim Carridin。 And as for these。。。 women! The pride of a thousand years of Andoran queens put steel into her backbone。
   Merilille surged to her feet。 〃You were not given permission to channel! You will release the …!〃
   〃Leave us; Pol;〃 Elayne said。 〃Now。〃 The serving woman stared; but Elayne's mother had taught her well the voice of mand; the voice of a Queen from her throne。 Pol bobbed a curtsy and was moving before she realized。 Once under way; she hesitated only an instant before hurrying out and closing the door behind her。 Whatever was about to happen plainly was for Aes Sedai alone。
   〃What has gotten into you; child?〃 Pure fury submerged the remnants of Merilille's regathered calm。 〃Release the Source immediately; or I vow; I'll fetch a slipper myself this minute!〃
   〃I am Aes Sedai。〃 The words came out like winter stone; and Elayne meant them to。 Carridin's lies and these women。 Merilille threatened to slipper her? They would acknowledge her rightful place as a sister。 She and Nynaeve had found the Bowl! As good as; anyway; and the arrangements for its use were under way。 〃You propose to punish me for endangering a secret apparently known only to sisters; but no one bothered to tell me this secret when I attained the shawl。 You suggest punishing me like a novice or Accepted; but I am Aes Sedai。 I was raised to the shawl by Egwene al'Vere; the Amyrlin you claim to serve。 If you deny that Nynaeve and I are Aes Sedai; then you deny the Amyrlin Seat who sent me to find the Bowl of the Winds; which we have done。 I will not have it! I call you to account; Merilille Ceandevin。 Submit to the will of the Amyrlin Seat; or I will call judgment on you as a rebellious traitor!〃
   Merilille's eyes bulged; and her mouth hung open; but she appeared posed beside Careane or Sareitha; who looked about to choke to death on incredulity。 Vandene seemed mildly taken aback; a thoughtful finger pressed to her lips beneath slightly widened eyes; while Adeleas sat forward; studying Elayne as if seeing her for the first time。
   Channeling; Elayne floated one of the tall armchairs to her and sat; posing her skirts。 〃You may as well sit; too; Merilille。〃 She still used the voice of mand … apparently it was the only way to make them listen … but she was startled when Merilille actually sank back down slowly; staring at her pop…eyed。
   Outside; she maintained a calm; cool fa?ade; but inside; anger bubbled。 No; it boiled。 Secrets。 She had always thought Aes Sedai kept too many secrets; even from each other。 Especially from each other。 True; she kept some herself; but only at necessity; and not from anyone who needed to know。 And these women had thought to punish her! 〃Your authority es from the Hall of the Tower; Merilille; Nynaeve's and mine from the Amyrlin Seat。 Ours supersedes yours。 From now on; you will take your instructions from Nynaeve or me。 We will of course listen carefully to any advice you might offer。〃 She had thought Merilille's eyes bulged before; but now。。。
   〃Impossible;〃 the Gray spluttered。 〃You are … 〃
   〃Merilille!〃 Elayne said sharply; leaning forward。 〃Do you still deny the authority of your Amyrlin? Do you still dare?〃 Merilille's mouth worked soundlessly。 She wet her lips。 She shook her head jerkily。 Elayne felt a thrill of exultation; all that about Merilille taking direction was stuff and nonsense; of course; but she would be acknowledged。 Thom and her mother both said you must begin by asking for ten to get one。 Still; that was not enough to damp her anger。 She had half a mind to fetch a slipper herself and see how far she could push this。 Except; that would shatter everything。 They would remember her age fast enough then; and how short a time ago she had put off a novice dress; they might even begin thinking of her as a foolish child again。 Which thought stoked her fury anew。 But she contented herself with; 〃While you think quietly on what else I should be told as Aes Sedai; Merilille; Adeleas and Vandene will instruct me in this secret I endangered。 Do you mean to tell me the Tower has known of the Circle … these Kin; as you call them … all along?〃 Poor Reanne and her hopes to avoid Aes Sedai notice。
   〃As near as they could make themselves e to sisters; I suppose;〃 Vandene replied。 Carefully。 She studied Elayne as intently as her sister did; now。 Though a Green; she had many of the same mannerisms as Adeleas。 Careane arid Sareitha looked stunned; disbelieving eyes swinging from a silent; red…cheeked Merilille to Elayne and back。
   〃Even during the Trolloc Wars; women failed their tests; or lacked the strength; or were sent away from the Tower for any of the usual reasons。〃 Adeleas had adopted a lecturing tone; but not offensively。 Browns often did when expounding。 〃Under the circumstances; it is hardly surprising that a number feared to go off into the world alone; nor that they might flee to Barashta; as the city that existed here then was called。 Though the main part of Barashta was; of course; where the Rahad now stands。 Not that a stone of Barashta remains。 The Trolloc Wars did not truly envelope Eharon until late; but in the end; Barashta fell as pletely as Barsine; or Shaemal; or。。。 〃
   〃The Kin。。。 〃 Vandene broke in gently; Adeleas blinked at her; then nodded。 〃。。。 The Kin persisted even after Barashta fell; in the same way they had before; taking in wilders and women put out of the Tower。〃 Elayne frowned; Mistress Anan had said the Kin took in wilders; too; but Reanne's biggest anxiety had seemed to be making her and Nynaeve prove they were not。
   〃None ever remained long;〃 Adeleas added。 〃Five years; perhaps ten; then; I suppose; as now。 Once they realize that their little group is no replacement for the White Tower; they go off and bee village Healers or Wisdoms or the like; or sometimes simply forget the Power; stop channeling; and take up a craft or trade。 In any case; they vanish; so to speak。〃 Elayne wondered how anyone could forget the One Power that way; the urge to channel; the temptation of the Source; was always there; once you learned how。 Aes Sedai did seem to believe some women could just put it behind them; though; once they found out they would not be Aes Sedai。
   Vandene took up the explanation again; the sisters frequently spoke almost in alternating sentences; each carrying on smoothly where the other left off。 〃The Tower has known of the Kin from nearly the beginning; perhaps from the very beginning。 At first; no doubt; the Wars took precedence。 And despite calling themselves the Kin; they have done just what we want such women to do。 They remain hidden; even the fact that they can channel; draw no attention whatsoever to themselves。 Over the years; they have even passed along word … secretly; of course; carefully … when one of them found a woman falsely claiming the shawl。 You said something?〃
   Elayne shook her head。 〃Careane; is there any tea in that pot?〃 Careane gave a small start。 〃I think Adeleas and Vandene might like to wet their throats。〃 The Domani woman did not quite look at a still…staring Merilille before going to the table where the silver teapot and cups were。 〃That doesn't explain why;〃 Elayne went on。 〃W

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