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小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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   〃I don't care。 You're here now。 You're here。〃 She did not giggle。
   〃Maybe she is Aes Sedai;〃 one of the boatmen murmured; not quite low enough; 〃but I still say she's one duckling who means to stuff herself in that wolf's jaws。〃
   Nynaeve's face flashed pure scarlet; and she snatched her hands to her sides; her heels thumping to the deck。 Another time; she would have given the fellow what for; and no mistake。 Another time; when she could think。 Lan crowded everything else out of her head。 She seized his arm。 〃We can talk more privately in the cabin。〃 Had one of the oarsmen snickered?
   〃My sword and … 〃
   〃I'll bring it;〃 she said; snatching up his things from the deck on flows of Air。 One of those louts had snickered。 Another flow of Air pulled open the cabin door; and she hustled Lan and his sword and the rest inside and slammed it behind them。
   Light; she doubted if even Calle Coplin back home had ever been as bold as this; and as many merchants' guards knew Calle's birthmark as knew her face。 But it was not the same at all! Not at all! Still; no harm in being just a tad less。。。 eager。 Her hands went back to his face … only to straighten his hair some more; just that … and he caught her wrists gently in his big hands。
   〃Myrelle holds my bond; now;〃 he said quietly。 〃She is lending me to you until you find a Warder of your own。〃
   Calmly pulling her right hand free; she slapped his face as hard as she could swing。 His head hardly moved; so she freed the other hand and slapped him harder with that。 〃How could you?〃 For good measure; she punctuated the question with another slap。 〃You knew I was waiting!〃 One more seemed called for; just to drive the point home。 〃How could you do such a thing? How could you let her?〃 Another slap。 〃Burn you; Lan Mandragoran! Burn you! Burn you! Burn you to the Pit of Doom! Burn you!〃
   The man … the bloody man! … did not say one word。 Not that he could; of course; what defense could he offer? He just stood there while she rained blows at him; making no move; unblinking eyes looking peculiar; as well they might with the way she reddened his cheeks for him。 If her slaps made little impression on him; though; the palms of her hands began to sting like fury。
   Grimly; she clenched a fist and punched him in the belly with all her might。 He grunted。 Slightly。
   〃We will talk this over calmly and rationally;〃 she said; stepping back from him。 〃As adults。〃 Lan just nodded and sat down and pulled his boots over to him! Pushing bits of hair out of her face with her left hand; she stuck the right behind her so she could flex her sore fingers without him seeing。 He had no right being that hard; not when she wanted to hit him。 Too much to hope she had cracked a rib in him。
   〃You should thank her; Nynaeve。〃 How could the man sound so calm! Stamping his foot firmly into one boot; he bent to pick up the other; not looking at her。 〃You wouldn't want me bonded to you。〃
   The flow of Air seized a handful of his hair arid bent his head up painfully。 〃If you dare … if you even dare … to spout that drivel about not wanting to give me a widow's weeds; Lan Mandragoran; I'll。。。 I'll。。。 〃 She could not think of anything strong enough。 Kicking him was not near enough。 Myrelle。 Myrelle and her Warders。 Burn him! Removing his hide in strips would not be enough!
   He might as well not have been bent over with his neck craned。 He just rested his forearms across his knees; and watched her with that odd look in his eyes; and said; 〃I thought about not telling you; but you have a right to know。〃 Even so; his tone became hesitant; Lan was never hesitant。 〃When Moiraine died … when a Warder's bond to his Aes Sedai is snapped … there are changes。。。 〃
   As he continued; her arms snaked around herself; hugging tightly to keep her from shivering。 Her jaw ached; for she kept it clamped shut。 She released the flow holding him as if a hand springing away; released saidar; but he only straightened and went on relating this horror without so much as a flinch; went on watching her。 Suddenly she understood his eyes; colder than winter's heart。 The eyes of a man who knew he was dead and could not make himself care; a man waiting; almost eager; for that long sleep。 Her own eyes stung with not weeping。
   〃So you see;〃 he concluded with a smile that touched only his mouth; an accepting smile; 〃when it's done; she will have a year or more of pain; and I will still be dead。 You are spared that。 My last gift to you; Mashiara。〃 Mashiara。 His lost love。
   〃You are to be my Warder until I find one?〃 Her voice startled her with its levelness。 She could not break down in tears now。 She would not。 Now; more than ever before; she had to gather all her strength。
   〃Yes;〃 he said cautiously; tugging on his other boot He had always seemed something of a half…tame wolf; and his eyes made him seem much less than half tame now。
   〃Good。〃 Adjusting her skirts; she resisted the urge to cross the cabin to him。 She could not let him see her fear。 〃Because I have found him。 You。 I waited and wished with Moiraine; I won't with Myrelle。 She is going to give me your bond。〃 Myrelle would; if she had to drag the woman to Tar Valon and back by her hair。 For that matter; she might drag her just for the principle of it。 〃Don't say anything;〃 she said sharply when he opened his mouth。 Her fingers brushed her belt pouch; where his heavy gold signet ring lay wrapped in a silk handkerchief。 With an effort; she moderated her tone; he was ill; and harsh words never helped sickness。 It was an effort; though; she wanted to berate him up one side and down the other; wanted to pull her braid out by the roots every time she thought of him and that woman。 Fighting to keep her voice calm; she went on。
   〃In the Two Rivers; Lan; when somebody gives another a ring; they are betrothed。〃 That was a lie; and she half…expected him to jump to his feet in outrage; but he only blinked warily。 Besides; she had read about the notion in a story。 〃We have been betrothed long enough。 We are going to be married today。〃
   〃I used to pray for that;〃 he said softly; then shook his head。 〃You know why it can't be; Nynaeve。 And even if it could; Myrelle … 〃
   Despite all her promises to keep her temper; to be gentle; she embraced saidar and stuffed a gag of Air into his mouth before he could confess what she did not want to hear。 So long as he did not confess; she could pretend nothing had happened。 When she got hold of Myrelle; though! Opals pressed hard into her palm; and her hand leaped from her braid as if burned。 She occupied her fingers with brushing his hair again while he glared at her indignantly above his gaping mouth。 〃A small lesson for you in the difference between wives and other women;〃 she said lightly。 Such a struggle。 〃I would appreciate it very much if you did not mention Myrelle's name again in my presence。 Do you understand?〃
   He nodded; and she released the flow; but as soon as he had worked his jaw a moment; he said; 〃Naming no names; Nynaeve; you know she's aware of everything I feel; through the bond。 If we were man and wife。。。 〃
   She thought her face might burst into flame。 She had never thought of that! Bloody Myrelle! 〃Is there any way to make sure she knows it is me?〃 she said finally; and her cheeks nearly did flash to fire。 Especially when he fell back against the cabin wall laughing in astonishment。
   〃Light; Nynaeve; you are a hawk! Light! I haven't laughed since。。。 〃 His mirth faded; the coldness that had dimmed in his eyes for an instant returning。 〃I do wish it could be; Nynaeve; but … 〃
   〃It can and will;〃 she broke in。 Men always seemed to get the upper hand if you let them talk too long。 She plumped herself down on his knees。 They were not married yet; true; but he was softer than the unpadded benches on this boat。 She shifted a bit to make herself more fortable。 Well; no harder than the benches; anyway。 〃You might as well reconcile yourself; Lan Mandragoran。 My heart belongs to you; and you've admitted yours belongs to me。 You belong to me; and I will not let you go。 You will be my Warder; and my husband; and for a very long time。 I will

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