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小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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   But if she had been then; no sign of it remained now。 For a moment she regarded Seaine silently; cool as a winter pond in her red…slashed silks; then glided to the carved sideboard where painted ivory miniatures of Seaine's family stood。 All years dead; but she still loved every one。
   〃You did not stand to raise me Amyrlin;〃 Elaida said; picking up the picture of Seaine's father。 She set it down hastily and took up her mother instead。
   Seaine's eyebrows almost rose again; but she tried to make it a rule not to let herself be surprised more than once in a day。 〃I was not informed that the Hall was sitting until afterward; Mother。〃 After all these years; a touch of Lugard still clung to her voice。
   〃Yes; yes。〃 Abandoning the paintings; Elaida glided to the fireplace。 Seaine had always had a fondness for cats; and carved wooden cats of every sort crowded the mantelpiece; some in amusing poses。 The Amyrlin frowned at the display; then squeezed her eyes shut and gave her head a tiny shake。 〃But you remained;〃 she said; turning quickly。 〃Every Sitter who was not informed fled the Tower and joined the rebels。 Except you。 Why?〃
   Seaine spread her hands。 〃What else could I do but stay; Mother? The Tower must be whole。〃 Whoever the Amyrlin; she added to herself。 And what's wrong with my cats; if I may ask? Not that she ever would aloud; of course。 Sereille Bagand had been a fierce Mistress of Novices before being raised Amyrlin Seat; the very year she herself earned the shawl; and a fiercer Amyrlin than Elaida could be with a sore tooth。 Seaine had had the proprieties driven into her too hard and deep for mere years to shift; or any dislike for the woman who wore the stole。 One did not have to like an Amyrlin。
   〃The Tower must be whole;〃 Elaida agreed; rubbing her hands together。 〃It must be whole。〃 Now; why was she nervous? She had ninety…nine kinds of temper; all hard as a knife and twice as sharp; but nervous the woman was not。 〃What I say to you now is Sealed to the Flame; Seaine。〃 Her mouth twisted wryly; and she shrugged; giving her stole an irritable twitch。 〃If I knew how to make the seal stronger; I would;〃 she said; dry as yesterday's dust。
   〃I will hold your words in my heart; Mother。〃
   〃I want you … I mand you … to undertake an inquiry。 And you must indeed hold it in your heart。 The wrong ear hearing of it might mean death; and disaster for the whole Tower。〃
   Seaine's eyebrows twitched。 Death and disaster for the whole Tower? 〃In my heart;〃 she said again。 〃Will you sit yourself; Mother?〃 That was proper; in her own apartments。 〃May I pour you some mint tea? Or plum punch?〃
   Waving away the offer of refreshment; Elaida took the most fortable chair; carved by Seaine's father as a gift when she received the shawl; though of course the cushions had been replaced many times since。 The Amyrlin made the country chair seem a throne; all stiff back and iron countenance。 Most ungraciously; she did not give permission for Seaine to sit; too; so Seaine folded her hands and remained standing。
   〃I have thought long and hard on treason; Seaine; since my predecessor and her Keeper were allowed to escape。 Helped to escape。 Treason must have been at the core of that; and I fear only a sister; or sisters; could have effected it。〃
   〃That would certainly be a possibility; Mother。〃
   Elaida frowned at the interruption。 〃We can never be sure who has the shadow of treason in her heart; Seaine。 Why; I suspect that someone arranged for an order of mine to be countermanded。 And I have reason to believe that someone has municated privately with Rand al'Thor; to what end; I cannot say; but that surely is treason against me; and against the Tower。〃
   Seaine waited for more; but the Amyrlin only looked back at her; slowly smoothing her red…slashed skirts。 〃Exactly what inquiry do you wish me to make; Mother?〃 she asked cautiously。
   Elaida bounded to her feet。 〃I charge you to follow the stench of treason; no matter where it leads or how high; even to the Keeper herself。 Yes; even to her。 What you find; whoever it leads to; you will bring before the Amyrlin Seat alone; Seaine。 No one else must know。 Do you understand me?〃
   〃I understand your mands; Mother。〃
   Which; she thought; once Elaida had departed even more swiftly than she had e; was about all she did understand。 In order to think she took the chair the Amyrlin had vacated; fists pressed beneath her chin in just the way her father had always sat thinking。 Everything fell to logic; eventually。
   She would not have stood against Siuan Sanche … she had proposed the girl as Amyrlin in the first place! … but once it was done and all the forms were followed; however sparely; aiding her escape certainly had been treason; and deliberately countermanding an Amyrlin's order just as much。 Possibly municating with al'Thor was; too; that depended on what was municated; with what intent。 Finding who had changed the Amyrlin's mand would be difficult without knowing what mand。 At this late date learning who might have helped Siuan escape stood about as much chance of success as learning who might be writing to al'Thor。 So many pigeons flew into and out of the Tower cotes every day that at times the sky seemed to be raining feathers。 If Elaida knew more than she had said; she had certainly gone around the barn。 This all made very little sense。 Treason ought to make Elaida boil with rage; but she had not been angry。 She had been nervous。 And anxious to be gone。 And secretive; as if she did not want to tell everything she knew or suspected。 Almost as though she was afraid to。 What kind of treason would make Elaida nervous or afraid? Death and disaster for the whole Tower。
   Like the pieces of a blacksmith's puzzle; all fell into place; and Seaine's eyebrows tried to climb onto her scalp。 It fit; it all fit。 She felt the blood draining from her face; her hands and feet were suddenly icy。 Sealed to the Flame。 She had said she would keep this in her heart; but everything had changed since she spoke those words。 She only let herself be afraid when it was logical to be; and right then; she was terrified。 She could not face this alone。 But who? Under the circumstances; who? This answer came much more easily。 Gathering herself took a little time; but she hurried from her rooms and out of the White quarters walking a good deal faster than she usually did。
   Servants scurried through the corridors as always; though she walked so quickly that she was past most before they could begin bow or curtsy; but there seemed fewer sisters about than the early hour could account for。 Many fewer。 Yet if most were staying close to their quarters for some reason; the few she saw made up for it in one way。 Sisters swarmed along the tapestry…hung hallways; faces all serenity; and their eyes seemed to have steam behind them。 Here and there two or three women spoke together; with sharp eyes darting to see who might be listening。 Always two or three of the same Ajah。 Even yesterday; she was sure she had still seen women sharing friendship between Ajahs。 Whites were supposed to put emotion away entirely; but she had never seen the reason for blinding herself; as some did。 Suspicion made the air in the Tower like hot jelly。 Not a new thing; unfortunately … the Amyrlin had begun it with her harsh measures; and the rumors about Logain had only exacerbated the situation … but this morning seemed worse than ever。
   Talene Minly came around a corner ahead of her; her shawl not just across her shoulders; but spread down her arms as though to display the green fringe。 For that matter; she realized that every Green she had seen this morning wore her shawl。 Talene; golden…baked and statuesque and lovely; had stood to depose Siuan; but she had e to the Tower while Seaine was Accepted; and that decision had not dented their long friendship。 Talene had had reasons Seaine accepted if not agreed with。 Today; her friend stopped; watching her warily。 So many sisters seemed to watch one another that way of late。 Another time; she would have stopped; but not with what made her head want to burst open like a spoiled melon。 Talene was a friend; and she thoug

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