九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > rj.acrownofswords >



小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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   〃Rhuarc loves more than one woman;〃 she said。 Her smile seemed almost of Aes Sedai serenity。 〃So does Bael; and I never noticed any Trolloc's horns on either。 No; Rand; you love me; and you can't back out of that。 I ought to string you up on tenterhooks for what you've put me through; but。。。 Just so you'll know; I love you; too。〃 The smile faded in a frown of internal struggle; and finally she sighed。 〃Life would be a deal easier sometimes if my aunts hadn't brought me up to be fair;〃 she muttered。 〃And to be fair; Rand; I have to tell you that Elayne loves you; too。 So does Aviendha。 If both of Mandelain's wives can love him; I suppose three women can manage to love you。 But I'm here; and if you try to send me away; I'll tie myself to your leg。〃 Her nose wrinkled。 〃Once you start bathing again; anyway。 But I won't go; no matter what。〃
   Just exactly like a top; his head spun。 〃You … love me?〃 he said incredulously。 〃How do you know what Elayne feels? How you know anything about Aviendha? Light! Mandelain can do what he likes; Min; I'm not Aiel。〃 He frowned。 〃What was that you said about telling me half of what you see? I thought you told me everything。 And I am too sending you somewhere safe。 And stop doing your nose like that! I don't smell!〃 He jerked the hand he had been scratching with from under his coat。
   Her arched eyebrow spoke volumes; but of course her tongue had to have its bit; too。 〃You dare take that tone? Like you don't believe it?〃 Suddenly her voice began to rise by the word; and she augured a finger against his chest as though she meant to drive it through him。 〃Do you think I'd go to bed with a man I did not love? Do you? Or maybe you think you aren't worth loving? Is that it?〃 She made a sound like a stepped…on cat。 〃So I'm some little bit of fluff without a brain in her head; falling in love with a worthless lout; am I? You sit there gaping like a sick ox and slander my wits; my taste; my … 〃
   〃If you don't quiet down and talk sense;〃 he growled; 〃I swear; I'll smack your bottom!〃 That leaped out of nowhere; out of sleepless nights and confusion; but before he could begin to form an apology; she smiled。 The woman smiled!
   〃At least you're not sulking anymore;〃 she said。 〃Don't ever whine; Rand; you are no good at it。 Now; then。 You want sense? I love you; and I will not go。 If you try to send me away; I'll tell the Maidens you ruined me and cast me aside。 I'll tell everybody who will listen。 I will … 〃
   He raised his right hand and studied the flat of his palm; where the branded heron stood clear; then looked at her。 She eyed his hand warily and shifted herself on his knees; then conspicuously ignored everything except his face。
   〃I won't go; Rand;〃 she said quietly。 〃You need me。〃
   〃How do you do it?〃 he sighed; slumping back in the chair。 〃Even when you stand me on my head; you make all my troubles shrink。〃
   Min sniffed。 〃You need to be stood on your head more often。 Tell me。 This Aviendha。 I don't suppose there is any chance she's bony and scarred; like Nandera。〃
   He laughed in spite of himself。 Light; how long since he had laughed with pleasure? 〃Min; I'd say she is as pretty as you; but how can you pare two sunrises?〃
   For a moment she stared at him with a small smile; as if she could not decide whether to be surprised or delighted。 〃You are a very dangerous man; Rand al'Thor;〃 she murmured; leaning toward him slowly。 He thought he might fall into her eyes and be lost。 All those times before when she sat on his lap and kissed him; all those times he had thought she was only teasing a country boy; he had nearly crawled out of his skin wanting to kiss her forever。 Now; if she kissed him again now。。。
   Taking her firmly by the arms; he stood and set her on her feet。 He loved her; and she loved him; but he had to remember that he wanted to kiss Elayne forever when he thought about her; and Aviendha。 Whatever Min said about Rhuarc or any Aielman; she had made a poor bargain the day she fell in love with him。 〃You said half; Min;〃 he said quietly。 〃What viewings haven't you told me?〃
   She looked up at him with what almost might have been frustration; except of course that it could not have been。 〃You're in love with the Dragon Reborn; Min Farshaw;〃 she grumbled; 〃and best you remember it。 Best you did; too; Rand;〃 she added; pulling away。 He let her go reluctantly; eagerly; he did not know which。 〃You've been back in Cairhien half a week; and you still have done nothing about the Sea Folk。 Berelain thought you might drag your feet again。 She left me a letter; asking me to keep reminding you; only you wouldn't let me … Well; never mind that。 Berelain thinks they're important to you somehow; she says you're the fulfillment of some prophecy of theirs。〃
   〃I know all about that; Min。 I … 〃 He had thought to leave the Sea Folk out of being tangled with him; they were not mentioned in the Prophecies of the Dragon that he could find。 But if he was going to let Min stay near him; let her risk the dangers。。。 She had won; he realized。 He had watched Elayne walk away with his heart sinking; watched Aviendha go with his stomach in knots。 He could not do it again。 Min stood there waiting。 〃I'll go to their ship。 I'll go today。 The Sea Folk can kneel to the Dragon Reborn in all his splendor。 I don't suppose there was ever any hope for anything else。 Either they're mine; or they're my enemies。 That is how it always seems to be。 Will you tell me about those viewings; now?〃
   〃Rand; you should study what they're like before you … 〃
   〃The viewings?〃
   She folded her arms and frowned up at him through her lashes。 She chewed her lip and frowned at the door。 She shook her head and muttered under her breath。 At last she said; 〃There is only one; really。 I was exaggerating。 I saw you and another man。 I couldn't make out either face; but I knew one was you。 You touched; and seemed to merge into one another; and。。。 〃 Her mouth tightened worriedly; and she went on in a very small voice。 〃I don't know what it means; Rand; except that one of you dies; and one doesn't。 I … Why are you grinning? This isn't a joke; Rand。 I do not know which of you dies。〃
   〃I'm grinning because you've given me very good news;〃 he said; touching her cheek。 The other man had to be Lews Therin。 I'm not just insane and hearing voices; he thought; jubilant。 One lived and one died; but he had known for a long time that he was going to die。 At least he was not mad。 Or not as far mad as he had feared。 There was still the temper he could barely control。 〃You see; I … 〃
   Suddenly he realized that he had gone from touching her cheek to cupping her face in both hands。 He pulled them away as if burned。 Min pursed her lips and gave him a reproving look; but he was not going to take advantage of her。 It would not be fair to her。 Luckily; his stomach rumbled loudly。
   〃I need something to eat; if I'm going to see the Sea Folk。 I saw a tray。。。 〃
   Min made a sound more snort than sniff as he turned away; but the next moment she was sailing toward the tall doors。 〃You need a bath; if we're going to the Sea Folk。〃
   Nandera was delighted; nodding enthusiastically and sending Maidens running。 Though she did lean close to Min and say; 〃I should have let you in the first day。 I wanted to kick him; but it is not done; kicking the Car'a'carn。〃 By her tone; it should have been done。 She spoke softly; yet not so softly he could not hear。 He was sure that was deliberate; she directed too sharp a glare at him for it not to be。
   Maidens lugged in the big copper tub themselves; flashing handtalk once they set it down; laughing and too excited to let the Sun Palace servants do the work; or bring in the stream of buckets filled with hot water; either。 Rand had a hard time taking his own clothes off。 For that matter; he had a hard time washing himself; and he could not escape Nandera lathering his hair。 Flaxen…haired Somara and fiery…haired Enaila insisted on shaving him as he sat chest…deep in the tub; concentrating so intently they seemed afraid they might cut his throat。 He was used to that from other times they had refused to let him handle brush and razor himsel

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