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小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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st a tenth of that。 〃Did you have an interesting conversation with Alanna?〃
   〃Nothing that would interest you;〃 she said offhandedly。 But a faint touch of red stained her cheeks。
   He snorted softly; then raised his voice。 〃Lord Dobraine; I've kept the Sea Folk waiting long enough; I think。〃
   The procession drew crowds along the broad avenues and filled the windows and rooftops as word raced ahead。 Twenty of Dobraine's lancers led; to clear the way; along with thirty Maidens and as many Black Eyes; then drummers; booming away … droom; droom; droom; DROOM…DROOM … and the trumpeters punctuating that with nourishes。 Shouts from the onlookers nearly drowned drums and trumpets alike; a wordless roar that could have been rage as easily as approbation。 The banners streamed out; just ahead of Dobraine and behind Rand; the white Dragon Banner and the scarlet Banner of the Light; and veiled Aiel trotted alongside the lancers; whose streamers also floated in the air。 Now and then a few flowers were hurled at him。 Maybe they did not hate him。 Maybe they only feared。 It had to do。
   〃A train worthy of any king;〃 Merana said loudly; to be heard。
   〃Then it's enough for the Dragon Reborn;〃 he replied sharply; 〃Will you stay back? And you; too; Min。〃 Other rooftops had held assassins。 The arrow or crossbow bolt meant for him would not find its target in a woman today。
   They did fall behind his big black; for all of three paces; and then they were right beside him again; Min telling him what Berelain had written about the Sea Folk on the ships; about the Jendai Prophecy and the Coramoor; and Merana adding what she knew of the prophecy; though she admitted that was not very much; little more than Min。
   Watching the rooftops; he listened with half an ear。 He did not hold saidin; but he could feel it in Dashiva and the other two; right behind him。 He did not feel the tingle that would announce the Aes Sedai embracing the Source; but he had told them not to; without permission。 Perhaps he should change that。 They did seem to be keeping their oath。 How could they not? They were Aes Sedai。 A fine thing if he took an assassin's blade while one of the sisters tried to decide whether serving meant saving him or obeying meant not channeling。
   〃Why are you laughing?〃 Min wanted to know。 Seiera pranced closer; and she smiled up at him。
   〃This is no laughing matter; my Lord Dragon;〃 Merana said acidly on the other side。 〃The Atha'an Miere can be very particular。 Any people grow fastidious when it es to their prophecies。〃
   〃The world is a laughing matter;〃 he told her。 Min laughed along with him; but Merana sniffed and went right back to the Sea Folk as soon as he stopped。
   At the river; the high city walls ran out into the water; flanking long gray stone docks that stretched out from the quay。 Riverships and boats and barges of every kind and size were tied everywhere; the crews on deck to see the motion; but the vessel Rand sought stood ready and waiting; lashed end…on to the end of a dock where all the laborers had already been cleared off。 A longboat; it was called; a low narrow splinter without any masts; just one staff in the bow; four paces tall; topped by a lantern; and another at the stern。 Nearly thirty paces in length and lined with as many long oars; it could not carry the cargo a sailing vessel the same size would; but it had no need of the wind; either; and with a shallow draft; it could travel day and night; using rowers in shifts。 Longboats ran the rivers with cargoes of importance and urgency。 It had seemed appropriate。
   The captain bowed repeatedly as Rand came down the boarding ramp with Min on his arm and the Aes Sedai and Asha'man at his heels。 Elver Shaene was even skinnier than his craft in a yellow coat of Murandian cut that hung to his knees。 〃It's an honor to be carrying you; my Lord Dragon;〃 he murmured; mopping his bald head with a large handkerchief。 〃An honor; it is。 An honor; indeed。 An honor。〃
   Plainly the man would rather have had his ship brim full of live vipers。 He blinked at the Aes Sedai's shawls and stared at their ageless faces and licked his lips; eyes flickering back to Rand uneasily。 The Asha'man dropped his mouth open once he put their black coats together with rumor; and thereafter he avoided so much as a glance in their direction。 Shaene watched Dobraine lead the men with the banners aboard; and the trumpeters; and the drummers lugging their drums; then eyed the horsemen lining the dock as if he suspected they might want to board; too。 Nandera; with twenty Maidens; and Camar with twenty Black Eyes; all with shoufa wrapped around their heads though unveiled; made the captain step hastily to put the Aes Sedai between him and them。 The Aiel wore scowls; for the heartbeat that needing to veil might slow them; but the Sea Folk might well know what a veil meant; and it would hardly do for them to think they were under attack。 Rand thought Shaene's handkerchief might yet rub away what thin gray fringe of hair he had left。
   The longboat swept away from the dock on its long oars; the two banners rippling in the bows; and the drums pounding; and the trumpets blaring。 Out in the river; people appeared on the decks of ships to watch; even climbed into the rigging。 On the Sea Folk ship they came out; too; many in bright colors unlike the drab clothing on crews of the other vessels。 The White Spray was a larger craft than most of the rest; yet somehow sleeker as well; with two tall masts raked back sharply and spars laid across them squarely where nearly all the other ships had slanting spars longer than the masts to hold most of their sails。 Everything about it spoke of difference; but in one thing; Rand knew; the Atha'an Miere had to be like everyone else。 They could either agree to follow him on their own or be forced to it; the Prophecies said he would bind together the people of every land … 〃The north shall he tie to the east; and the west shall be bound to the south;〃 it said … and no one could be allowed to stand aside。 He knew that; now。
   Sending out orders from his bath; he had not had an opportunity to give details of what he intended on reaching White Spray; so he announced them now。 The details produced grins among the Asha'man; as expected … well; Finn and Narishma grinned; Dashiva blinked absently … and frowns among the Aiel; also as expected。 They did not like being left behind。 Dobraine merely nodded; he knew he was only here for show today。 What Rand did not expect was the Aes Sedai reaction。
   〃It shall be as you mand; my Lord Dragon;〃 Merana said; making one of those small curtsies。 The other four exchanged glances; but they were curtsying and murmuring 〃as you mand〃 right behind her。 Not one protest; not one frown; not a single haughty stare or recital of why it should be done any way but what he wanted。 Could he begin to trust them? Or would they find some Aes Sedai way to wriggle around their oath as soon as his back was turned?
   〃They will keep their word;〃 Min murmured abruptly; just as if she had read his thoughts。 With an arm wrapped around his and both hands holding his sleeve; she kept her voice for his ears alone。 〃I just saw these five in your hand;〃 she added in case he did not understand。 He was not sure he could fix his mind around that; even if she had seen it in a viewing。
   He did not have long to try。 The longboat flew through the water; and in no time at all was backing oars some twenty paces from the much taller White Spray。 Drums and trumpets fell silent; and Rand channeled; making a bridge of Air laced with Fire that connected the longboat's railing to that of the Sea Folk ship。 With Min on his arm; he started across; to every eye but that of an Asha'man; walking upward on nothing。
   He half expected Min to falter; at least at first; but she simply walked at his side as though there were stone beneath her green…heeled boots。
   〃I trust you;〃 she said quietly。 She smiled; too; partly a forting smile; and partly; he thought; because she was amused at reading his mind once more。
   He wondered how much she would trust if she knew that this was as far as he could weave a bridge lik

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