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小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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   He wondered how much she would trust if she knew that this was as far as he could weave a bridge like this。 One pace farther; one foot; and the whole thing would have given way at the first step。 At that point it became like trying to lift yourself with the Power; an impossibility; even the Forsaken did not know why; any more than they knew why a woman; could make a longer bridge than a man even if she was not as strong。 It was not a matter of weight; any amount of weight could cross any bridge。
   Just short of White Spray's railing; he stopped; standing in midair。 For all Merana's descriptions; the people staring back at him were a shock。 Dark women and bare…chested men with colorful sashes that dangled to the knee; and gold or silver chains around their necks and rings in their ears; in their noses of all places on some of the women; who wore a rainbow of blouses above their dark; baggy breeches。 None had any more expression than an Aes Sedai who was trying hard。 Four of the women; despite being barefoot like the rest; wore bright silks; two of them brocades; and they had more necklaces and earrings than anyone else as well; with a chain strung with gold medallions running from an earring to a ring in the side of the nose。 They said nothing; only stood together watching him; sniffing at small; lacy golden boxes that hung from chains around their necks。 He addressed himself to them。
   〃I am the Dragon Reborn。 I am the Coramoor。〃
   A collective sigh ran through the crew。 Not among the four women; though。
   〃I am Harine din Togara Two Winds; Wavemistress to Clan Shodein;〃 announced the one with the most earrings; a handsome; full…mouthed woman in red brocade wearing five fat little gold rings in each ear。 There were white streaks through her straight black hair; and fine lines at the corners of her eyes。 She had an impressive dignity。 〃I speak here for the Mistress of the Ships。 If it pleases the Light; the Coramoor may e aboard。〃 For some reason she gave a start; and so did the three with her; but that sounded entirely too much like permission。 Rand stepped onto the deck with Min wishing he had not waited。
   He let the bridge go; and saidin; but immediately felt another bridge replace it。 In short order the Asha'man and the Aes Sedai were with him; the sisters no more flustered than Min had been; though perhaps one or two did straighten her skirts a bit more than necessary。 They were still not so easy around the Asha'man as they pretended。
   The four Sea Folk women took one look at the Aes Sedai and immediately gathered in a close huddle; whispering。 Harine did a lot of the talking; and so did a young; pretty woman in green brocade with eight earrings altogether; but the pair in plain silk put in occasional ments。
   Merana coughed delicately; and spoke softly into the hand she used to cover it。 〃I heard her name you the Coramoor。 The Atha'an Miere are great bargainers; I've heard; but I think she gave away something; then。〃 Nodding; Rand glanced down at Min。 She was squinting at the Sea Folk women; but as soon as she noticed his look; she shook her head ruefully; she saw nothing yet that might help him。
   Harine turned so calmly there might never have been any hasty conference。 〃This is Shalon din Togara Morning Tide; Windfinder to Clan Shodein;〃 she said with a small bow toward the woman in green brocade; 〃and this is Derah din Selaan Rising Wave; Sailmistress of White Spray。〃 Each woman bowed slightly as she was named; and touched fingers to her lips。
   Derah; a handsome woman a little short of her middle years; wore plain blue and also eight earrings; though her earrings; nose ring; and the chain that ran between was finer than Harine's or Shalon's。 〃The wele of my ship to you;〃 Derah said; 〃and the grace of the Light be upon you until you leave his decks。〃 She made a small bow toward the fourth woman; in yellow。 〃This is Taval din Chanai Nine Gulls; Windfinder of White Spray。〃 Only three rings hung from each of Taval's ears; fine like those of the Sailmistress。 She looked younger than Shalon; no older than himself。
   Harine took it up again; gesturing toward the raised stern of the ship。 〃We will speak in my cabin; if it pleases you。 A soarer is not a large vessel; Rand al'Thor; and the cabin is small。 If it pleases you to e alone; all here stand surety for your safety。〃 So。 From the Coramoor to plain Rand al'Thor。 She would take back what she had given; if she could。
   He was about to open his mouth and agree … anything to get this done; Harine was already moving that way; still gesturing for him to follow; the other women with her … when Merana gave another tiny cough。
   〃The Windfinders can channel;〃 she murmured hastily into her hand。 〃You should take two sisters with you; or they'll feel they've gained the upper hand。〃
   Rand frowned。 The upper hand? He was the Dragon Reborn; after all。 Still。。。 〃I will be pleased to e; Wavemistress; but Min here goes everywhere with me。〃 He patted Min's hand on his arm … she had not let go an instant … and Harine nodded。 Taval was already holding the door open; Derah made one of those small bows; gesturing him toward it。
   〃And Dashiva; of course。〃 The man gave a start at his name; as if he had been asleep。 At least he was not staring wide…eyed around the deck like Flinn and Narishma。 Staring at the women。 Stories spoke of the alluring beauty and grace of Sea Folk women; and Rand could certainly see that … they walked as if they would begin dancing on the next step; swaying sinuously … but he had not brought the men here to ogle。 〃Keep your eyes open!〃 he told them harshly。 Narishma colored; jerking himself stiffly erect; and pressed fist to chest。 Flinn simply saluted; but both seemed more alert。 For some reason; Min looked up at him with the tiniest wry smile。
   Harine nodded a little more impatiently。 A man stepped out from the crew; in baggy green silk breeches and with an ivory…hilted sword and dagger thrust behind his sash。 More white…haired than she; he also wore five fat little rings in each ear。 She waved him away even more impatiently。 〃As it please you; Rand al'Thor;〃 she said。
   〃And of course;〃 Rand added; as though an afterthought; 〃I must have Merana; and Rafela。〃 He was not certain why he chose the second name … perhaps because the plump Tairen sister was the only one not Green except Merana … but to his surprise; Merana smiled in approval。 For that matter; Bera nodded; and so did Faeldrin; and Alanna。
   Harine did not approve。 Her mouth tightened before she could control it。 〃As it pleases you;〃 she said; not quite so pleasantly as before。
   Once he was inside the stern cabin; where everything except a few brass…bound chests seemed built into the walls; Rand was not so sure the woman had not gained whatever she wanted just bringing him there。 For one thing; he was forced to stand hunched over; even between the roof beams; or whatever they were called on a ship。 He had read several books about ships; but none mentioned that。 The chair he was offered at the foot of the narrow table would not pull out; being fastened to the deck; and once Min showed him how to unlatch the chair arm and swing it out so he could sit; his knees hit the bottom of the table。 There were only eight chairs。 Harine sat at the far end; her back to the stern's red…shuttered windows; with her Windfinder to her left and the Sailmistress to her right and Taval below her。 Merana and Rafela took the chairs below Shalon; while Min sat to Rand's left。 Dashiva; with no chair; took a place beside the door; standing upright quite easily; though the roof beams almost brushed his head; too。 A young woman in a bright blue blouse; with one thin earring in each ear; brought thick cups of tea; brewed black and bitter。
   〃Let's be done with this;〃 Rand said testily as soon as the woman left with her tray。 He left his cup on the table after one sip。 He could not stretch out his legs。 He hated being confined。 Thoughts of being doubled inside the chest flashed in his head; and it was all he could do to rein his temper。 〃The Stone of Tear has fallen; the Aiel have e over the Dragonwall; all the parts of your Jendai Prophecy ha

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