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小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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Tear has fallen; the Aiel have e over the Dragonwall; all the parts of your Jendai Prophecy have e to pass。 I am the Coramoor。〃
   Harine smiled across her cup; a cool smile with no amusement in it。 〃That may be so; as it pleases the Light; but … 〃
   〃It is so;〃 Rand snapped despite a warning glance from Merana。 She went so far to nudge his leg with her foot。 He ignored that; too。 The cabin walls seemed closer; somehow。 〃What is it that you don't believe; Wavemistress? That Aes Sedai serve me? Rafela; Merana。〃 He gestured sharply。
   All he wanted was for them to e to him and be seen to e; but they set down their cups and rose gracefully; glided to either side of him … and knelt。 Each took one of his hands in both of hers and pressed her lips to the back of it; right on the shining golden…maned head of the Dragon that wound around his forearm。 He just managed to conceal his shock; not taking his eyes from Harine。 Her face went a little gray。
   〃Aes Sedai serve me; and so will the Sea Folk。〃 He motioned the sisters back to their seats。 Oddly; they looked a touch surprised。 〃That is what the Jendai Prophecy says。 The Sea Folk will serve the Coramoor。 I am the Coramoor。〃
   〃Yes; but there is the matter of the Bargain。〃 That word was plainly capitalized in Harine's tone。 〃The Jendai Prophecy says you will bring us to glory; and all the seas of the world will be ours。 As we give to you; you must give to us。 If I do not make the Bargain well; Nesta will hang me naked in the rigging by my ankles and call the First Twelve of Clan Shodein to name a new Wavemistress。〃 A look of utter horror stole across her face as those words came out of her mouth; and her black eyes went wider and wider by the word with disbelief。 Her Windfinder goggled at her; and Derah and Taval tried so hard not to; their eyes fastened to the table; that it seemed their faces might break。
   And suddenly; Rand understood。 Ta'veren。 He had seen the effects; the sudden moments when the least likely thing happened because he was near; but he had never known what was going on before until it was finished。 Easing his legs as best he could; he leaned his arms on the table。 〃The Atha'an Miere will serve me; Harine。 That is given。〃
   〃Yes; we will serve you; but … 〃 Harine half…reared out her chair; spilling her tea。 〃What are you doing to me; Aes Sedai?〃 she cried; trembling。 〃This is not fair bargaining!〃
   〃We do nothing;〃 Merana said calmly。 She actually managed to drink a swallow of that tea without wincing。
   〃You are in the presence of the Dragon Reborn;〃 Rafela added。 〃The Coramoor your prophecy calls you to serve; as I believe。〃 She laid a finger to one round cheek。 〃You said you speak for the Mistress of the Ships。 Does that mean your word is binding on the Atha'an Miere?〃
   〃Yes;〃 Harine whispered hoarsely; falling back in her seat。 〃What I say binds every ship; and all to the Mistress of the Ships herself。〃 It was impossible for one of the Sea Folk to go white in the face; yet staring at Rand; she came as near as she could。
   He smiled at Min; to share the moment。 At last a people would e to him without fighting every step of the way; or splitting apart like the Aiel。 Maybe Min thought he wanted her help to clinch matters; or maybe it was ta'veren。 She leaned toward the Wavemistress。 〃You will be punished for what happens here today; Harine; but not so much as you fear; I think。 At least; one day you will be the Mistress of the Ships。〃
   Harine frowned at her; then glanced to her Windfinder。
   〃She is not Aes Sedai;〃 Shalon said; and Harine seemed caught between relief and disappointment。 Until Rafela spoke。
   〃Several years ago; I heard reports of a girl with a remarkable ability to see things。 Are you she; Min?〃
   Min grimaced into her cup; then nodded reluctantly; she always said that the more people knew what she could do; the less good came of it。 Glancing across the table at the Aes Sedai; she sighed。 Rafela only nodded; but Merana was staring at her; hazel eyes avid in a mask of serenity。 No doubt she expected to corner Min as soon as possible and find out what this talent was and how it worked; and no doubt Min expected it too。 Rand felt a prickle of irritation; she should have known he would protect her from being bothered。 A prickle of irritation; and a warmth that he could protect her from that; at least。
   〃You may trust what Min says; Harine;〃 Rafela said。 〃The reports I heard say that what she sees always seems to e true。 And even if she does not realize it; she has seen something else。〃 Her round face tilted to one side; and a smile curved her mouth。 〃If you will be punished for what happens here; then it must mean you will agree to whatever your Coramoor wants。〃
   〃Unless I agree to nothing;〃 Harine blustered。 〃If I make no Bargain。。。 〃 Her fists clenched on the tabletop。 She had already admitted she had to make the Bargain。 She had admitted the Sea Folk would serve。
   〃What I require of you is not onerous;〃 Rand said。 He had thought about this since deciding to e。 〃When I want ships to carry men or supplies; the Sea Folk will give them。 I want to know what is happening in Tarabon and Arad Doman; and in the lands between。 Your ships can learn … will learn … what I want to know; they call in Tanchico and Bandar Eban and a hundred fishing villages and towns between。 Your ships can travel farther out to sea than anyone else's。 The Sea Folk will keep watch as far west in the Aryth Ocean as they can sail。 There is a people; the Seanchan; who live beyond the Aryth Ocean; and one day; they will e to try to conquer us。 The Sea Folk will let me know when they e。〃
   〃You require much;〃 Harine muttered bitterly。 〃We know of these Seanchan; who e from the Islands of the Dead; it seems; from which no ship returns。 Some of our ships have encountered theirs; they use the One Power as a weapon。 You require more than you know; Coramoor。〃 For once; she did not pause at the title。 〃Some dark evil has descended upon the Aryth Ocean。 No ship of ours has e from there in many months。 Ships that sail west; vanish。〃
   Rand felt a chill。 He turned the Dragon Scepter; made from part of a Seanchan spear; in his hands。 Could they have returned already? They had been driven back once; at Falme。 He carried the spearhead to remind him that there were more enemies in the world than those he could see; but he had been sure it would take the Seanchan years to recover from their defeat; driven into the sea by the Dragon Reborn and the dead heroes called back by the Horn of Valere。 Was the Horn still in the White Tower? He knew it had been taken there。
   Suddenly he could not bear the confines of the cabin any longer。 He fumbled with the latch on the chair arm。 It would not open。 Gripping the smooth wood; he tore the arm off in splinters with one convulsive heave。 〃We've agreed the Sea Folk will serve me;〃 he said; pushing himself up。 The low ceiling made him hunch over the table threateningly。 The cabin did feel smaller。 〃If there is any more to your Bargain; Merana and Rafela here will see to it with you。〃 Without waiting for an answer; he spun for the door; where Dashiva appeared to be muttering to himself again。
   Merana caught him there; caught his sleeve and spoke swiftly and low。 〃My Lord Dragon; it would be for the best if you remained。 You have seen what your being ta'veren has done already。 With you here; I believe she will continue to reveal what she wants to hide and give agreement before we give anything。〃
   〃You are Gray Ajah;〃 he told her harshly。 〃Negotiate! Dashiva; e with me。〃
   On deck; he drew deep breaths。 The cloudless sky was open overhead。 Open。
   It took him a moment to notice Bera and the other two sisters; watching him expectantly; Flinn and Narishma kept to what they were supposed to do; a quarter of an eye on the ship and the rest on the riverbanks; the city on one side and the half…rebuilt granaries on the other。 A ship in mid…river was a vulnerable place to be if one of the Forsaken decided to strike。 For that matter; anywhere was a dangerous place then。 Rand could not understand why one of them had not at least tried to destroy the Sun Pa

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