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小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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 Caraline; slight; pale men and women in dark clothes with stripes of color sometimes to below the waist。 All with crossbows。 Servants afoot came after; laboring and panting with the heat; the men who would dress and carry any downed game。 It hardly seemed to matter that none had more than a skinning knife at his belt。 Min swallowed; and unconsciously began patting her cheeks with her handkerchief a little more vigorously。 If even one person recognized Rand before he knew it。。。
   Lady Caraline did not hesitate。 〃Not spies; Darlin;〃 she said; turning her horse to face the Tairen newers。 The High Lord Darlin Sisnera! All that was needed now was Lord Toram Riatin。 Min wished Rand's ta'veren tugging at the Pattern could be just a little less plete。 〃A cousin and his wife;〃 Caraline went on; 〃e from Andor to see me。 May I present Tomas Trakand … from a minor branch of the House … and his wife Jaisi。〃 Min almost glared at her; the only Jaisi she had ever known had been a dusty prune before she was twenty; and sour and bad…tempered to boot。
   Darlin's gaze swept over Rand again; lingered a moment on Min。 He lowered his crossbow and bowed his head just a hair; a High Lord of Tear to a minor noble。 〃You are wele; Lord Tomas。 It takes a brave man to join us in our present circumstances。 Al'Thor may loose the savages on us any day。〃 The Lady Caraline gave him an exasperated look that he made a show of not seeing。
   He noted that Rand's return bow was no more than his; however; noted; and frowned。 A darkly handsome woman in his retinue muttered angrily under her breath … she had a long hard face; well…practiced in anger … and a stout fellow; scowling and sweating in a red…striped coat of pale green; heeled his horse forward a few steps as if thinking to ride Rand down。
   〃The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills;〃 Rand said coolly; as though he noticed nothing。 The Dragon Reborn to。。。 The Dragon Reborn to just about anybody; was what it was。 Arrogance on a mountaintop。 〃Not much happens as we expect。 For instance; I heard you were in Tear; in Haddon Mirk。〃
   Min wished she dared speak up; dared say something to soothe him。 She settled for stroking his arm。 Casually。 A wife … now there was a word that suddenly sounded fine … a wife idly patting her husband。 Another fine word。 Light; it was hard being fair! It was hardly fair; having to be fair。
   〃The High Lord Darlin is but lately e by longboat with a few of his close friends; Tomas。〃 Caraline's throaty tone never changed; but her gelding suddenly pranced; no doubt at a sharp heel; and under cover of regaining control she turned her back to Darlin and shot Rand a brief warning frown。 〃Do not trouble the High Lord; Tomas。〃
   〃I do not mind; Caraline;〃 Darlin said; slinging his crossbow from his saddle by a loop。 He rode a little closer and rested an arm on his tall saddlebow。 〃A man should know what he is stepping into。 You may have heard the tales about al'Thor going to the Tower; Tomas。 I came because Aes Sedai approached me months ago with suggestions that might happen; and your cousin informed me she had received the same。 We thought we might put her on the Sun Throne before Colavaere could take it。 Well; al'Thor is no fool; never believe he is。 Myself; I think he played the Tower like a harp。 Colavaere is hanged; he sits secure behind Cairhien's walls … without an Aes Sedai halter; I'll wager; no matter what rumor says … and until we find some way to extricate ourselves; we sit in his hand; waiting for him to make a fist。〃
   〃A ship brought you;〃 Rand said simply。 〃A ship could take you away。〃 Abruptly Min realized he was gently patting her hand on his arm。 Trying to soothe her!
   Startlingly; Darlin threw back his head and laughed。 A great many women would forget his nose for those eyes and that laugh。 〃So it would; Tomas; but I've asked your cousin to marry me。 She will not say yes or no; but a man cannot abandon even a possible wife to the mercies of the Aiel; and she will not leave。〃
   Caraline Damodred drew herself up on her saddle; face cold enough to shame an Aes Sedai; but suddenly auras of red and white flashed around her and Darlin; and Min knew。 The colors never seemed to matter; but she knew that they would marry … after Caraline had led him a merry chase。 More; to her eyes a crown suddenly appeared on Darlin's head; a simple golden circlet with a slightly curved sword lying on its side above his brows。 The king's crown he would wear one day; though of what country; she could not say。 Tear had High Lords instead of a king。
   Image and auras vanished as Darlin pulled his horse around to face Caraline。 〃There's no game to be found today。 Toram has already returned to camp。 I suggest we do the same。〃 Those blue eyes scanned the surrounding trees quickly。 〃It seems your cousin and his wife have lost their horses。 They will wander; in a careless moment;〃 he added to Rand; in a kindly tone。 He knew very well they had no horses。 〃But I'm sure Rovair and Ines will give up their mounts。 A walk in the air will do them good。〃
   The stout man in the red…striped coat swung down from his tall bay immediately; with a toadying smile for Darlin and one markedly less warm if just as greasy for Rand。 The angry…faced woman was a moment later in climbing stiffly from her silver…gray mare。 She did not look pleased。
   Neither was Min。 〃You mean to go into their camp?〃 she whispered as Rand led her to the horses。 〃Are you mad?〃 she added before thinking。
   〃Not yet;〃 he said softly; touching her nose with the tip of one finger。 〃Thanks to you; I know that。〃 And he boosted her onto the mare; then climbed into the bay's saddle and heeled the animal up beside Darlin。
   Heading north and a little toward the west; across the slope; they left Rovair and Ines standing beneath the trees frowning at one another sourly。 As they fell in behind with the Cairhienin; the other Tairens shouted laughing wishes that the pair would enjoy the walk。
   Min would have ridden alongside Rand; but Caraline put a hand on her arm; drawing her in back of the two men。 〃I want to see what he does;〃 Caraline said quietly。 Which one; Min wondered。 〃You are his lover?〃 Caraline asked。
   〃Yes;〃 Min told her defiantly; once she could catch a breath。 Her cheeks felt like fire。 But the woman only nodded; as if it were the most natural thing in the world。 Maybe it was; in Cairhien。 Sometimes she realized that all the sophistication she had picked up talking to worldly people was about as thick as her blouse。
   Rand and Darlin rode knee to knee just ahead; the younger man half a head taller than the older; each wrapped in pride like a cloak。 But talking; just the same。 Listening was not easy。 They spoke quietly; and the dead leaves rustling under the horses' hooves; fallen branches cracking; often was enough to muffle their words。 The cry of a hawk overhead or the chattering of a squirrel in a tree drowned them。 Still; it was possible to overhear snatches。
   〃If I may say so; Tomas;〃 Darlin said at one point; as they headed down after the first rise; 〃and under the Light I offer no disrespect; you are fortunate in having a beautiful wife。 The Light willing; I will have one as beautiful myself。〃
   〃Why do they not speak of something important?〃 Caraline muttered。
   Min turned her head to hide a small smile。 The Lady Caraline did not look half as displeased as she sounded。 She herself had never cared whether anyone thought her pretty or not。 Well; until she met Rand; anyway。 Maybe Darlin's nose was not all that long。
   〃I would have let him take Callandor from the Stone;〃 Darlin said some time later; as they climbed a sparsely treed slope; 〃but I could not stand aside when he brought Aiel invaders into Tear。〃
   〃I've read the Prophecies of the Dragon;〃 Rand said; leaning forward on the bay's neck and urging the animal on。 A fine glossy appearance the horse had; but no more bottom than his owner; Min suspected。 〃The Stone had to fall before he could take Callandor;〃 Rand continued。 〃Other Tairen lords follow him; so I hear。〃
   Darlin snorted。 〃They cringe and lick his boots! I could have followed; if that was what he wanted; if。。。 〃

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