九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > rj.acrownofswords >



小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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   〃Mordeth;〃 Rand said。 His eyes were locked to Toram Riatin and the skinny fellow。 〃His name is Padan Fain; and there are one hundred thousand golden crowns on his head。〃
   Caraline nearly dropped her goblet。 〃Queens have been ransomed for less。 What did he do?〃
   〃He ravaged my home because it was my home。〃 Rand's face was frozen; his voice ice。 〃He brought Trollocs to kill my friends because they were my friends。 He is a Darkfriend; and a dead man。〃 Those last words came through clenched teeth。 Punch splashed to the carpet as the silver goblet bent in his gloved fist。
   Min felt sick for him; for his pain … she had heard what Fain had done in the Two Rivers … but she put a hand on Rand's chest in near panic。 If he gave way now; channeled with who knew how many Aes Sedai around。。。 〃For the Light's sake; take hold of yourself;〃 she began; and a woman's voice spoke pleasantly behind her。
   〃Will you present me to your tall young friend; Caraline?〃
   Min looked over her shoulder; right into an ageless face; cool…eyed beneath iron…gray hair pulled up into a bun from which dangled small golden ornaments。 Swallowing a squeak; Min coughed。 She had thought Caraline had taken her in in one glance; but these cool eyes seemed to know things about her she herself had forgotten。 The Aes Sedai's smile; as she adjusted her green…fringed shawl; was not nearly so pleasant as her voice。
   〃Of course; Cadsuane Sedai。〃 Caraline sounded shaken; but she smoothed her tone well before she finished introducing her visiting 〃cousin〃 and his 〃wife。〃 〃But I fear Cairhien is no place for them at present;〃 she said; all self…possession once more; smiling regret that she could not keep Rand and Min longer。 〃They have agreed to take my advice and return to Andor。〃
   〃Have they?〃 Cadsuane said dryly。 Min's heart sank。 Even if Rand had not spoken of her; it was clear from the way she looked at him that she knew him。 Tiny golden birds and moons and stars swayed as she shook her head。 〃Most boys learn not to stick their fingers into the pretty fire the first time they are burned; Tomas。 Others need to be spanked; to learn。 Better a tender bottom than a seared hand。〃
   〃You know I'm no child;〃 Rand told her sharply。
   〃Do I?〃 She eyed him from head to toe; and made it seem no very great distance。 〃Well; it seems I shall soon see whether or not you need spanking。〃 Those cool eyes drifted to Min; to Caraline; and with a final hitch to her shawl; Cadsuane herself drifted away into the crowd。
   Min swallowed the lump in her throat; and was pleased to see Caraline do the same; self…possession or no。 Rand … the blind fool! … stared after the Aes Sedai as though intending to go after her。 This time it was Caraline who laid a hand on Rand's chest。
   〃I take it you know Cadsuane;〃 she said breathily。 〃Be careful of her; even the other; sisters stand in awe of her。〃 Her throaty tones took on a note of gravity。 〃I have no idea what will e of today; but whatever it is; I think it is time you were gone; 'Cousin Tomas。' Past time。 I will have horses … 〃
   〃This is your cousin; Caraline?〃 said a deep; rich man's voice; and Min jumped in spite of herself。
   Toram Riatin was even better…looking close up than at a distance; with the sort of strong male beauty and air of worldly knowledge that would have attracted Min before she met Rand。 Well; she still found them attractive; just not as much as she did Rand。 His firm…lipped smile was quite appealing。
   Toram's gaze fell to Caraline's hand; still on Rand's chest。 〃The Lady Caraline is to be my wife;〃 he said lazily。 〃Did you know that?〃
   Caraline's cheeks reddened angrily。 〃Do not say that; Toram! I have told you I will not; and I will not!〃
   Toram smiled at Rand。 〃I think women never know their minds until you show them。 What do you think; Jeraal? Jeraal?〃 He looked around; scowling。 Min stared at him in amazement。 And he was so pretty; with just the right air of。。。 She wished she could call up viewings at will。 She very much wanted to know what the future held for this man。
   〃I saw your friend scurry off that way; Toram。〃 Mouth twisted with distaste; Caraline gave a vague wave of her hand。 〃You will find him near the drink; I think; or else bothering the serving girls。〃
   〃Later; my precious。〃 He tried to touch her cheek; and looked amused when she stepped back。 Without a pause he transferred his amusement to Rand。 And the sword at his side。 〃Would you care for a little sport; cousin? I call you that because we will be cousins; once Caraline is my wife。 With practice swords; of course。〃
   〃Certainly not;〃 Caraline laughed。 〃He is a boy; Toram; and scarce knows one end of that thing from the other。 His mother would never forgive me; if I allowed … 〃
   〃Sport;〃 Rand said abruptly。 〃I might as well see where this leads。 I agree。〃
Chapter 36 
(Ruby…Hilted Dagger) 
   Min did not know whether to groan or shout or sit down and cry。 Caraline; staring wide…eyed at Rand; seemed in the same quandary。
   With a laugh; Toram began rubbing his hands together。 〃Listen; everyone;〃 he shouted。 〃You are going to see some sport。 Clear a space。 Clear a space。〃 He strode off; waving people away from the center of the tent。
   〃Sheepherder;〃 Min growled; 〃you're not wool…brained。 You don't have any brains!〃
   〃I would not put it quite so;〃 Caraline said in a very dry voice; 〃but I suggest you leave; now。 Whatever。。。 tricks。。。 you think you might use; there are seven Aes Sedai in this tent; four of them Red Ajah lately arrived from the south on their way to Tar Valon。 Should one of them so much as suspect; I very much fear that whatever might have e of today; never will。 Leave。〃
   〃I won't use any。。。 tricks。〃 Rand unbuckled his sword belt and handed it to Min。 〃If I've touched you and Darlin in one way; maybe I can touch Toram in another。〃 The crowd was pushing back; opening up an area twenty paces across between two of the great centerpoles。 Some looked to Rand; and there was a great deal of rib nudging and sly laughter。 The Aes Sedai were offered pride of place; of course; Cadsuane and her two friends on one side; four ageless women in Red Ajah shawls on the other。 Cadsuane and her panions were eyeing Rand with open disapproval and as close to irritation as any Aes Sedai ever let show; but the Red sisters looked more concerned with those three。 At least; although they stood directly opposite; they managed to seem oblivious of the presence of any other sisters。 No one could be that blind without trying。
   〃Listen to me; cousin。〃 Caraline's low voice almost crackled with urgency。 She stood very close; her neck craned to look up at him。 Barely reaching his chest; she seemed ready to box his ears。 〃If you use none of your special tricks;〃 Caraline went on; 〃he can hurt you badly; even with practice swords; and he will。 He has never liked another touching what he thinks is his; and he suspects every pretty young man who speaks to me of being my lover。 When we were children; he pushed a friend … a friend! … down the stairs and broke his back because Derowin rode his pony without asking。 Go; cousin。 No one will think less; no one expects a boy to face a blademaster。 Jaisi。。。 whatever your real name is。。。 help me convince him!〃
   Min opened her mouth … and Rand laid a finger across her lips。 〃I am who I am;〃 he smiled。 〃And I don't think I could run from him if I wasn't。 So; he's a blademaster。〃 Unbuttoning his coat; he strode out into the cleared area。
   〃Why must they be so stubborn when you least wish it?〃 Caraline whispered in tones of frustration。 Min could only nod in agreement。
   Toram had stripped to shirt and breeches; and carried two practice swords; their 〃blades〃 bundles of thin lathes tied together。 He raised an eyebrow at the sight of Rand with his coat simply hanging open。 〃You will be confined in that; cousin。〃 Rand shrugged。
   Without warning; Toram tossed one of the swords; Rand caught it out of the air by the long hilt。
   〃Those gloves will slip; cousin。 You want a firm grip。〃
   Rand took the hilt in both hands and turned slightly sideways; blade d

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