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小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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   Samitsu took an ivory…inlaid chair against the wall; spreading her dark yellow skirts; and sat with her hands folded; watching Rand's chest rise and fall beneath the sheet。 Niande went to Rand's bookshelf and selected a book before she sat near the windows。 Reading! Kiruna and Bera started to sit; then actually looked to Cadsuane and waited for her impatient nod before they sat down。
   〃Why aren't you doing something?〃 Min shouted。
   〃That is what I might ask;〃 Amys said; walking into the room。 The youthful; white…haired Wise One stared at Rand for a moment; then shifted her deep brown shawl and turned to Kiruna and Bera。 〃You may go;〃 she said。 〃And Kiruna; Sorilea wishes to see you again。〃
   Kiruna's dark face paled; but the pair of them rose and curtsied; murmuring; 〃Yes; Amys;〃 even more meekly than for Cadsuane before leaving with embarrassed glances at the Green sister。
   〃Interesting;〃 Cadsuane said when they were gone。 Her dark eyes locked with Amys' blue; and Cadsuane; at least; seemed to like what she saw。 At any rate; she smiled。 〃I should like to meet this Sorilea。 She is a strong woman?〃 She seemed to emphasize the word 〃strong。〃
   〃The strongest I have ever known;〃 Amys said simply。 Calmly。 You would never have thought Rand lay senseless in front of her。 〃I do not know your Healing; Aes Sedai。 I trust that you have done what can be done?〃 Her tone was flat; Min doubted how much Amys did trust。
   〃What can be done; has been;〃 Cadsuane sighed。 〃All we can do now is wait。〃
   〃While he dies?〃 a man's harsh voice said; and Min jumped。
   Dashiva strode into the room; his plain face contorted in a scowl。 〃Flinn!〃 he snapped。
   Niande's book thudded to the floor from apparently nerveless fingers; she stared at the three men in black coats as she would have at the Dark One himself。 Pale…faced; Samitsu muttered something that sounded like a prayer。
   At Dashiva's mand; the grizzled Asha'man limped to the bed on the opposite side from Cadsuane and began running his hands along the length of Rand's still body a foot above the sheet。 Young Narishma stood frowning by the door; fingering the hilt of his sword; those big dark eyes trying to watch all three Aes Sedai at once。 The Aes Sedai; and Amys。 He did not look afraid; just a man confidently waiting for those women to show themselves his enemies。 Unlike the Aes Sedai; Amys ignored the Asha'man except for Flinn。 Her eyes followed him; smooth face utterly expressionless。 But her thumb ran along the haft of her belt knife in a very expressive manner。
   〃What are you doing?〃 Samitsu demanded; leaping up from her chair。 Whatever her unease about Asha'man; concern for her unconscious patient had overe it。 〃You; Flinn or whoever you are。〃 She started toward the bed; and Narishma flowed to block her。 Frowning; she tried to go around; and he put a hand on her arm。
   〃Another boy with no manners;〃 Cadsuane murmured。 Of the three sisters; only she displayed no alarm whatsoever at the Asha'man。 Instead; she studied them over steepled fingers。
   Narishma flushed at her ment and removed his hand; but when Samitsu tried to go around him again; he once more stepped in front of her。
   She settled for glaring past his shoulder。 〃You; Flinn; what are you doing? I won't have you killing him with your ignorance! Do you hear me?〃 Min practically danced from foot to foot。 She did not think an Asha'man would kill Rand; not on purpose; but。。。 He trusted them; but。。。 Light; even Amys did not seem sure; frowning from Flinn to Rand。
   Flinn stripped the sheet down to Rand's waist; exposing the wound。 The gash looked neither better nor worse than she remembered; a gaping; angry; bloodless wound slicing across the round scar。 He appeared to be sleeping。
   〃He can't do any worse than Rand already is;〃 Min said。 Nobody paid her any mind。
   Dashiva made a guttural sound; and Flinn looked at him。 〃You see something; Asha'man?〃
   〃I have no Talent for Healing;〃 Dashiva said; twisting his mouth wryly。 〃You're the one who took my suggestion and learned。〃
   〃What suggestion?〃 Samitsu demanded。 〃I insist that you … 〃
   〃Be quiet; Samitsu;〃 Cadsuane said。 She seemed to be the only one in the room who was calm aside from Amys; and from the way the Wise One kept stroking her knife hilt; Min was not certain about her。 〃I think the last thing he wants to do is harm the boy。〃
   〃But; Cadsuane;〃 Niande began urgently; 〃that man is … 〃
   〃I said; be quiet;〃 the gray…haired Aes Sedai told her firmly。
   〃I assure you;〃 Dashiva said; managing to sound oily and harsh at the same time; 〃Flinn knows what he is about。 Already he can do things you Aes Sedai never dreamed of。〃 Samitsu sniffed; loudly。 Cadsuane merely nodded and sat back in her chair。
   Flinn traced his finger along the puffy gash in Rand's side and across the old scar。 That did seem more tender。 〃These are alike; but different; as if there's two kinds of infection at work。 Only it isn't infection; it's。。。 darkness。 I can't think of a better word。〃 He shrugged; eyeing Samitsu's Yellow…fringed shawl as she frowned at him; but it was a considering look she gave him now。
   〃Get on with it; Flinn;〃 Dashiva muttered。 〃If he dies。。。 〃 Nose wrinkled as though at a bad smell; he seemed unable to look away from Rand。 His lips moved as he talked to himself; and once he made a sound; half sob; half bitter laugh; without his face changing one line。
   Drawing a deep breath; Flinn looked around the room; at the Aes Sedai; at Amys。 When he caught sight of Min; he gave a start; and his leathery face reddened。 Hastily he rearranged the sheet to cover Rand to his neck; leaving only the old wound and the new exposed。
   〃I hope nobody minds if I talk;〃 he said; beginning to move callused hands above Rand's side。 〃Talking seems to help a mite。〃 He squinted; focusing on the injuries; and his fingers writhed slowly。 Very much as though he was weaving threads; Min realized。 His tone was almost absent; only part of his mind on the words。 〃It was Healing made me go to the Black Tower; you might say。 I was a soldier; till I took a lance in my thigh; couldn't grip a saddle proper after that; or even walk far。 That was the fifteenth wound I took in near forty years in the Queen's Guards。 Fifteen that counted; anyway; it don't if you can walk or ride; after。 I seen a lot of friends die in them forty years。 So I went; and the M'Hael taught me Healing。 And other things。 A rough sort of Healing; I was Healed by an Aes Sedai once … oh; nigh on thirty years back now … and this hurts; pared to that。 Works as well; though。 Then one day; Dashiva here … pardon; Asha'man Dashiva … says he wonders why it's all the same; no matter if a man's got a broke leg or a cold; and we got to talking; and。。。 Well; he's got no feel for it; himself; but me; seems I got the knack you might say。 The Talent。 So I started thinking; what if I。。。? There。 Best I can do。〃
   Dashiva grunted as Flinn abruptly sat back on his heels and wiped the back of his hand across his forehead。 Sweat beaded on his face; the first time Min had seen an Asha'man perspire。 The slash in Rand's side was not gone; yet it seemed a little smaller; less red and angry。 He still slept; but his face seemed less pale。
   Samitsu darted past Narishma so quickly he had no chance to intervene。 〃What did you do?〃 she demanded; laying fingers on Rand's forehead。 Whatever she found with the Power; her eyebrows climbed halfway to her hair; and her tone leaped from imperious to incredulous。 〃What did you do?〃
   Flinn shrugged his shoulders regretfully。 〃Not much。 I couldn't really touch what's wrong。 I sort of sealed them away from him; for a time; anyhow。 It won't last。 They're fighting each other; now。 Maybe they'll kill off each other; while he heals himself the rest of the way。〃 Sighing; he shook his head。 〃On the other hand; I can't say that they won't kill him。 But I think he has a better chance than he did。〃
   Dashiva nodded self…importantly。 〃Yes; he has a chance; now。〃 You would have thought he had done the Healing himself。
   To Flinn's evident surprise; Samitsu rounded the bed to help him rise。 〃Yo

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