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小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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   Scrambling down behind Lan; he left Nalesean and Beslan to help Vanin and the others down from the last coaches。 Nearly a dozen men; and not even the Cairhienin really small; they had been jammed in like apples in a barrel and clambered out stiffly。 Mat strode ahead of the Warder toward the lead coach; the ashandarei slanted across his shoulder。 Nynaeve and Elayne were both going to get a piece of his mind no matter who was listening。 Trying to keep Moghedien hidden! Not to mention two of his men dead! He was going to …! Suddenly very conscious of Lan towering behind him like a stone statue with that sword on his hip; he amended his thoughts。 The Daughter…Heir at least was going to hear about keeping that sort of secret。
   Nynaeve was standing on the landing; tying on her blue…plumed hat and talking back up into the coach when he reached it。 〃。。。 Will work out; of course; but who would think the Sea Folk; of all people; would demand such a thing; even just in private?〃
   〃But; Nynaeve;〃 Elayne said as she stepped down with her green…plumed hat in her hand; 〃if last night was as glorious as you say; how can you plain about …?〃
   That was when they became aware of him and Lan。 Of Lan; really。 Nynaeve's eyes opened wider and wider; filling her face as it reddened to shame two sunsets。 Maybe three。 Elayne froze with one foot still on the coach step; giving the Warder such a frown you would have thought he had sneaked up on them。 Lan gazed down at Nynaeve; though; with no more expression than a fence post; and for all Nynaeve appeared ready to crawl under the coach and hide; she stared up at Lan as if no one else existed in the world。 Realizing her frown was wasted there; Elayne took her foot off the step and moved out of the way of Reanne and the two Wise Women who had shared the coach; Tamarla and a graying Saldaean woman named Janira; but the Daughter…Heir did not give up; oh; no。 She transferred that scowl to Mat Cauthon; and if it altered a whit; it was to deepen。 He snorted and shook his head。 Usually when a woman was in the wrong; she could find so many things to blame on the nearest man that he wound up thinking maybe he really was at fault。 In his experience; old memories or new; there were only two times a woman admitted she was wrong: when she wanted something; and when it snowed at midsummer。
   Nynaeve seized at her braid; but not as if her heart was in it。 Her fingers fumbled and fell away; and she started wringing her hands instead。 〃Lan;〃 she began unsteadily; 〃you mustn't think I would talk about … 〃
   The Warder cut in smoothly; bowing and offering her his arm。 〃We are in public; Nynaeve。 Whatever you want to say in public; you may。 May I escort you to the boat?〃
   〃Yes;〃 she said; nodding so vigorously that her hat nearly fell off。 She straightened it hurriedly with both hands。 〃Yes。 In public。 You will escort me。〃 Taking his arm; she regained some measure of posure; at least insofar as her face went。 Gathering her dust…cloak in her free hand; she practically dragged him across the quay toward the landing。
   Mat wondered whether she might be ill。 He rather enjoyed seeing Nynaeve dropped a peg or six; but she hardly ever let it last two breaths。 Aes Sedai could not Heal themselves。 Maybe he should suggest to Elayne that she deal with whatever was wrong with Nynaeve。 He avoided Healing like death or marriage himself; but it was different for other people as he saw it。 First; though; he had a few choice words to say about secrets。
   Opening his mouth; he raised an admonitory finger。。。
   。 。 。 and Elayne poked him in the chest with hers; her scowl beneath that plumed hat so cold it made his toes hurt。 〃Mistress Corly;〃 she said in the icy voice of a queen pronouncing judgment; 〃explained to Nynaeve and me the significance of those red flowers on the basket; which I see you at least have shame enough to have hidden。〃
   His face went redder than Nynaeve's had thought of。 A few paces away; Reanne Corly and the other two were tying on hats and adjusting dresses the way women did every time they stood up; sat down or moved three steps。 Yet despite giving their attention to their clothes; they had enough left over for glances in his direction; and for once they were neither disapproving nor startled。 He had not known the bloody flowers meant anything! Ten sunsets would not have done for his face。
   〃So!〃 Elayne's voice was low; for his ears alone; but it dripped disgust and contempt。 She gave her cloak a twitch; to keep it from touching him。 〃It's true! I could not believe it of you; not even you! I'm sure Nynaeve couldn't。 Any promise I made to you is abolished。 I will not keep any promise to a man who could force his attentions on a woman; on any woman; but especially on a Queen who has offered him … 〃
   〃Me force my attentions on her!〃 he shouted。 Or rather; he tried to shout; choking made it e out in a wheeze。
   Seizing Elayne's shoulders; he pulled her away from the carriages a little distance。 Shirtless dockmen in stained green leather vests hurried by; carrying sacks on their shoulders or rolling barrels along the quay; some pushing low barrows loaded with crates; all giving the coaches a wide berth。 The Queen of Altara might not have much power; but her sigil on a coach door ensured that moners would give it room。 Nalesean and Beslan were chatting as they led the Redarms onto the landing; Vanin bringing up the rear and staring gloomily at the choppy river; he claimed to have a tender belly when it came to boats。 The Wise Women from both coaches had gathered around Reanne; watching; but they were not close enough to overhear。 He whispered hoarsely just the same。
   〃You listen to me! That woman won't take no for an answer; I say no; and she laughs at me。 She's starved me; bullied me; chased me down like a stag! She has more hands than any six women I ever met。 She threatened to have the serving women undress me if I didn't let her … 〃 Abruptly; what he was saying hit him。 And who he was saying it to。 He managed to close his mouth before he swallowed a fly。 He became very interested in one of the dark metal ravens inlaid in the haft of the ashandarei; so he would not have to meet her eyes。 〃What I mean to say is; you don't understand;〃 he muttered。 〃You have it all backwards。〃 He risked a glance at her under the edge of his hatbrim。
   A faint blush crept into her cheeks; but her face became solemn as a marble bust。 〃It。。。 appears that I may have misunderstood;〃 she said soberly。 〃That is。。。 very bad of Tylin。〃 He thought her lips twitched。 〃Have you considered practicing different smiles in a mirror; Mat?〃
   Startled; he blinked。 〃What?〃
   〃I have heard reliably that that is what young women do who attract the eyes of kings。〃 Something cracked the sobriety of her voice; and this time her lips definitely twitched。 〃You might try batting your eyelashes; too。〃 Catching her lower lip with her teeth; she turned away; shoulders shaking; dust…cloak streaming behind as she hurried toward the landing。 Before she darted beyond hearing; he heard her chortle something about 〃a taste of his own medicine。〃 Reanne and the Wise Women scurried in her wake; a flock of hens following a chick instead of the other way around。 The few bare…chested boatmen up out of their boats stopped coiling lines or whatever they were doing and bowed their heads respectfully as the procession went by。
   Snatching off his hat; Mat considered throwing it down and jumping on it。 Women! He should have known better than to expect sympathy。 He would like to throttle the bloody Daughter…Heir。 And Nynaeve; too; on general principle。 Except; of course; that he could not。 He had made promises。 And those dice were still using his skull for a dice cup。 And one of the Forsaken might be around somewhere。 Settling the hat squarely back on his head; he marched down the landing; brushed past the Wise Women and caught up to Elayne。 She was still trying to fight down giggles; but every time she cut her eyes his way; the color in her cheeks renewed itself and so did the giggles。
   He stared straight ahead。 Bloody women! Bloody promises。 Removing his hat long enough to pull the leathe

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