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小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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bled as she reached up to take his head between them。
   Unconsciously Perrin rubbed the palm of his hand; the one a Shaido spear had laid open yesterday。 Kiruna had Healed several gashes in him; and he had had Healing before; too。 It felt like being plunged headfirst into a freezing pond; it left you gasping and shaking and weak…kneed。 Hungry; too; usually。 The only sign Rand gave that anything had been done; though; was a slight shiver。
   〃How do you stand the pain?〃 Alanna whispered at him。
   〃It's done; then;〃 he said; removing her hands。 And turned from her without a word of thanks。 Seeming on the point of speaking; he paused; half…turning to look back toward Dumai's Wells。
   〃They have all been found; Rand al'Thor;〃 Amys said gently。
   He nodded; then again; more briskly。 〃It's time to be gone。 Sorilea; will you name Wise Ones to take over the prisoners from the Asha'man? And also as panions for Kiruna and。。。 my other liegewomen。〃 For an instant; he grinned。 〃I wouldn't want them to err through ignorance。〃
   〃It shall be done as you say; Car'a'carn。〃 Adjusting her shawl firmly; the leather…faced Wise One addressed the three sisters。 〃Join your friends until I can find someone to hold your hands。〃 It was not unexpected that Bera would frown indignantly; or Kiruna bee frost personified。 Alanna gazed at the ground; resigned; almost sullen。 Sorilea was having none of it。 Clapping hands sharply; she; made brisk shooing motions。 〃Well? Move! Move!〃
   Reluctantly; the Aes Sedai let themselves be herded; making it seem they simply were going where they wished。 Joining Sorilea; Amys whispered something that Perrin did not quite catch。 The three Aes Sedai apparently did; though。 They stopped dead; three very startled faces looking back at the Wise Ones。 Sorilea just clapped her hands again; louder than before; and shooed even more briskly。
   Scratching his beard; Perrin met Rhuarc's eyes。 The clan chief smiled faintly and shrugged。 Wise Ones' business。 That was all very well for him; Aiel were fatalistic as wolves。 Perrin glanced at Gedwyn。 The fellow was watching Sorilea lecture the Aes Sedai。 No; it was the sisters he watched; a fox staring at hens in a coop just out of his reach。 The Wise Ones have to be better than the Asha'man; Perrin thought。 They have to be。
   If Rand noticed the by…play; he ignored it。 〃Taim; you take the Asha'man back to the Black Tower as soon as the Wise Ones have charge of the prisoners。 As soon as。 Remember to keep an eye out for any man who learns too fast。 And remember what I said about recruiting。〃
   〃I can hardly forget; my Lord Dragon;〃 the black…coated man replied dryly。 〃I will handle that trip personally。 But if I may bring it up again。。。 You need a proper honor guard。〃
   〃We have been over that;〃 Rand said curtly。 〃I have better uses for the Asha'man。 If I need an honor guard; those I am keeping will do。 Perrin; will you …?〃
   〃My Lord Dragon;〃 Taim broke in; 〃you need more than a few Asha'man around you。〃
   Rand's head turned toward Taim。 His face matched any Aes Sedai for giving nothing away; but his scent made Perrin's ears try to lie back。 Razor…sharp rage abruptly vanished in curiosity and caution; the one thin and probing; the other foglike; then slashing; murderous fury consumed both。 Rand shook his head just slightly; and his smell became stony determination。 Nobody's scent changed that fast。 Nobody's。
   Taim had only his eyes to go by; of course; and all they could tell him was that Rand had shaken his head; if just barely。 〃Think。 You have chosen four Dedicated and four soldiers。 You should have Asha'man。〃 Perrin did not understand that; he thought they were all Asha'man。
   〃You think I can't teach them as well as you?〃 Rand's voice was soft; the whisper of a blade sliding in its sheath。
   〃I think the Lord Dragon is too busy for teaching;〃 Taim replied smoothly; yet the anger smell rose again。 〃Too important。 Take men who need the least of it。 I can choose the furthest along … 〃
   〃One;〃 Rand cut in。 〃And I will choose。〃 Taim smiled; spreading his hands in acquiescence; but the scent of frustration nearly overwhelmed anger。 Again Rand pointed without looking。 〃Him。〃 This time; he seemed surprised to find he was pointing directly at a man in his middle years sitting atop an upturned cask on the other side of the wagon circle; paying no attention to the gathering around Rand。 Instead; elbow on his knee and chin propped on his hand; he was frowning at the Aes Sedai prisoners。 The sword and Dragon glittered on the high collar of his black coat。 〃What is his name; Taim?〃
   〃Dashiva;〃 Taim said slowly; studying Rand。 He smelled even more surprised than Rand did; and irritated; too。 〃Corlan Dashiva。 From a farm in the Black Hills。〃
   〃He will do;〃 Rand said; but he did not sound sure himself。
   〃Dashiva is gaining his strength rapidly; but his head is in the clouds often as not。 Even when it isn't; he is not always entirely there。 Maybe he's just a daydreamer; and maybe the taint on saidin is touching his brain already。 Better for you to chose Torval or Rochaid or … 〃
   Taim's opposition seemed to sweep away Rand's uncertainty。 〃I said Dashiva will do。 Tell him he's to e with me; then turn the prisoners over to the Wise Ones and go。 I don't intend to stand here all day arguing。 Perrin; ready everyone to move。 Find me when they are。〃 Without another word he strode off; Min clinging to his arm; and Nandera and Sulin like shadows。 Taim's dark eyes glittered; then he was stalking away himself; shouting for Gedwyn and Rochaid; Torval and Kisman。 Black…coated men came running。
   Perrin grimaced。 With everything he had to tell Rand; he had not opened his mouth once。 At that; maybe it would e better away from the Aes Sedai and the Wise Ones。 And Taim。
   Really there was not much for him to do。 He was supposed to be in charge since he had brought the rescue; but Rhuarc knew what needed doing better than he ever would; and a word to Dobraine and Havien was sufficient for the Cairhienin and Mayeners。 They still wanted to say something; though they held back until they were alone and Perrin asked what it was。
   Then Havien burst out; 〃Lord Perrin; it's the Lord Dragon。 All that searching through the corpses … 〃
   〃It seemed a little。。。 excessive;〃 Dobraine interrupted smoothly。 〃We worry for him; as you can understand。 A great deal depends on him。〃 He might look a soldier; and he was; but he was a Cairhienin lord; too; and steeped in the Game of Houses; with all its careful talk; like any other Cairhienin。
   Perrin was not steeped in the Game of Houses。 〃He's still sane;〃 he said bluntly。 Dobraine simply nodded; as if to say of course; shrugged to say he had never intended to question; but Havien went bright red。 Watching them go to their men; Perrin shook his head。 He hoped he was not lying。
   Gathering the Two Rivers men; he told them to saddle their horses and ignored all the bowing; most of which looked spur…of…the…moment。 Even Faile said that sometimes Two Rivers people carried bowing too far; she said they were still working out how to behave with a lord。 He thought about shouting 〃I am not a lord〃 at them; but he had done that before; and it never worked。
   When all the others rushed for their animals; Dannil Lewin and Ban al'Seen remained behind。 Cousins; both were beanpoles and they looked much alike; except that Dannil affected mustaches like downturned horns in the Taraboner style; while Ban wore narrow lines of dark hair; in the fashion of Arad Doman; under a nose like a pickaxe。 Refugees had brought a lot of new things into the Two Rivers。
   〃Those Asha'man ing with us?〃 Dannil asked。 When Perrin shook his head; he exhaled so hard in relief that his thick mustaches stirred。
   〃What about the Aes Sedai?〃 Ban said anxiously。 〃They'll go free; now; won't they? I mean; Rand is free。 The Lord Dragon; that is。 They can't stay prisoners; not Aes Sedai。〃
   〃You two just have everybody ready to ride;〃 Perrin said。 〃Leave worrying about Aes Sedai to Rand。〃 The pair even winced alike。 Two fingers rose to scratch worriedly at mustaches; and Perrin jerked h

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