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小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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etimes happen in the city; so I have heard; as they do among the tents。 People sometimes see things that cannot be; only for a time; what cannot be; is。 Men; women; children have died。〃 Perrin's skin prickled: he knew she meant what Rand called 〃bubbles of evil;〃 rising from the Dark One's prison like froth in a fetid swamp; drifting along the Pattern till they burst。 Perrin had been caught in one once; he never wanted to see another。。。 〃If you mean what the wetlanders do;〃 she went on; 〃who has time to watch sandflies? Unless they bite。 That minds me of one thing。 I do not understand it; but perhaps you do。 These sandflies will bite sooner or later。〃
   〃What sandflies? Wetlanders? What are you talking about?〃
   Feraighin was not as good as Sorilea at that level look; yet no Wise One that Perrin had seen appreciated others' impatience。 Not even the chief of chiefs'。 Thrusting her chin up; she gathered her shawl and answered。 〃Three days ago the treekillers Caraline Damodred and Toram Riatin approached the city。 They issued a proclamation that Colavaere Saighan is a usurper; but they sit in their camp south of the city and do nothing except send a few people into the city now and then。 Away from their camp; a hundred of them will run from one algai'd'siswai; or even a gai'shain。 The man called Darlin Sisnera and other Tairens arrived by ship below the city yesterday and joined them。 They have been feasting and drinking ever since; as if celebrating something。 Treekiller soldiers gather in the city at Colavaere Saighan's mand; yet they watch our tents more than they do the other wetlanders' or the city itself。 They watch; and do nothing。 Perhaps you know the why of all this; Car'a'carn; but I do not; nor does Bair or Megana; or anyone else in the tents。〃
   Lady Caraline and Lord Toram led the Cairhienin who refused to accept that Rand and the Aiel had conquered Cairhien; just as High Lord Darlin led their counterparts in Tear。 Neither revolt amounted to much; Caraline and Toram had been sitting in the foothills of the Spine of the World for months; making threats and claims; and Darlin the same down in Haddon Mirk。 But not any longer; it seemed。 Perrin found himself running a thumb lightly along the edge of his axe。 The Aiel were in danger of slipping away; and Rand's enemies were ing together in one place。 All it needed now was for the Forsaken to appear。 And Sevanna with her Shaido。 That would put the cream on the honeycake。 Yet none of it was any more important than whether somebody saw a nightmare walking。 Faile had to be safe; she just had to be。
   〃Better watching than fighting;〃 Rand murmured thoughtfully; listening to something unseen again。
   Perrin agreed with Rand wholeheartedly … just about anything was better than fighting … but Aiel did not see it that way; not when it came to enemies。 From Rhuarc to Sorilea; Feraighin to Nandera and Sulin; they stared as though Rand had said sand was better to drink than water。
   Feraighin drew herself up practically on tiptoe。 She was not particularly tall for an Aiel woman; not quite to Rand's shoulder; but she appeared to be trying to put herself nose…to…nose。 〃There are few more than ten thousand in that wetlander camp;〃 she said reprovingly; 〃and fewer in the city。 They can be dealt with easily。 Even Indirian remembers that you manded no wetlander killed except in self…defense; but they will make trouble left to themselves。 It does not help that there are Aes Sedai in the city。 Who can know what they … 〃
   〃Aes Sedai?〃 The words came out cold; Rand's knuckles white on the Dragon Scepter。 〃How many?〃 At the smell of him the skin between Perrin's shoulders crawled; suddenly he could feel the Aes Sedai prisoners watching; and Bera and Kiruna and the rest。
   Sorilea lost all interest in Kiruna。 Her hands planted themselves on her hips and her mouth narrowed。 〃Why did you not tell me this?〃
   〃You gave me no chance; Sorilea;〃 Feraighin protested a touch breathily; shoulders hunching。 Blue eyes swung to Rand; and her voice firmed。 〃There may be as many as ten or more; Car'a'carn。 We avoid them; of course; especially since。。。 〃 Back to Sorilea and breathiness。 〃You did not want to hear about the wetlanders; Sorilea。 Only our own tents。 You said so。〃 To Rand; her back straightening。 〃Most of them stay beneath the roof of Arilyn Dhulaine; Car'a'carn; and seldom leave it。〃 To Sorilea; hunching。 〃Sorilea; you know I would have told you everything。 You cut me short。〃 As she realized how many were watching; and how many beginning to smile; among the Wise Ones anyway; Feraighin's eyes grew wild; and her cheeks reddened。 Her head swung between Rand and Sorilea; and her mouth worked but no sound came out。 Some of the Wise Ones began laughing behind their hands; Edarra did not bother with a hand。 Rhuarc threw back his head and roared。
   Perrin certainly did not feel like laughing。 An Aiel could find something funny in having a sword stuck through him。 Aes Sedai on top of everything else。 Light! He cut straight through to what was important。 〃Feraighin? My wife; Faile; is she well?〃
   She gave him a half…distracted stare; then visibly pulled together the tatters of her poise。 〃I think Faile Aybara is well; Sei'cair;〃 she said with cool posure。 Or almost。 She tried to sneak glances at Sorilea from the corner of her eye。 Sorilea was not amused; or anything close to it; arms folded; she gave Feraighin a perusal that made the one she had given Kiruna seem mild。
   Amys put a hand on Sorilea's arm。 〃She is not at fault;〃 the younger woman murmured; too softly to reach any ears but the leathery Wise One's and Perrin's。 Sorilea hesitated; then nodded; the flaying glare faded to her usual cantankerousness。 Amys was the only one Perrin had seen able to do that; the only one Sorilea did not trample down when she got in her way。 Well; she did not trample Rhuarc; but with him it was more a boulder ignoring a thunderstorm; Amys could make it stop raining。
   Perrin wanted more of Feraighin … she thought Faile was well? … but before he could open his mouth; Kiruna bulled in with her usual tact。
   〃Now; listen to me carefully;〃 she told Rand; gesturing emphatically under his nose。 〃I called the situation delicate。 It is not。 The situation is plex beyond your imagining; so fragile a breath could shatter it。 Bera and I will acpany you to the city。 Yes; yes; Alanna; and you; as well。〃 She waved away the slender Aes Sedai impatiently。 Perrin thought she was trying that looming trick。 She did seem to be peering down her nose at Rand; though tall as she was; he stood head and shoulders taller。 〃You must let yourself be guided by us。 One wrong move; one wrong word; and you may deliver to Cairhien the same disaster you gave Tarabon and Arad Doman。 Worse; you can do incalculable damage to matters about which you know almost nothing。〃
   Perrin winced。 The whole speech could not have been better designed to inflame Rand。 But Rand simply listened till she was done; then turned to Sorilea。 〃Take the Aes Sedai to the tents。 All of them; for now。 Make sure everyone knows they're Aes Sedai。 Let it be seen that they hop when you say toad。 Since you hop when the Car'a'carn says it; that should convince everybody I'm not wearing an Aes Sedai leash。〃
   Kiruna's face; grew bright red; she smelled of outrage and indignation so strongly that Perrin's nose itched。 Bera tried to calm her; without much success; while shooting you…ignorant…young…lout looks at Rand; and Alanna bit her lip in an effort not to smile。 Going by the odors drifting from Sorilea and the others; Alanna had no reason to be pleased。
   Sorilea gave Rand a slash of smile。 〃Perhaps; Car'a'carn;〃 she said dryly。 Perrin doubted that she hopped for anyone。 〃Perhaps it will。〃 She did not sound convinced。
   With another shake of his head; Rand stalked off with Min; shadowed by the Maidens and issuing orders as to who was to go with him and who with the Wise Ones。 Rhuarc began ordering the siswai'aman。 Alanna followed Rand with her eyes。 Perrin wished he knew what was going on there。 Sorilea and the others watched Rand; too; and they smelled anything but gentle。
   Feraighin was standing 

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