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小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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Swallow he was more careful with。 If Swallow reached Cairhien safely。。。 A notion had planted itself in his mind。 If he brought her mare to Cairhien; Faile would be all right。 It was ludicrous; a boy's fancy; a small boy's foolish fancy; and it would not go away。
   At each of those stops; Min tried to reassure him。 With a bantering grin; she said he looked like death on a winter morning; just waiting for somebody to shovel his grave full。 She told him if he approached his wife with a face like that; Faile would slam the door on him。 But she had to admit that none of her viewings promised that Faile was unharmed。
   〃Light; Perrin;〃 she said at last in exasperated tones; snugging her gray riding gloves; 〃if anyone tries to harm the woman; she'll make him wait out in the hall till she has time for him。〃 He very nearly growled at her。 It was not that the two disliked each other; exactly。
   Loial reminded Perrin that Hunters for the Horn could take care of themselves; that Faile had survived Trollocs unscathed。 〃She is well; Perrin;〃 he boomed heartily; trotting beside Stepper with his long axe across his shoulders。 〃I know she is。〃 But he said the same twenty times; and each time he sounded a little less hearty。
   The Ogier's final attempt at heartening went further than Loial intended。 〃I am sure Faile can look after herself; Perrin。 She is not like Erith。 I can hardly wait for Erith to make me her husband so I can tend her; I think I'd die if she changed her mind。〃 At the end of that; his mouth remained open; and his huge eyes popped; ears fluttering; he stumbled over his own boots and nearly fell。 〃I never meant to say that;〃 he said hoarsely; striding along beside Perrin's horse once more。 His ears still trembled。 〃I am not sure I want to … I'm too young to get … 〃 Swallowing hard; he gave Perrin an accusing look; and spared one for Rand up ahead; too。 〃It is hardly safe to open your mouth with two ta'veren about。 Anything at all might e out!〃 Nothing that might not have e off his tongue anyway; as he well knew; though it might have happened one time in a thousand; or a thousand times a thousand; without ta'veren there。 Loial knew that also; and the fact of it seemed to frighten him as much as anything Perrin had ever seen。 Some considerable time passed before the Ogier's ears stopped shaking。
   Faile filled Perrin's mind; but he was not blind; not pletely。 What he at first saw without seeing; as they rode south and west; began to seep in at the eyes。 The weather had been hot when he headed north from Cairhien; less than two weeks ago; yet it seemed the Dark One's touch had gained a harder hold; grinding the land more desperately than before。 Brittle grass crackled beneath the horses' hooves; shriveled brown creepers spiderwebbed rocks on the hillsides; and naked branches; not merely leafless but dead; cracked when the arid wind gusted。 Evergreen pine and leatherleaf stood brown and yellow often as not。
   Farms had begun appearing after a few miles; plain structures of dark stone laid out in squares; the first in isolated clearings in the forest; then ing more thickly as the woodland thinned to trees hardly deserving the name。 A cart road straggled there; running over the shoulders and crests of hills; acmodating stone…walled fields more than the terrain。 Most of those early farms looked deserted; here a ladderback chair lying on its side in front of a farmhouse; there a rag doll by the roadside。 Slat…ribbed cattle and lethargic sheep dotted pastures where frequently ravens squabbled over carcasses; hardly a pasture but had a carcass or two。 Streams ran in trickles down channels of dried mud。 Cropland that should have been blanketed with snow looked ready to crumble to dust; where it was not dust already; blowing away。
   A tall plume of dust marked the passage of the column; until the narrow dirt way joined the broad stone…paved road that led from Jangai Pass。 Here there were people; though few; and those often lethargic; dull…eyed。 With the sinking sun almost halfway down to the horizon now; the air was an oven。 The occasional ox…cart or horse…drawn wagon hurried off the road; down narrow tracks or even into fields; out of the way。 The drivers; and the handful of farm folk in the open; stood blank…faced as they watched the three banners pass。
   Close to a thousand armed men was reason enough to stare。 A thousand armed men; heading somewhere in a hurry; with a purpose。 Reason enough to stare; and be thankful when they passed out of sight。
   At last; when the sun had less than twice its own height yet to fall; the road topped a rise; and there two or three miles before them lay Cairhien。 Rand drew rein; and the Maidens; all together now; dropped to their heels where they were。 They kept those sharp eyes out; though。
   Nothing could be seen moving on the nearly treeless hills around the city; a great mass of gray stone sinking toward the River Alguenya on the west; square…walled; square…towered and stark。 Ships of all sizes lay anchored in the river; and some tied to the docks of the far bank; where the granaries were; a few vessels moved under sail or long sweeps。 They gave an impression of peace and prosperity。 With not a cloud in the sky; the light was sharp; and the huge banners flying from the city's towers stood plain enough to Perrin when the wind unfurled them。 The scarlet Banner of Light and the white Dragon Banner with its serpentine creature scaled scarlet and gold; the wavy…rayed Rising Sun of Cairhien; gold on blue。 And a fourth; given equal prominence with the rest。 A silver diamond on a field checked yellow and red。
   Lowering a small looking glass from his eye; a scowling Dobraine stuffed it into a worked…leather tube tied to his saddle。 〃I hoped the savages had it wrong somehow; but if House Saighan flies with the Rising Sun; Colavaere has the throne。 She will have been distributing gifts in the city every day; coin; food; finery。 It is traditional for the Coronation Festival。 A ruler is never more popular than for the week after taking the throne。〃 He eyed Rand sideways; the strain of speaking straight out hollowed his face。 〃The moners could riot if they dislike what you do。 The streets could run with blood。〃
   Havien's gray gelding danced his rider's impatience; and the man himself kept looking from Rand to the city and back。 It was not his city; he had made it clear earlier that he cared little what ran in the streets; so long as his own ruler was safe。
   For long moments Rand studied the city。 Or seemed to; anyway; whatever he saw; his face was bleak。 Min studied him; worriedly; maybe pityingly。 〃I will try to see they don't;〃 he said at last。 〃Flinn; remain here with the soldiers。 Min … 〃
   She broke in on him sharply。 〃No! I am going where you go; Rand al'Thor。 You need me; and you know it。〃 The last sounded more plea than demand; but when a woman planted her fists on her hips that way and fixed her eyes to you; she was not begging。
   〃I am going; too;〃 Loial added; leaning on his long…hafted axe。 〃You always manage to do things when I'm somewhere else。〃 His voice took on a plaintive edge。 〃It won't do; Rand。 It will not do for the book。 How can I write about things if I am not there?〃
   Still looking at Min; Rand half…raised a hand toward her; then let it fall。 She met his gaze levelly。
   〃This is。。。 madness。〃 Holding his reins stiffly; Dashiva booted the plump mare closer to Rand's black。 Reluctance twisted his features; perhaps even Asha'man worried at being too near Rand。 〃All it needs is one man with a。。。 a bow; or a knife; and you don't see him in time。 Send one of the Asha'man to do what needs doing; or more; if you think it's necessary。 A gateway to the palace; and it can be done before anyone knows what has happened。〃
   〃And sit here past dark;〃 Rand cut in; reining his gelding around to face Dashiva; 〃until they know this place well enough to open one? That way brings bloodshed for sure。 They've seen us from the walls; unless they're blind。 Sooner or later they will send somebody to find out who we are; and how many。〃 The rest of the column remained hidden behind the rise; and the banners were down there; too; but m

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