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小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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   For a moment; Nisao frowned at him as though she; too; saw a puzzle。 Then her gaze met Myrelle's; and together their eyes swept to Egwene。 Instead of ing to her; they went to each other; exchanging hasty whispers。 At least; it was an exchange at first。 Then Nisao merely stood there; shaking her head in disbelief or denial。 〃You dropped me into this;〃 she groaned aloud at last。 〃I was a blind fool to listen to you。〃
   〃This should be。。。 interesting;〃 Siuan said as they finally turned toward her and Egwene。 The twist she gave the word made it sound decidedly unpleasant。
   Myrelle and Nisao hurriedly touched hair and dresses as they crossed the short distance; making certain everything was in order。 Perhaps they had been caught out … In what? Egwene wondered … but apparently they intended to put the best face they could on matters。
   〃If you will step inside; Mother;〃 Myrelle said; gesturing to the nearest tent。 Only the slightest tremor in her voice betrayed her cool face。 The sweat was gone。 Wiped away; of course; but it had not returned。
   〃Thank you; no; daughter。〃
   〃Some wine punch?〃 Nisao asked with a smile。 Hands clasped at her breast; she looked anxious anyway。 〃Siuan; go tell Nicola to bring the punch。〃 Siuan did not move; and Nisao blinked in surprise; her mouth thinning。 The smile returned in an instant; though; and she raised her voice a little。 〃Nicola? Child; bring the punch。 Made with dried blackberries; I fear;〃 she confided to Egwene; 〃but quite restorative。〃
   〃I don't want punch;〃 Egwene said curtly。 Nicola emerged from behind the tent; yet she showed no sign of running to obey。 Instead; she stood staring at the four Aes Sedai; chewing her underlip。 Nisao flashed a glare of what could only be called distaste; but said nothing。 Another piece of the puzzle snapped into place; and Egwene breathed a trifle easier。 〃What I want; daughter; what I require; is an explanation。〃
   Best face or no; it was a thin veneer。 Myrelle stretched out a pleading hand。 〃Mother; Moiraine did not choose me just because we were friends。 Two of my Warders belonged first to sisters who died。 Avar and Nuhel。 No sister has saved more than one in centuries。〃
   〃I only became involved because of his mind;〃 Nisao said hastily。 〃I have some interest in diseases of the mind; and this must rightly be called one。 Myrelle practically dragged me into it。〃
   Smoothing her skirts; Myrelle directed a dark look at the Yellow that was returned with interest。 〃Mother; when a Warder's Aes Sedai dies; it is as though he swallows her death and is consumed by it from the inside。 He … 〃
   〃I know that; Myrelle;〃 Egwene broke in sharply。 Siuan and Leane had told her a good bit; though neither knew she had asked because she wanted to know what to expect with Gawyn。 A poor bargain; Myrelle had called it; and perhaps it was。 When a sister's Warder died; grief enveloped her; she could control it somewhat; sometimes; hold it in; but sooner or later it gnawed a way out。 However well Siuan managed when others were around; she still wept alone many nights for her Alric; killed the day she was deposed。 Yet what were even months of tears; pared with death itself? The stories were full of Warders dying to avenge their Aes Sedai; and indeed it was very often the case。 A man who wanted to die; a man looking for what could kill him; took risks not even a Warder could survive。 Perhaps the most horrible part of it; to her; was that they knew。 Knew what their fate would be if their Aes Sedai died; knew what drove them when she did; knew nothing they did could change it。 She could not imagine the courage required to accept the bargain; knowing。
   She stepped aside; so she could see Lan clearly。 He still stood motionless; not even seeming to breathe。 Apparently forgetting the tea; Nicola had seated herself cross…legged on the ground to watch him。 Areina squatted on her heels at Nicola's side with her braid pulled over her shoulder; staring even more avidly。 Much more avidly; actually; since Nicola sometimes darted furtive glances at Egwene and the others。 The rest of the Warders made a small cluster; pretending to watch him too while keeping a close eye on their Aes Sedai。
   A more than warm breeze stirred; ruffling the dead leaves that carpeted the ground; and with shocking suddenness; Lan was moving; shifting from stance to stance; blade a whirling blur in his hands。 Faster and faster; till he seemed to sprint from one to the next; yet all as precise as the movements of a clock。 She waited for him to stop; or at least slow; but he did not。 Faster。 Areina's mouth slowly dropped open; eyes going wide with awe; and for that matter; so did Nicola's。 They leaned forward; children watching candy set to dry on the kitchen table。 Even the other Warders really divided their attention between their Aes Sedai and him now; but in contrast to the two women; they watched a lion that might charge any moment。
   〃I see you are working him hard;〃 Egwene said。 That was part of the method for saving a Warder。 Few sisters were willing to make the attempt; given the rate of failure; and the cost of it to themselves。 Keeping him from risks was another。 And bonding him again; that was the first step。 Without doubt Myrelle had taken care of that little detail。 Poor Nynaeve。 She might well strangle Myrelle; when she learned。 Then again; she might countenance anything that kept Lan alive。 Maybe。 For Lan's part; he deserved the worst he received; letting himself be bonded by another woman when he knew Nynaeve was pining for him。
   She thought she had kept her voice clear; but something of what she felt must have crept through; because Myrelle began trying to explain again。
   〃Mother; passing a bond is not that bad。 Why; in point of fact; it's no more than a woman deciding who should have her husband if she dies; to see he is in the right hands。〃
   Egwene stared at her so hard that she stepped back; almost tripping over her skirts。 It was only shock; though。 Every time she thought she had heard of the strangest possible custom; another popped up stranger still。
   〃We aren't all Ebou Dari; Myrelle;〃 Siuan said dryly; 〃and a Warder isn't a husband。 For most of us。〃 Myrelle's head came up defiantly。 Some sisters did marry a Warder; a handful; not many married at all。 No one inquired too closely; but rumor said she had married all three of hers; which surely violated custom and law even in Ebou Dar。 〃Not that bad; you say; Myrelle? Not that bad?〃 Siuan's scowl matched her tone; she sounded as if she had a vile taste in her mouth。
   〃There is no law against it;〃 Nisao protested。 To Egwene; not Siuan。 〃No law against passing a bond。〃 Siuan received a frown that should have made her step back and shut her mouth。 She was having none of it; though。
   〃That's not the point; is it?〃 she demanded。 〃Even if it hasn't been done in … what? four hundred years or more? … even if customs have changed; you might have escaped with a few stares and a little censure if all you and Moiraine had done was pass his bond between you。 But he wasn't asked; was he? He was given no choice。 You might as well have bonded him against his will。 In fact; you bloody well did!〃
   At last the puzzle came clear for Egwene。 She knew she should feel the same disgust as Siuan。 Aes Sedai put bonding a man against his will on a level with rape。 He had as much chance to resist as a farmgirl would if a man the size of Lan cornered her in a barn。 If three men the size of Lan did。 Sisters had not always been so particular though … a thousand years earlier; it would hardly have been remarked … and even today an argument could sometimes be made as to whether a man had actually known what he was agreeing to。 Hypocrisy was a fine art among Aes Sedai sometimes; like scheming or keeping secrets。 The thing was; she knew he had resisted admitting his love for Nynaeve。 Some nonsense about how he was bound to be killed sooner or later and did not want to leave her a widow; men always did spout drivel when they thought they were being logical and practical。 Would Nynaeve have let him walk away unbonded; had she had the chance; whatever he said? Would she herself let 

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