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小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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h…yellow silk。 She could channel; Aviendha knew that; this close。 She must be the woman they had e for; the Windfinder。 And yet it was another who held Aviendha's eye。 And for that matter; Elayne's and Nynaeve's and Birgitte's。
   The woman who had looked up from an unrolled map on the table might have been as old as the man by her white hair。 Short; no taller than Nynaeve; she looked like someone who had once been stocky and was beginning to go stout; but her jaw thrust forward like a hammer; and her black eyes spoke of intelligence。 And power。 Not the One Power; just that of someone who said 〃go〃 and knew that people would go; yet she had it strongly。 Her breeches were brocaded green silk; her blouse blue; and her sash red like the man's。 The stout…bladed knife in a gilded sheath tucked behind that sash had a round pommel covered with red and green stones; firedrops and emeralds; Aviendha thought。 Twice as many medallions hung from her nose chain as from Malin din Toral's; and another; thinner gold chain connected the six rings in each of her ears。 Aviendha barely kept her hand from going to her own nose again。
   Without a word the white…haired woman came to stand in front of Nynaeve; rudely examining her from head to toe; frowning in particular at Nynaeve's face and the Great Serpent ring on her right hand。 She took no time about it; and with a grunt moved on from her ruffled object of study to give Elayne the same quick; intense scrutiny; and then Birgitte。 At last she spoke。 〃You are not an Aes Sedai。〃 Her voice sounded like rocks tumbling。
   〃By the nine winds and Stormbringer's beard; I am not;〃 Birgitte replied。 Sometimes she said things even Elayne and Nynaeve seemed not to understand; but the white…haired woman jumped as if she had been goosed; and stared a long moment before turning to frown up at Aviendha。
   〃You are not Aes Sedai; either;〃 she grated after the same examination。
   Aviendha drew herself to her full height; feeling as though the woman had rummaged through her garments and twirled her about to look at her better。 〃I am Aviendha; of the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel。〃
   The woman gave twice the start she had for Birgitte; black eyes going wide。 〃You are not garbed as I expected; girl〃 was all she said; though; and strode back to the far end of the table; where she planted her fists on her hips and studied them all again; much as she might have some strange animal she had never seen before。 〃I am Nesta din Reas Two Moons;〃 she said at last; 〃Mistress of the Ships to the Atha'an Miere。 How do you know what you know?〃
   Nynaeve had been working on a scowl since the woman first looked at her; and now she snapped; 〃Aes Sedai know what they know。 And we expect more in the way of manners than I've seen so far! I certainly saw more the last time I was on a Sea Folk ship。 Maybe we should find another; where the people don't all have sore teeth。〃 Nesta din Reas' face grew darker; but Elayne of course stepped into the breech; removing her cloak and laying it over the edge of the table。
   〃The Light illumine you and your vessels; Shipmistress; and send the winds to speed you all。〃 Her curtsy was moderately deep; Aviendha had bee a judge of these things; for all she thought it looked the most awkward thing any woman could ever do。 〃Forgive us if there have been words in haste。 We mean no disrespect to one who is as a queen to the Atha'an Miere。〃 That with a speaking look for Nynaeve。 Nynaeve only shrugged; though。
   Elayne introduced herself again; and the rest of them; to strange reactions。 That Elayne was Daughter…Heir produced none; though that was a high position among the wetlanders; and that she was Green Ajah and Nynaeve Yellow received sniffs from Nesta din Reas and sharp looks from the spindly old man。 Elayne blinked; taken aback; but she went on smoothly。 〃We have e for two reasons。 The lesser is to ask how you mean to aid the Dragon Reborn; who according to the Jendai Prophecy you call the Coramoor。 The greater is to request the help of this vessel's Windfinder。 Whose name;〃 she added gently; 〃I regret I do not yet know。〃
   The slender woman who could channel reddened。 〃I am Dorile din Eiran Long Feather; Aes Sedai。 I may help; if it pleases the Light。〃
   Malin din Toral looked abashed; too。 〃The wele of my ship to you;〃 she murmured; 〃and the grace of the Light be upon you until you leave his decks。〃
   Not so Nesta din Reas。 〃The Bargain is with the Coramoor;〃 she said in a hard voice; and made a sharp cutting gesture。 〃The shorebound have no part of it; except where they tell of his ing。 You; girl; Nynaeve。 What ship gave you the gift of passage? Who was his Windfinder?〃
   〃I can't recall。〃 Nynaeve's airy tone was at odds with the stony smile she wore。 She had a deathgrip on her braid; too; but at least she had not embraced saidar again。 〃And I am Nynaeve Sedai; Nynaeve Aes Sedai; not girl。〃
   Putting her hands flat on the table; Nesta din Reas directed a stare at her that reminded Aviendha of Sorilea。 〃Perhaps you are; but I will know who revealed what should not have been revealed。 She has lessons of silence to learn。〃
   〃A split sail is split; Nesta;〃 the old man said suddenly; in a deep voice much stronger than his bony limbs suggested。 Aviendha had taken him for a guard; but his tone was that of an equal。 〃It might be well to ask what aid Aes Sedai would have of us; in days when the Coramoor has e; and the seas rage in endless storms; and the doom of the Prophecy sails the oceans。 If they are Aes Sedai?〃 That with a raised eyebrow to the Windfinder。
   She answered quietly; in a respectful voice。 〃Three can channel; including her。〃 She pointed at Aviendha。 〃I have never met anyone so strong as they。 They must be。 Who else would dare wear the ring?〃
   Waving her to silence; Nesta din Reas turned that same iron gaze on the man。 〃Aes Sedai never ask aid; Baroc;〃 she growled。 〃Aes Sedai never ask anything。〃 He met her gaze mildly; but after a moment she sighed as though he had stared her down。 The eyes she aimed at Elayne were no whit softer; though。 〃What would you have of us。。。〃 She hesitated。 〃。。。 Daughter…Heir of Andor?〃 Even that sounded skeptical。
   Nynaeve gathered herself; ready to launch into an attack … Aviendha had had to listen to more than one tirade sparked by the Aes Sedai back in the Tarasin Palace and their habit of forgetting that she and Elayne were Aes Sedai too; someone not even Aes Sedai denying it might bring the shedding of blood … Nynaeve gathered herself up and opened her mouth。。。 And Elayne silenced her with a touch on the arm and a whisper too low for Aviendha to hear。 Nynaeve's face was still crimson; and she looked about to pull her braid out slowly by the roots; yet she held her tongue。 Maybe Elayne could make peace in a water…feud。
   Of course; Elayne could not be pleased; when not only her right to be called Aes Sedai but her right to the title of Daughter…Heir was doubted so openly。 Most would have thought her quite calm; but Aviendha knew the signs。 The raised chin spoke of anger; add eyes open as wide as they would go; and Elayne was a torch to overwhelm Nynaeve's ember。 Besides; Birgitte was on her toes; face like stone and eyes like fire。 She did not usually mirror Elayne's emotions; except when they were very strong。 Wrapping her fingers around the hilt of her belt knife; Aviendha readied herself to embrace saidar。 She would kill the Windfinder first; the woman was not weak in the Power; and she would be dangerous。 They could find others with so many ships about。
   〃We seek a ter'angreal。〃 Except that her tone was cool; anyone who did not know her would think Elayne was absolutely serene。 She faced Nesta din Reas; but she addressed everyone; perhaps especially the Windfinder。 〃With it; we believe we can remedy the weather。 It must trouble you as much as it does the land。 Baroc spoke of endless storms。 You must be able to see the Dark One's touch; the Father of Storms' touch; on the sea just as we do on the land。 With this ter'angreal; we can change that; but we cannot do it alone。 It will require many women working together; perhaps a full circle of thirteen。 We thin

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