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小说: rj.acrownofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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   Drawing a ball…footed chair to the table with another flow of Air; Joline settled herself to convincing her panion that silence remained the best policy。 Still a child; was she? If she had her way; Elaida would not get so much as a word out of Ebou Dar until she begged for it。
   The woman on the table arched up as far as her bonds would allow; eyes bulging; throat corded with a piercing scream that went on and on。 Abruptly the scream was a loud choking rasp instead; and she convulsed; shaking from wrists to ankles; then collapsed in silence。 Wide…open eyes stared sightlessly at the cobwebbed basement ceiling。
   Giving vent to curses was irrational; but Falion could have turned the air as blue as any stableman。 Not for the first time she wished she had Temaile here instead of Ispan。 Questions were answered eagerly for Temaile; and nobody died until she was ready。 Of course; Temaile enjoyed the work entirely too much; but that was beside the point。
   Channeling once more; Falion gathered the woman's clothes from the filthy floor and dropped them atop the body。 The red leather belt fell off; and she snatched it up by hand and slapped it back onto the pile。 Perhaps she should have used other methods; but straps and pincers and hot irons were so。。。 messy。 〃Leave the body in an alley somewhere。 Slit the throat so it looks as if she was robbed。 You can keep the coins in her purse。〃
   The two men squatting on their heels against the stone wall exchanged looks。 Arnin and Nad might have been brothers by their appearance; all black hair and beady eyes and scars; with more muscles than any three men could need; but they did have sufficient brains to carry out simple orders。 Usually。 〃Forgiveness; Mistress;〃 Arnin said hesitantly; 〃but no one will believe … 〃
   〃Do as you are told!〃 she snapped; channeling to haul him to his feet and slam him back against the stones。 His head bounced; yet that surely could do him no damage。
   Nad rushed to the table; babbling; 〃Yes; Mistress。 As you mand; Mistress。〃 When she released Arnin; he did not babble; but he staggered over without any more objections to help gather up the body like so much rubbish and carry it out。 Well; it was so much rubbish; now。 She regretted the outburst。 Letting temper take control was irrational。 It did seem to be effective at times; though。 After all these years; that still surprised her。
   〃Moghedien; she will not like this;〃 Ispan said as soon as the men had gone。 The blue and green beads that were worked into her many slim black braids clacked as she shook her head。 She had remained in the shadows the whole time; in a corner; with a small ward woven so she could not hear。
   Falion managed not to glare。 Ispan was the last panion she would have chosen for herself。 She was Blue; or had been。 Perhaps she still was。 Falion did not really think herself any less White Ajah because she had joined the Black。 Blues were too fervent; tying emotion around what should be viewed with utter dispassion。 Rianna; another White; would have been her choice。 Though the woman did have odd; unsound notions on several points of logic。 〃Moghedien has forgotten us; Ispan。 Or have you received some private word from her? In any case; I am convinced this cache does not exist。〃
   〃Moghedien; she says that it does。〃 Ispan began firmly; but her voice quickly grew warm。 〃A store of angreal; and sa'angreal; and ter'angreal。 We will have some part of them。 angreal of our very own; Falion。 Perhaps even sa'angreal。 She has promised。〃
   〃Moghedien was wrong。〃 Falion watched shock widen the other woman's eyes。 The Chosen were only people。
   Learning that lesson had stunned Falion too; but some refused to learn。 The Chosen were vastly stronger; infinitely more knowledgeable; and quite possibly they had already received the reward of immortality; but by all evidence they schemed and fought each other as hard as two Murandians with one blanket。
   Ispan's shock quickly gave way to anger。 〃There are others looking。 Would they all look for nothing? There are Friends of the Dark looking; they must have been sent by others of the Chosen。 If the Chosen look; can you still say there is nothing?〃 She would not see。 If a thing could not be found; the most obvious reason was that it was not there。
   Falion waited。 Ispan was not stupid; only awestruck; and Falion did believe in making people teach themselves what they should already be aware of。 Lazy minds needed to be exercised。
   Ispan paced; swishing her skirts and frowning at the dust and old cobwebs。 〃This place smells。 And it is filthy!〃 She shuddered as a large black cockroach went skittering up the wall。 The glow surrounded her for a moment; a flow squashed the beetle with a popping sound。 Making a face; Ispan wiped her hands on her skirts as if she had used them instead of the Power。 She had a delicate stomach; though fortunately not when she could remove herself from the actual deed。 〃I will not report the failure to one of the Chosen; Falion。 She would make us envy Liandrin; yes?〃
   Falion did not quite shiver。 She did; however; cross the basement and pour herself a cup of plum punch。 The plums had been old; and the punch was too sweet; but her hands remained steady。 Fear of Moghedien was perfectly sensible; but yielding to fear was not。 Perhaps the woman was dead。 Surely she would have summoned them by now else; or snatched them sleeping into Tel'aran'rhiod again to tell her why they had not yet carried out her mands。 Until she saw a body; though; the only logical choice was to continue as if Moghedien would appear any moment。 〃There is a way。〃
   〃How? Put every Wise Woman in Ebou Dar to the question? How many are there? A hundred? Two hundred perhaps? The sisters in the Tarasin Palace; they would notice this; I think。〃
   〃Forget your dreams of owning a sa'angreal; Ispan。 There is no long…hidden storehouse; no secret basement beneath a palace。〃 Falion spoke in cool; measured tones; perhaps more measured the more agitated Ispan became。 She had always enjoyed mesmerizing a class of novices with the sound of her voice。 〃Almost all of the Wise Women are wilders; highly unlikely to know what we wish to learn。 No wilder has ever been found keeping an angreal; much less a sa'angreal; and they surely would have been found。 On the contrary; by every record; a wilder who discovers any object tied to the Power rids herself of it as soon as possible; for fear of attracting the wrath of the White Tower。 Women who are put out of the Tower; on the other hand; seem not to have the same fear。 As you well know; when they are searched before leaving; fully one in three has secreted something about her person; an actual object of the Power or something she believes is one。 Of the few Wise Women who qualify at present; Callie was the perfect choice。 When she was put out four years ago; she tried to steal a small ter'angreal。 A useless thing that makes images of flowers and the sound of a waterfall; but still an object tied to saidar。 And she tried to discover all the other novices' secrets; succeeding more often than not。 If there was even a single angreal in Ebou Dar; not to speak of a vast storehouse; do you think she could have been four years here without locating it?〃
   〃I do wear the shawl; Falion;〃 Ispan said with extraordinary asperity。 〃And I do know all of that as well as you。 You said there was another way。 What way?〃 She simply would not apply her brain。
   〃What would please Moghedien as greatly as the cache?〃 Ispan simply stared at her; tapping her foot。 〃Nynaeve al'Meara; Ispan。 Moghedien abandoned us to go chasing after her; but obviously she escaped somehow。 If we give Nynaeve … and the Trakand girl; for that matter … to Moghedien; she would forgive us a hundred sa'angreal。〃 Which clearly demonstrated that the Chosen could be irrational; of course。 It was best; of course; to be extremely careful with those who were both irrational and more powerful than you。 Ispan was not more powerful。
   〃We should have killed her as I wanted; when she first appeared;〃 she spat。 Waving her hands; she stalked up and down; grime crunching loudly beneath her slippers。 〃Yes; yes; 

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