九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > da.therestaurantattheendoftheuniverse >



小说: da.therestaurantattheendoftheuniverse 字数: 每页4000字

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ll you move before you blow it?〃
  〃Well; if you'd let me explain; sir;〃 said the insect tapping the most petulant of all the tentacles at its disposal; 〃I'm afraid that isn't possible right now as Mr。 Zarniwoop is on an intergalactic cruise。〃
  Hell; thought Zaphod。
  〃When he's going to be back?〃 he said。
  〃Back sir? He's in his office。〃
  Zaphod paused while he tried to sort this particular thought out in his mind。 He didn't succeed。
  〃This cat's on an intergalactic cruise。。。 in his office?〃 He leaned forward and gripped the tapping tentacle。
  〃Listen; three eyes;〃 he said; 〃don't you try to outweird me。 I get stranger things than you free with my breakfast cereal。〃
  〃Well; just who do you think you are; honey?〃 flounced the insect quivering its wings in rage; 〃Zaphod Beeblebrox or something?〃
  〃Count the heads;〃 said Zaphod in a low rasp。
  The insect blinked at him。 It blinked at him again。
  〃You are Zaphod Beeblebrox?〃 it squeaked。
  〃Yeah;〃 said Zaphod; 〃but don't shout it out or they'll all want one。〃
  〃The Zaphod Beeblebrox?〃
  〃No; just a Zaphod Beeblebrox; didn't you hear I e in six packs?〃
  The insect rattled its tentacles together in agitation。
  〃But sir;〃 it squealed; 〃I just heard on the sub…ether radio report。 It said that you were dead。。。〃
  〃Yeah; that's right;〃 said Zaphod; 〃I just haven't stopped moving yet。 Now。 Where do I find Zarniwoop?〃
  〃Well; sir; his office is on the fifteenth floor; but。。。〃
  〃But he's on an intergalactic cruise; yeah; yeah; how do I get to him。〃
  〃The newly installed Sirius Cybernetics Corporation Vertical People Transporters are in the far corner sir。 But sir。。。〃
  Zaphod was turning to go。 He turned back。
  〃Yeah?〃 he said。
  〃Can I ask you why you want to see Mr。 Zarniwoop?〃
  〃Yeah;〃 said Zaphod; who was unclear on this point himself; 〃I told myself I had to。〃
  〃e again sir?〃
  Zaphod leaned forward; conspirationally。
  〃I just materialized out of thin air in one of your cafes;〃 he said; 〃as a result of an argument with the ghost of my great grandfather。 No sooner had I got there that my former self; the one that operated on my brain; popped into my head and said 'Go see Zarniwoop'。 I have never heard of the cat。 That is all I know。 That and the fact that I've got to find the man who rules the Universe。〃
  He winked。
  〃Mr。 Beeblebrox; sir;〃 said the insect in awed wonder; 〃you're so weird you should be in movies。〃
  〃Yeah;〃 said Zaphod patting the thing on a glittering pink wing; 〃and you; baby; should be in real life。〃
  The insect paused for a moment to recover from its agitation and then reached out a tentacle to answer a ringing phone。
  A metal hand restrained it。
  〃Excuse me;〃 said the owner of the metal hand in a voice that would have made an insect of a more sentimental disposition collapse in tears。
  This was not such an insect; and it couldn't stand robots。
  〃Yes; sir;〃 it snapped; 〃can I help you?〃
  〃I doubt it;〃 said Marvin。
  〃Well in that case; if you'll just excuse me。。。〃 Six of the phones were now ringing。 A million things awaited the insect's attention。
  〃No one can help me;〃 intoned Marvin。
  〃Yes; sir; well。。。〃
  〃Not that anyone tried of course。〃 The restraining metal hand fell limply by Marvin's side。 His head hung forward very slightly。
  〃Is that so;〃 said the insect tartly。
  〃Hardly worth anyone's while to help a menial robot is it?〃
  〃I'm sorry; sir; if。。。〃
  〃I mean where's the percentage in being kind or helpful to a robot if it doesn't have any gratitude circuits?〃
  〃And you don't have any?〃 said the insect; who didn't seem to be able to drag itself out of this conversation。
  〃I've never had occasion to find out;〃 Marvin informed it。
  〃Listen; you miserable heap of maladjusted metal。。。〃
  〃Aren't you going to ask me what I want?〃
  The insect paused。 Its long thin tongue darted out and licked its eyes and darted back again。
  〃Is it worth it?〃 it asked。
  〃Is anything?〃 said Marvin immediately。
  〃What。。。 do。。。 you。。。 want?〃
  〃I'm looking for someone。〃
  〃Who?〃 hissed the insect。
  〃Zaphod Beeblebrox;〃 said Marvin; 〃he's over there。〃
  The insect shook with rage。 It could hardly speak。
  〃Then why did you ask me?〃 it screamed。
  〃I just wanted something to talk to;〃 said Marvin。
  〃Pathetic isn't it?〃
  With a grinding of gears Marvin turned and trundled off。 He caught up with Zaphod approaching the elevators。 Zaphod span round in astonishment。
  〃Hey。。。 Marvin!〃 he said; 〃Marvin! How did you get here?〃
  Marvin was forced to say something which came very hard to him。
  〃I don't know;〃 he said。
  〃One moment I was sitting in your ship feeling very depressed; and the next moment I was standing here feeling utterly miserable。 An Improbability Field I expect。〃
  〃Yeah;〃 said Zaphod; 〃I expect my great grandfather sent you along to keep me pany。〃
  〃Thanks a bundle; grandad;〃 he added to himself under his breath。
  〃So; how are you?〃 he said aloud。
  〃Oh; fine;〃 said Marvin; 〃if you happen to like being me which personally I don't。〃
  〃Yeah; yeah;〃 said Zaphod as the elevator doors opened。
  〃Hello;〃 said the elevator sweetly; 〃I am to be your elevator for this trip to the floor of your choice。 I have been designed by the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation to take you; the visitor to The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy; into these their offices。 If you enjoy your ride; which will be swift and pleasurable; then you may care to experience some of the other elevators which have recently been installed in the offices of the Galactic tax department; Boobiloo Baby Foods and the Sirian State Mental Hospital; where many ex…Sirius Cybernetics Corporation executives will be delighted to wele your visits; sympathy; and happy tales of the outside world。〃
  〃Yeah;〃 said Zaphod; stepping into it; 〃what else do you do besides talk?〃
  〃I go up;〃 said the elevator; 〃or down。〃
  〃Good;〃 said Zaphod; 〃We're going up。〃
  〃Or down;〃 the elevator reminded him。
  〃Yeah; OK; up please。〃
  There was a moment of silence。
  〃Down's very nice;〃 suggested the elevator hopefully。
  〃Oh yeah?〃
  〃Good;〃 said Zaphod; 〃Now will you take us up?〃
  〃May I ask you;〃 inquired the elevator in its sweetest; most reasonable voice; 〃if you've considered all the possibilities that down might offer you?〃
  Zaphod knocked one of his heads against the inside wall。 He didn't need this; he thought to himself; this of all things he had no need of。 He hadn't asked to be here。 If he was asked at this moment where he would like to be he would probably have said he would like to be lying on the beach with at least fifty beautiful women and a small team of experts working out new ways they could be nice to him; which was his usual reply。 To this he would probably have added something passionate on the subject of food。
  One thing he didn't want to be doing was chasing after the man who ruled the Universe; who was only doing a job which he might as well keep at; because if it wasn't him it would only be someone else。 Most of all he didn't want to be standing in an office block arguing with an elevator。
  〃Like what other possibilities?〃 he asked wearily。
  〃Well;〃 the voice trickled on like honey on biscuits; 〃there's the basement; the microfiles; the heating system。。。 er。。。〃
  It paused。
  〃Nothing particularly exciting;〃 it admitted; 〃but they are alternatives。〃
  〃Holy Zarquon;〃 muttered Zaphod; 〃did I ask for an existentialist elevator?〃 he beat his fists against the wall。
  〃What's the matter with the thing?〃 he spat。
  〃It doesn't want to go up;〃 said Marvin simply; 〃I think it's afraid。〃
  〃Afraid?〃 cried Zaphod; 〃Of what? Heights? An elevator that's afraid of heights?〃
  〃No;〃 said the elevator miserably; 〃of the future。。。〃
  〃The future?〃 exclaimed Zaphod; 〃What does the wretched thing want; a pension scheme?〃
  At that moment a motion broke out in the reception hall behind them。 From the walls around them came the sound of suddenly active machinery。
  〃We can all se

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