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小说: thedestroyer.deathcheck 字数: 每页4000字

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o his mission; Remo lied。 It took over an hour。
 Remo found he was in the fourth day of his emotional cycle; 18th day of his intellectual cycle and 15th day of his physical cycle。 〃That explains yesterday;〃 Boyle said。 〃It was a day of physical crisis for you。 Mid…cycle。 You were passing from an up period to a down and were edgy。
 If the whole thing had happened tomorrow; you would have turned your back and walked away。 Unfortunate for those poor hooligans。〃
 〃For them? I might have been hurt。〃
 〃I rather doubt it;〃 Boyle said。
 Walking out into the courtyard from… Boyle's cottage office; Remo was puzzled。 So they were studying violence at the Forum。 Big deal。 Maybe Brewster's little plan to conquer the world involved talking your enemy to death。 They sure as hell weren't going to figure out everybody's cycle and only fight when the rhythms were on our side。
 And the pornographic pictures。 That was another riddle。 Boyle's blue eyes hadn't wavered when Remo mentioned blackmail or dirty photos。 Remo was convinced Boyle knew nothing about the pictures。 Yet he had obviously posed for them。 Really posed; because the pictures were professionally lighted and shot from a number of different angles。 And now he knew nothing about it。
 If the word came; Boyle would have to be killed one…on…one。 By hand。 He had no repetitious habits; few hobbies; rarely left his cottage。 It would have to be an accident in the house。 Something with an electric cord perhaps。 If the word came。 Remo hoped it wouldn't。
 When Remo was a boy; he had a fantasy of growing up to bee the great white hunter。 Whatever was left of the fantasy vanished when the rhinoceros charged and crushed the chained jackal under his 3;000 pounds of weight。 The jackal left hardly a smear。
 Remo continued to watch the film in fascination as the camera lens was changed and the rhino receded in the distance。 Then; stepping into the film came Dr。 Abram Schulter; his long; sparse black hair stringing down from a pith helmet。 He carried a small black box; but it looked large in his birdlike hands。
 He began to walk toward the rhino; shouting as he went。 Occasionally he stopped and waved his helmet to try to attract the near…sighted beast's attention。 When he was no more than thirty yards away; he stopped and began yelling again。
 Finally; the rhinoceros charged。 His hooves made the ground beneath the camera vibrate as he thundered from the right side of the screen toward the puny figure of Schulter standing defenseless on the left side of the screen。 Schulter looked up; seemed to watch the rhino for a split second; then flicked a switch on top of the box。 The rhino stopped as if he'd run into an invisible wall。
 He stopped dead and stood there; ten yards away from Schulter。 Not moving。 The film faded; the next frames showed the rhino lying down eating grass and Schulter sitting on its back。 The beast couldn't have cared less。
 Remo was impressed; but he couldn't resist a grin and the thought; this screwball will mount anything; toy giraffes; rhinoceroses; anything。 Mothers in the neighborhood should lock up their rubber duckies。
 The lights came on。 Wearing a doctor's gown; Abram Schulter; M。D。; Ph。 D。; Fellow of; Diplomate of; pioneer of this and that and everything else; came paddling toward Remo on ripple…soled shoes and began lifting the blinds to let sunlight into the darkened office。
 〃And so that's what we do;〃 he said; as if the film explained everything。
 〃You mean; you're a rhinoceros trainer?〃
 〃A rhinoceros trainer? No; why should I be? Oh yes; I see。 A little joke。 Yes; yes。 Very good。 Very good indeed。〃
 He went on: 〃No; no。 Electronic brain stimulation。 The box in my hand was a radio。 It sent a signal that stimulated alpha waves in the brain of the rhino。 Such a brain as it has; that is。 Alpha rhythms bring inner peace。 Don't suppose you'd be interested?〃
 Schulter walked from the window and sat down on the other side of the coffee table facing Remo。 He took。 a cigarette from a wooden box on the table and lit it。 His hands were deeply nicotine stained; and like all pulsive smokers; he didn't offer Remo one。
 Remo leaned forward and took one anyway; even though it was a violation of his rules at peak。 He lit it with a lighter on the table; and then put the lighter and the box back on Schulter's side of the table。 He inhaled deeply; careful not to let the smoke change his breathing rhythm; exhaled for exactly two beats; and then looked at Schulter。
 〃I'm no rhinoceros。 I'm not even a toy giraffe。 What do you want with me?〃
 〃Well; you know。 I saw you in the yard with those silly…looking putzes。 I mean。 Such violence。 I thought you might like to find inner peace。 Would you?〃
 〃Could I?〃
 〃Certainly。 All I would need to do is plant electrodes inside your…skull。 Very simple really。〃
 〃Has anyone ever offered to plant his foot up your ass?〃
 Schulter sighed。 〃Very mon response。 Not unusual at all。〃 He puffed rapidly on his cigarette; then leaned forward; picked up the cigarette box; turned it in his hand as if examining it and then replaced it precisely in the center of the table。 He did the s…ame with the lighter。
 〃Well; at any rate;〃 he said。 〃I just thought I'd ask。 What I'd really like is to get the flow of your brain waves under stimulation。 Very simple really。〃
 〃What kind of stimulation?;〃 Remo asked。
 〃Just photos flashed on a screen;〃 Schulter said。
 〃Why me?〃 Remo asked。
 〃Why not? You're new here。 I've done everybody else。〃 Schulter vanished into a large cabinet at the other end of the room; and came out bearing a metal half…helmet and a film cartridge that he placed in the movie projector。
 The metal helmet had a long cord attached to it; which Schulter plugged into a console panel on the other side of the room。
 He flicked two switches and the round eye of an oscilloscope lit up with a hum at the top of the console。
 〃Helmet's an induction microphone really;〃 Schulter said; handing it to Remo。 〃Instead of sound; it picks up tiny electrical impulses from your brain。 They're visible on the scope;〃 he said; pointing to the console; 〃and also on a paper tape。 For record keeping。〃
 Remo felt the helmet。 He had seen one like it before。 It had been lowered over his head when he was strapped into the electric chair at the New Jersey State Prison。
 Schulter was still explaining。 〃You put the helmet on and watch the screen。 Pictures appear; at prescribed intervals; and the tape records the change in brain pattern from the stimulus。 Quite harmless。〃
 Remo shrugged and sat in the chair。 Gingerly; he lowered the helmet over his head and looked up at the screen。 Flashing through his mind was a ritual of Chiun's。 Chiun would sit in the lotus position and hum; a single steady low pitched note; that he claimed drained the brain and body of tension。 Remo suspected that it stimulated the frequency of brain…calming alpha waves; perhaps through the direct vibration of the jawbone against the brain cavity; forcing the brain into producing them。
 Schulter sat down at the console with his back to Remo。 The oscilloscope was fully warmed now and its hum echoed through the room。 Schulter flicked another switch and the film engaged。 Remo cleared his brain of distractions and; tried to emulate the low; humming note that he had heard Chiun emit many times。
 A picture lit up the screen。 A field of flowers gentled by the breeze; birds flying overhead in the sky。 A control film probably to get a typical rested reaction from the subject against which the others could be pared。
 Remo hummed; his sound masked by the oscilloscope。
 After twenty seconds; the flower scene gave way to a splash of red。 The camera faded back and the red turned out to be a blotch of blood on the white…shirted chest of a dead man; his eyes open; his face grinning idiotically。
 Remo hummed。
 The next picture showed munist Chinese methodically gunning down Korean villagers standing against a wall。
 Remo hummed。
 The fourth scene showed a child cringing and then a burly man slapping the little child; hard; hard enough to make the child's head snap back and forth。
 Remo hummed。
 Schulter flipped a switch and the proj

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