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小说: thedestroyer.deathcheck 字数: 每页4000字

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 let him know that he was not getting through to you; and made him try even harder with less success。
 So Remo did what he knew was right; even though he did not wish Deborah to see it from her window if she was standing there。
 He repeated Brewster's desperate yell。 〃Ooooh。 Ahhhh。 Oho;〃 he shouted; looking directly into Brewster's eyes。
 Remo joined Brewster in his hysteria; in order to bring Brewster back with him to coherency。。
 〃Ratchett;〃 Remo gasped。
 〃Ratchett;〃 Brewster gasped。 〃Dead。〃
 〃Ratchett is dead;〃 Remo moaned。
 〃Ratchett murdered。 Blood。〃
 〃Ratchett has been murdered。 There's lots of blood。〃
 And Brewster nodded and said: 〃I went to his place just now。 His special place。 He was dead。 Blood and water。 He was dead。 You。〃
 〃Yes。 Do something。〃
 〃Good。 I'll do something。〃
 〃Walls。 Fences。 Machine guns。 Help us。〃
 〃Yes; yes。 Of course。 Help you。 Machine guns。 Fences。 Walls。〃
 〃Yes。 Get the killers。 Get them。 Kill them。 Destroy them。 Bomb them。〃
 〃But don't let the police know。〃;
 〃No; no。 Of course not。〃
 〃Good;〃 said Nils Brewster。 His eyes wide; he rose to Ms feet。 〃We'll go now。〃
 He was still unsteady as they crossed the small bridge over the brook and Remo gently guided him by applying light pressure to an elbow。
 〃Is that his house?;〃 Remo asked; looking at the large white egg with windows。
 Brewster nodded。 〃I didn't see him this morning。 We had a 9 o'clock appointment and he's always punctual。 I just wanted to explain to him that I thought his hypnotism had gone far enough and that we should look for some other form of his artistic expression。 But he didn't show up; and he didn't answer the phone。 So I came here。 He has a special room; an obvious imitation of his concept of womb。 And he was there; and the door was jammed from the outside。〃
 The sun played over the house; as they approached it; as if boiling it for an egg salad lunch。
 〃I like it;〃 Remo said。
 〃Nobody likes it。〃
 〃I like it。 I think it's a hell of an idea for a home。〃
 〃It's grotesque;〃 Brewster said。
 〃That's your opinion。〃
 〃That's the opinion of everyone in Brewster Forum。〃
 〃No; it's not。〃
 〃No? Who likes it?〃
 〃I like it。〃
 〃Oh; you。 Well; I'm talking about everyone。〃
 〃I'm someone。〃
 〃You're our security officer。〃
 〃But I'm a someone。〃
 〃Yes。 All right。 If you want to look at it that way。 He's in there。 I touched nothing。〃 Brewster stood at the entrance。 The door was ajar。
 Remo nodded。 〃It's really hard to refrain from panic in a situation like this;〃 Brewster said。 〃You may not have noticed; but I was on the verge of panic。 Fortunately; I have incredible self…control。 But this pushed me to my limit。〃
 〃Okay;〃 Remo said softly。 Like most panic victims; Brewster had no recollection of his actions。 He would not even remember fainting。 〃Stay here; Nils。〃
 〃Call me Dr。 Brewster。〃 He leaned against the door frame; still shaking。 〃We'd be in an awful fix if I were the type to lose my head;〃 he said。
 〃Yes; Dr。 Brewster; we would;〃 Remo said。
 〃Call me Nils;〃 Brewster said。 Remo smiled reassuringly and went into the living room。 He spotted the fireplace opening to Ratchett's special retreat。 There was Ratchett; nude; his body half covered in a pink puddle of water and blood。 His face was a final set mask of horror。 Remo reached in; careful not to slosh around in the liquid; and flipped Ratchett over。 So much for how they did it。 Now they had attacked the scientists; and to save them it might be necessary to kill them。 If he called the police now; the next passage from Dial…a…Prayer might well be Deuteronomy。 Remo stepped back carefully and picked up Ratchett's phone。 It was a vulnerable phone。 But he was not doing business。
 He dialed information; got the number of Dr。 Deborah Hirshbloom; and dialed it。 The phone rang。 And rang。 And rang。 Remo looked to the ceiling without seeing; looked to the floor without seeing and whistled impatiently。 And the phone rang。
 〃Shit;〃 he said and hung up。
 He went outside。
 〃Shocking; wasn't it?〃 said Brewster。
 〃What?〃 said Remo; his mind still on the phone call。
 〃You look upset。〃
 〃Oh。 Yes。 Shocking scene。 Awful。〃 
 〃If you were as familiar with violence and its dynamics as a human form of expression; if you were as familiar with it as I am; it might have been easier for you; son。〃
 〃I suppose so;〃 Remo said。 Dammit; she wasn't home。 This was his day off peak。 And he planned to spend it with her。 All day and all night。 And now she wasn't home。
 Dr。 Brewster reached for something in his pocket; and brought out a pipe and a ripped bag of tobacco。 〃How the hell did this happen?〃 he said; looking at the ripped pouch as if it had betrayed him。 〃My pants are dirty too。 I must have brushed against something。〃 He lit his pipe。
 〃Violence is a strange thing;〃 Dr。 Brewster said; musing on the smoke。 〃Many people never learn to accept it as a part of life。〃
 She was supposed to be home。 All right; maybe she had just gone out for something。 Maybe she was just being funny。 Playing a game。 Or maybe she had changed her mind。 The bitch。 The little Israeli bitch had changed her mind。
 The two men went back to the forum center; the scientist talking; musing; explaining; pontificating; placing the elements of life and death in intellectual perspective。 Remo Williams was planning。 If she was just trying to make him wait; he would be very casual。 Say that he wasn't sure of the time。 Was she late? Oh。 Or maybe he'd disappear for a while and be late himself。 No。 He'd see her and tell her she was immature。
 〃You see;〃 Brewster explained。 〃Even though you are a policeman; you have not fully accepted the fact of violence as an integral part of man's life。 You have not e to terms with the very obvious fact that man is a killer。 And his greatest game is man himself。 A predator。 Only late in development did he bee herbivorous。 The overreaction against violence in more backward American munities is an eruption of the sublimation of violence。 Which is really not sick。 Violence is healthy; human。 Vital。〃
 Maybe he would call her a kike and just walk away。 But what…if she laughed when he said that? Worse; what if she were hurt? He would apologize and hold her。 But if she were really hurt; she wouldn't let him。 No。 Not Deborah。 She would laugh。 Right at him。 In his face。 Then he would laugh。 Then it would be all right。
 〃I know it's difficult; son; but as I was explaining to some general or other; no; a congressman; I believe…well; in any case; one of those things。 I told him that perhaps policemen like yourself are the ones who are least able to handle violence and therefore are drawn toward it as a profession。 You know that's how we get funding?〃
 〃What?〃 said Remo。
 〃How we get funding; son;〃 Dr。 Brewster explained。 〃You exploit their little dreams or fears。 Whatever。〃
 〃What are you talking about?〃 Remo asked。 He would take care of Deborah later。 〃I was rinding it hard to follow。〃
 〃Our funding; son。 The way to get funding is to decide what you want;〃 then throw in something the government may want。 As an afterthought。 Like our study on the munity life of bat。〃
 〃Well; that paid for Schulter's animal experiments and Boyle's ethnic studies。〃
 〃I see;〃 said Remo。 〃And your little plan to conquer the world?〃 He dropped the reference casually。
 〃That bought the golf course; the auditorium and about five more years of just about anything we want。 I don't know why I trust you like this。 I just do。 I'm a good judge of men。〃
 He was; thought Remo; like most people who do not work at it; a very bad judge of himself。 He trusted now because he felt safe。 Apparently; he had taken Remo's preoccupation with Deborah as shock over the Ratchett killing and no longer felt threatened by someone who might possibly be above panic。
 〃Is there a plan to coefluer the world?〃
 〃Yes; of course。 You could conquer the world with 50;000 men。 Provided; the rest of the world wanted to be conquered。 Hah。 You see; it takes the cooperation of the losers。 But we're not going to include that in any study for at least three years though; not until we have another funding source。 Your job is safe with us for another

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