九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > ch.nakedcamethemanatee >



小说: ch.nakedcamethemanatee 字数: 每页4000字

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 swallow back hard and clamp his teeth shut when he realized that even though the smile was still there; his friend was long gone。
 〃Darn you; Marion;〃 he whispered; brushing a glistening gum wrapper from her matted hair。 〃What've you gone and done now?〃
 Fay didn't want Britt to hug her too long; because then the forting numbness of the shock might wear off; and she wasn't ready for that yet。 Right now; she felt like she was in the middle of an elaborate movie scene at the edge of the bay; and the stunt double for her grandmother; entombed in a black body bag inside of the ambulance beside her; was the victim of some freak accident on the set。 That fantasy was almost keeping her from shaking at all。
 〃Kid; I'm so sorry;〃 Britt said。 Then; instinctively; Britt knew she had to snap out of human mode and let her machinery take over。 Poor Fay wouldn't be any good to her if she crumbled into an emotional wreck。 Marion McAlister Williams had been much more than Fay's grandmother; she was the whole city's surrogate guardian; its conscience; and now she'd been found dead as if she'd been choked by the trash she'd decried for so long。 Everyone would want answers; and Britt had to find some fast。
 Britt paused; her pen in midstroke from scribbling wildly in her notebook。 Between the impending Castro visit and Marion McAlister Williams's sudden death; she was juggling two huge stories; possibly three; depending on what was going on with those heads。 Should she phone her editor for backup?
 Yeah; right; she thought。 〃What did the police say to you?〃 Britt asked Fay; regaining her senses。
 〃They aren't saying much;〃 Fay answered in a hollow voice。 〃All I know is; a fisherman pulled her out of the water about an hour ago。 That guy over there。 He's giving a statement。〃
 〃Do you think she went swimming?〃
 〃Not with her clothes on。 No way。 She's the one who taught me; 'It's naked or nothing。' Britt; I'm thinking 。。。 〃
 Britt nodded。 〃I know。 It's connected to the Castro heads。 I'm thinking the same thing。 So's Jake。 He's already headed for her house。 We're all over this。 Don't worry。〃
 Suddenly; something broke through Fay's frozen thoughts to bring her attention to the water。 She'd seen something moving out there; something big。 Another body? Had her grandmother's murderers killed Phil; too?
 But when she saw the dark gray head pop out of a wake; she realized it was only Booger。 He was everywhere; like a swimming spirit guide。 Booger had probably been witness to the whole horrible business from beginning to end。 All of the answers were right there behind those doleful; dull black eyes。 If only manatees could talk 。。。 At least Flipper could splash and make frantic chattering sounds; Fay thought。 Eventually; the kid and his dad had always figured it out: Danger。 This way。 Hurry。
 With Booger; nothing。
 Then Fay felt the shock thinning。 Her grandmother was gone。 〃Britt;〃 she said; barely a whisper。 〃I've lost her。〃
 Britt stared at her friend's wide; wondering eyes; framed by strands of blond hair blown across her forehead。 For the first time in a long time; Britt couldn't think of a snappy eback。
 〃Um 。。。 excuse me。 Miss; are you Marion's granddaughter?〃
 It was the black fisherman; shading his eyes from the glare of the sunset with one hand as he stood before them; his features grim。 Gazing at the dark; tallish man with salt…and…pepper hair; Fay realized she'd seen him around; fishing with a bamboo pole。
 Fay could only nod。
 〃You're the one who found her;〃 Britt said。 〃Boy; do we need to talk to you。 Hope you don't mind。〃
 〃Don't mind a'tall;〃 the man said; smiling sadly。 〃Marion was a fine; fine lady。 I'm just so sick about the circumstances。 Always told her to be careful; but I never in a million years expected her to drown。 Not Marion。〃
 〃She didn't just drown;〃 Fay said with certainty。
 〃That's why we have to ask you questions。 We're sure she had some help。〃
 The man's face went slack with surprise。 〃You don't say? Well; I'll be damned。 The police didn't say anything like that; about a murder。 In that case; I hope I haven't made a mistake。 I guess I've been holding on to something you might call evidence。〃
 〃What do you mean?〃 Britt asked。
 The fisherman looked nervous; glancing back toward the police officers crowded around the open ambulance door。 〃Well 。。。 I didn't think it was right to give it to them。 I wanted to wait for someone from the family。 Thought that would be the proper thing。〃
 〃What?〃 Fay asked。
 〃You see; miss 。。。 I know Marion was dead when I pulled her out of the water。 I took her pulse to be sure; but I knew。 Even the police say she'd probably been in there some time; maybe a full day。 But when I found her; she had the tiniest smile on her face。 You can't see it now。 It was gone; last I checked。 But we were friends; your grandmother and I。 This might sound funny; but it was like she'd saved that smile for me。 And after I pulled her out; I was sitting beside her; looking at her; sorry she was gone; when I felt something land on my hand。〃
 Seeing their rapt faces; the fisherman looked slightly embarrassed。 He averted his glassy eyes。 〃I figured the police would lock me in a nuthouse if I told them this next part。 Your grandmother's hand had moved; dropped on top of mine。 And she was still dead as could be。 That's the gospel truth。 I looked down; and her palm was wide open。 I don't know how she did it; but she'd been holding on to something; and it was right there in her hand。 It was like she wanted to make sure I would find it。 I knew it must be important。〃
 With that; the fisherman gently reached for Fay's wrist; holding her palm upright; and pressed his hand into it。 As Britt leaned over to stare with unbridled curiosity; Fay felt something tiny; sharp; and slightly cold pass from the fisherman's callused hand to the soft of her palm。
 〃Take it;〃 he said。 〃I'm sure it must be for you。〃
 Fay squeezed the object in her hand as she felt a tidal wave of emptiness wash over her。 She tried to calm herself by staring into the fisherman's kind eyes as she felt her own eyes start to water; and she thought how water; this water in front of her; had been her Granny's life。 The fisherman hugged her; as he whispered into her ear; 〃She wanted to go; child; anyone who dies with such a sweet smile on her face wants to go。〃
 Fay knew what was in her hand。 She didn't even have to look at it。 She shoved it into her pocket。 She knew what she had to do; but it would have to wait until tomorrow。
 The door to Marion's house was unlocked; as usual。
 Everything looked as it always had。 She went straight for the refrigerator and opened it。 Two Joe's take…out containers; a half…empty bottle of prune juice; a head of lettuce in a bag marked 〃Booger。〃 And a big empty space in the middle。 No canister。
 The phone rang。 She picked it up without saying a word。 After a minute; she said; 〃Jake; the head's gone。〃
 Jake put down the phone and sat down at the kitchen dinette; stared at the canister on the table; wondered how long before they came for this one; too。
 John Deal sat on the Havantur bus; thinking of how long he'd dreamed of the day he could buy a big Hatteras and live happily ever after in the Bahamas。 Now that his dream had e true; he suffered from an overload of fun; sun; rum; sex; drugs; suffered from too much marination in gin…clear salt waters; his head like an olive in a martini。 He felt trapped in a picture postcard; paradise…overdosed。 He'd e to Havana to try to snap himself out of it; get a shot of reality。 The tour guide; whose name was Dogma or Dagma; spoke English with a heavy Russian accent。 Deal couldn't understand anything she said。 He gave up when she pointed to a pineapple finial on a rooftop and said; 〃The pineapple resides on that edifice because it's the symbol of tropical fruit。〃
 As they drove around the city; John Deal got more and more depressed。 I didn't need this much reality; he thought。 It was like driving through South Miami after Hurricane Andrew。 Buildings; some of the most beautiful he had ever seen; were in ruins。 Everyone seemed dazed; like zombies。
 The bus stopped in Havana Viejo。 Deal tra

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