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小说: ch.nakedcamethemanatee 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Perry Mason?〃 suggested a voice from the crowd。
 〃Johnnie Cochran?〃
 〃YES! HIM! SOMEBODY GET ME JOHNNIE COCH 。。。 COCH 。。。 Cocchhuurrrrgggghhh 。。。 〃
 Although he was a rookie; Sereno had worked the Grove long enough to see what was ing; and thus stepped back quickly enough to avoid the sudden eruption。 Not everyone on the sidewalk below was so lucky。 Bedlam erupted as the crowd; screaming; surged away from the area directly underneath the puking giant。 A rickshaw; ing around the corner; was knocked over by the fleeing mob; sending an older couple sprawling into the street; directly into the path of a Harley…Davidson; whose driver turned right sharply in an effort to avoid them; hit the curb; and was launched across the sidewalk into the fountain。
 Sereno sprinted for the stairs; glancing at his watch。 Nine o'clock; straight up。
 The night was young。
 Another boring night; Fay Leonard thought; as she locked up her dive shop on South Dixie Highway。 She was beginning to wonder about the shop。 It had seemed like such a good idea…a chance for her to make a living doing the one thing she truly loved。 Problem was; she wasn't doing any diving; she was always running the shop。 It ate up her days; and it was starting to eat up her nights。 Like; tonight; she had to take two full sets of rental scuba gear over to a charter boat at Dinner Key Marina; which meant driving into the Grove; which was of course going to be a zoo on a Saturday night。
 Lugging the heavy air tanks out to her pickup truck; she thought; All this work; carrying all this gear around; and I don't even get to use it。
 Still sitting on her porch; Marion McAlister Williams sat upright; ing abruptly out of her doze。 She glanced around; nothing amiss。
 And yet something was wrong。 She knew it。 Something out in the bay。 She knew that bay; knew it better than anybody else; knew things about it she could never explain。 And right then; right that second; she knew something was going wrong。 Bad wrong。
 She clutched her chair and listened to the night; listened hard; but all she heard was the Grove din; and frogs。
 But there was something。 She knew it。
 Just an inch or two below the bay surface; Booger felt the pressure wave of the approaching skiff。 He'd had that feeling before; and he felt vaguely unfortable about it; but even if he'd known enough to get out of the way; there wasn't really any time。
 〃Tell you one thing;〃 Phil was saying。 〃If I did steal somebody's underwear; you can bet it would at least be clean underwear。〃
 That did it。 Hector; enraged; rose in the front of the skiff; turned toward Phil; pointed; and shouted; 〃YOU KNOW WHAT YOU CAN DO; PHIL? YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU CAN DO? YOU CAN…〃
 But Hector never did get to tell Phil what he could do; because at precisely that moment the skiff rammed into Booger and came to an extremely sudden stop。 Hector; however; kept right on going; right off the bow; still pointing vaguely in the direction of Phil; who sprawled; face first; to the floor of the skiff。
 The force of the collision likewise hurled Phil's and Hector's mystery cargo forward; splintering the flimsy fiberglass where the bungee cords were attached to the seat。 It slammed against the bow with a crunching sound; then launched into the air in an explosion of bilge water and towrope; then the whole mass splashed into the bay about thirty feet in front of the skiff; the seat cushion floating upside down and the crushed crate dangling a few feet below from the bungee cords; trailing yards of towrope。
 Into this mess swam a very alarmed Booger; moving away from the skiff as fast as a manatee can move。 His snout passed directly under the floating cushion; so that as he surged forward; the bungee cords secured the flotsam firmly to his massive body。 Booger continued to flipper frantically forward in the gloom; saddled with the awkward weight of trash。
 Booger barely noticed it。 His brain…such as it was…was focused entirely on one idea: getting out of there; to someplace safe。 And being a creature of habit; he knew exactly where he was going。
 Like so many others on this particular night; Booger was headed for Coconut Grove。
 2。 THE BIG WET SLEEP…Les Standiford
 Rand Avenue; 10 PM; a Saturday night。 John Deal sat in his car opposite a tiny neighborhood market; a mile or more from his destination on the far side of Coconut Grove。 He was locked in a dead stall; part of an endless line of unmoving traffic; gripping and ungripping the wheel of the vehicle he had e to refer to as the 〃Hog。〃
 The Hog had begun its automotive life as a Cadillac Seville…but it had long since been transformed into a kind of gentleman's El Camino; the passenger cabin cut in half; a tiny pickup bed created where the back seat and trunk had been。 Not the sort of thing the folks at Cadillac would approve of; but it wasn't Deal's fault。 He'd had to take it in payment on a construction project gone bad; now he couldn't afford anything else。
 The fact that he was stuck in gridlock was his fault; however。 Trying to make his way through the Grove on a Saturday night…what had he been thinking of? He should have gone farther north on U。S。 1; made his way back down to Janice's apartment through the twisty little streets that the Saturday Night Drive crowd hadn't discovered yet。 But he'd been distracted; rehearsing his speech; reminding himself to stay posed no matter what Janice said or did 。。。 and now look what he'd done to himself。
 He glanced in the mirror at a chopped and channeled Accord that had nosed up to within inches of his rear bumper: there seemed little chance of backing up; making a U…ey out of this line。 Worse; a relentless kind of music was blaring from the Accord; its pulsing bass line so powerful that Deal's mirror vibrated; sending the black Accord into a shimmering mirage image; settling back into sharp definition; then blurring again。 Horns ahead and behind joined the chorus。
 Deal noticed an old black man sitting on a backless kitchen chair outside the market; a cigarette burning between his fingers。 His doleful gaze locked with Deal's for a moment; then turned away。 Deal felt as if he'd been marked; somehow:
 Another Yuppie lemming; a guy so rich he could afford to fart around with a perfectly good Cadillac car; on his way through shantytown; headed for the mindless glitz up ahead。
 He could get out; Deal thought; leave the Hog where it was; take a seat beside the old guy; try to convince him otherwise。 Explain how he was on his way to see his estranged wife; convince her to e back home again; how he was having trouble with his finances; how we were all in this mess together; just like the Benetton ads said。 The old guy could give him his blessing; they could wear colorful sweaters together and be friends。
 Sure。 And pigs could sing the Hallelujah Chorus。
 He did get out of the Hog; though; leaving the door wide open as he stepped up into the Hog's bed for a better look at what might be happening。 Slow was one thing; but they hadn't moved at all; not for a good ten minutes。
 What he saw filled him with dismay。 The junction of Main and Grand; a kind of mini…Times Square just opposite the multileveled CocoWalk mall; was bad enough on a normal Saturday…endless streams of pedestrians ignoring the signals; la…de…dah…ing through the inching traffic; stopping to chat with the drivers; dodging rickshaw drivers and bikers weaving through it all。 But this was way beyond normal。
 A pulsing; unmoving throng had jammed the intersection。 A roar wafted down the line toward him; and he caught a glimpse of a huge; naked man being borne aloft on the uplifted arms of the crowd。 Then he saw another figure bouncing atop the crowd…a policeman; he realized。 Beer foam shot in streamers from cheering onlookers massed at the CocoWalk railings。 Cans arced down; bottles; what looked like a shoe。 Then shirts; other articles of clothing fluttering in the breeze。
 Another roar from the crowd as a topless girl jumped onto the hood of a car and began an energetic boogie。 Deal stepped down from the bed of the Hog; got back in the driver's seat。 The mob would make its way right down the line of stalled traffic; 

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