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小说: ch.nakedcamethemanatee 字数: 每页4000字

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astro; the man who had performed Fidel's penile implant in 1962。 But where was that body? Juan Carlos was not paying a million dollars to any Cuban Cuban for a severed head。 The gentleman would have to provide the rest of the filthy munist。 Of course; if he; himself; could acquire the rumored lock of hair and match its DNA with the head; well; perhaps then he would negotiate。 Yes; people will need to be relocated。 Yes; people will have to die; unfortunately。 Yes; of course; the transition to the Golden Age of freedom and prosperity will not be easy。
 This was still not what Joe Sereno had in mind when he joined the police department。 This was not fighting crime; this was not making a difference。 This was standing in the vestibule of a church waiting for some dignitaries to exit to their limousines。 He'd been reduced to this; to special…detail security for Magic City Protective Services。 He'd been suspended without pay after the Grove riot and would remain suspended until the trial was over; at least。 And now he had to worry if Johnnie Cochran was going to turn him into the next Mark Fuhrman。 Sure he'd called the fat guy a Canuck and a Frog; but he hadn't meant it in a bad way。 Since when did people start worrying about the Frenchies; anyway? And now he was getting that uneasy feeling again like on the night of the Club Hell disaster when he worked the door。 Who'd have thought the sharks would only go after the lawyers like they did? Must be some kind of pheromone they give off。 What a mess that was。 Joe Sereno himself had dragged two of the bodies out of the drink…the city manager of Miami Beach; who looked like a drowned cat; actually; and the city's insurance attorney; Russell B。 Whittaker III; whose mascara had run over his face and whose left arm had been chewed to the bone。 Joe felt dizzy again。 Maybe he was bad luck like the sergeant said。 He dipped his fingers into the holy water font; blessed himself。 He waited for whatever would happen to happen。
 In Dania: When housewife Sabrina Kennedy saw the face of Mickey Schwartz on the door of her Kelvinator refrigerator; saw it blossom to life like a Polaroid photograph; why; she called Tristan Jude; Dania correspondent for the Broward Sun…Tattler and invited him over to see for himself。 He wanted to know what she thought this meant。 Well; she said; it means; apparently; that I'm going to win the lottery in the very near future。 Yes; she had to agree with Tristan; this could possibly be Mickey's double; that Cuban dude; in which case she figured she'd meet some tall; dark stranger。 Miracles aren't ordinary; she told him。 Life's no accident。 Everything means something。
 On Desi Arnaz Boulevard: Big Joey G。 leaned against the fireplace; his arm resting on the onyx mantel; in his hand a Vietnamese trophy skull。 〃We boiled the flesh off the VC skulls;〃 he told Britt。 〃We made table ornaments; ashtrays; candy dishes; like this fellow here。 I call him Tranh。 Sometimes we carved their ulnas into letter openers; their fingers into whistles。〃 He set the skull on the mantel; sat in the club chair across from Britt。 〃Happiest days of my life; the war。〃
 〃And now you find yourself playing with skulls again;〃 Britt said。 〃How funny。〃
 〃Not playing; Ms。 Montero。 Neurosuspension is not a game。〃 Big Joey explained the process: A cryonicist opens the subject's chest; injects cryopreservatives and cooling solutions through the blood vessels to preserve the brain。 He then severs the head at the sixth cervical vertebra; submerges the skull in a silicone oil bath with dry ice for twenty…four hours。 〃Then we pop the noodle in a neurocan and cool it in liquid nitrogen for ten days。''
 Britt stretched her shackled legs on the couch。 〃Why just the head? Why not the whole body? Why not a corpsicle?〃
 〃Cephalic isolation is economical; portable。 The body isn't very useful really。〃
 〃Speak for yourself。〃
 〃Eventually; we bring back the cryonaut; and he's himself; only we make him better because we provide an engineered body; a cyborg; a person who can breathe underwater or run like the wind。〃
 〃Fidel the flying squirrel; maybe?〃
 Big Joey smiled。
 〃You can't make a flank steak back into a cow; Big Joey。 The thermally challenged will remain so。〃
 The doorbell chimed。 Big Joey G。 stood; excused himself。 〃That would be our delivery: Lilia Sands and her faux Fidel。〃
 Britt said; 〃This is getting confusing。〃
 On the patio; Hector explained to Fay how it was; but how could a woman ever understand? 〃Yes; I killed your grandmother。 Yes; I killed Phil。 What were we supposed to do when he let you escape like he did? You think I had a choice? Besides; he was a nudge and you know it。〃
 Pay wiped her tears on her shoulder。 〃Scum!〃 She knew she'd destroy Hector if she could chew her way through these cuffs and the ropes。
 〃I understand you're upset; but don't you see that the crime itself is a relief; you know; a release。 It's a regeneration。〃 Hector stood and stretched。 He kissed his scorpion tattoo; flicked his tongue at Fay。 He thought; Yes; this woman will understand。 〃Before I killed; I was far more horrible than I am now; because I was pregnant with evil; with the idea of murder。 And now the evil is done; gone; vanished。 The idea of violence; the threat of violence; is always more frightening than the act of violence。 Don't you think?〃 Fay heard a chime; a tune that sounded like 〃Lara's Theme〃 from Dr。 Zhivago。
 〃Our guests have arrived;〃 Hector said。 〃And now we're all going for a long boat ride。〃
 At the Odyssey Motel: Fidel Castro sat on his balcony smoking his Don Miguel de la Flor cigar; watching the topless bathers on the beach。 Oxen in the sun; he thought。 Fidel winced; lifted his weight off the chair as a shock of pain shot through his groin。 What more; he wondered; can this hulk suffer? He'd done the surgery; the radiation; had the orchiectomy。 Too late。 The cancer had spread to the lymph nodes and the bone and to distant organs。 Nothing left now but hormones and morphine。 There he sat; anonymous in his morbidity; hairless and shrunken; listening to a Xavier Cugat CD in the heart of the city that wanted his head at any price。 Drawn here; made reckless; by love。
 Fidel took the photo of Lilia Sands out of his shirt pocket。 Oh; there had been others…Miss This; Miss That; Miss The Other。 They were all lovely; but like flowers without scent pared to Lilia。 She was his first socialist。 I kiss the feet of you; senorita; he told her that night in his tent in the Sierra Maestra。 He closed his eyes; tried to summon Lilia; his Penelope。 Yes; he thought; yes; because she never did a thing like that before as bite my ear…her breakfast in bed…never a thing as cut a lock of my hair。 Lilia; her boiled eyes and smutty photos; her samba; her wicked tongue。 I gave her all the pleasure I could until she said yes and yes。 I let her see my everything。 O Lilia! O Cuba! My twin lovers! Yes; I know the back alleys of my heart; the dark corners of my soul; and though I tried to do you no harm; in the trying I failed。 Love without mitment; socialism without democracy are doomed。 Yes; I was seduced by revolution; driven to trample the worm who sold our country to the Mafia and the corporations; to trample him and drag his carcass ten times around the gates of Havana。 A new order; I thought。 A New Jerusalem。 But politics is just who shoves whom; who doles out the pineapples and soup to whom; who pockets whose profits。 Politics is a marketing strategy; a tool of business。 It can never make anyone happy。 For that we need virtue and knowledge; not laws。
 And so I get to live my simple life at last; here in the land of the lotus…eaters; where our people; some of them; have lost the hope of home。 Others are worms who would devour our flesh。 The aristocrats who fled; the professional class。 I wouldn't give a snap of my fingers for all their learning; their fortunes; their self…righteousness。 Let them try to create something; like an independent nation; like a poem。 Yes; when at last this Cuban…head…as…Trojan…horse business sorts itself out; the exiles will be ing home。 To those who return; wele; but remember; no one will own us…the Cuban Cubans; we who have lived on our wandering rock for th

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