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小说: rh.royalassassin 字数: 每页4000字

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       〃You know he would;〃 I said unwillingly。 〃But Shrewd would never survive such a trip。〃
       〃He is more likely to survive such a trip than to survive going with Regal。 That which eats at him will continue to devour his life; wherever he is。〃 He frowned more darkly。
       〃But why it eats at him so much more swiftly these days is beyond me to say。〃
       〃The cold。 The privation。 It will not help him。〃
       〃There are inns for part of the way。 I can find some coin for them yet。 Shrewd looks so little like he used to; we almost need not fear him being recognized。 The Queen would be trickier。 There are few women with her coloring and height。 Still; clothed heavily; we could increase her girth。 Hood her hair; and…〃
       〃You cannot be serious。〃
       〃Tomorrow night;〃 he replied。 〃We must do something by tomorrow night。 For that is when the sleeping potion I gave Shrewd will wear off。 Another attempt will probably not be made on the Queen until she is on her way to Tradeford。 But once Regal has her in his power; well; so many accidents can happen on a journey。 A slip from a barge into a freezing river; a runaway horse; a meal of bad meat。 If his assassin is half as good as we are; he'll succeed。〃
       〃Regal's assassin?〃
       Chade gave me a pitying look。 〃You don't suppose our prince is up to spreading grease and lampblack on steps himself; do you? Who do you think it is?〃
       〃Serene。〃 The name popped to my lips。
       〃Then most obviously it is not her。 No; we will find it to be some mouse of a man with a pleasant demeanor and a settled life。 If we ever find him out at all。 Ah; well; set it aside for now。 Though there's nothing quite as challenging as stalking another assassin。〃
       〃Will;〃 I said quietly。
       〃Will what?〃 he asked。
       I told him of Will; quickly and quietly。 As he listened his eyes widened。
       〃It would be brilliant;〃 he said admiringly。 〃A Skilled assassin。 It's a wonder no one thought of it before。〃
       〃Perhaps Shrewd did;〃 I said quietly。 〃But perhaps his assassin failed to learn 。。。。〃
       Chade leaned back in his chair。 〃I wonder;〃 he said speculatively。 〃Shrewd is closemouthed enough to have such an idea; and keep it even from me。 But I doubt; myself; that Will is any more than a spy; just now。 A formidable one; and no mistaking that。 You must be especially vigilant。 But I do not think we need fear him as an assassin。〃 He cleared his throat。 〃Ah; well。 The urgency for speed bees ever plainer。 The escape must be made from the King's room。 You must find a way to draw the watchers all off again。〃
       〃During the King…in…Waiting ceremony…〃
       〃No。 We dare not wait that long。 Tomorrow night。 No later than that。 You need not keep them occupied long。 Just a few minutes will be all I will need。〃
       〃We must wait! Otherwise; the whole plot is impossible。 By tomorrow night; you wish me to have the Queen and Burrich prepared; which means telling them you exist。 And Burrich will have to see to horses and supplies…〃
       〃Plug horses。 Nothing fine。 They would be noticed too quickly。 And a litter for the King。〃
       〃Plug horses we have in plenty; for they are all that is left。 But it will stick in Burrich's craw for his king and queen to ride them。〃
       〃And a mule for himself。 They are to be humble folk; with scarce the coin to journey inland。 We have no wish to attract highwaymen。 〃
       I snorted to think of Burrich astride a mule。 〃It cannot be done;〃 I said quietly。 〃The time is too short。 It must be done the night of the King…in…Waiting ceremony。 All will be down at the feasting。〃
       〃Anything that must be done; can be done;〃 Chade asserted。 He sat thoughtfully a moment。 〃Perhaps you have a point。 Regal cannot have the King incapacitated for the ceremony。 If he is not there; not one of the Coastal Dukes will give it any credence。 Regal will have to allow Shrewd his pain herbs; to keep him tractable; if nothing else。 Very well; then。 The night after tomorrow。 And if you absolutely must speak to me tomorrow; put some bitterbark on your hearthfire。 Not a lot; I have no wish to be smoked out。 But a generous handful。 I will open the way。〃
       〃The Fool will want to go with the King。〃 I reminded myself slowly。
       〃He cannot;〃 Chade said decisively。 〃There is no disguising him。 He would only increase the danger。 Besides; it is necessary he stay。 We will need his help to prepare for this disappearance。〃
       〃I do not think that will change his mind。〃
       〃Leave the Fool to me。 I can show him that his King's life depends on his getting away from here cleanly。 An ‘atmosphere' must be created; in which the King and Queen's disappearance is not seen as 。。。 ah; well。 Leave that part to me。 I will discourage them from smashing walls。 The Queen's role is easy。 All she need do is retire early from the ceremony; and declare that she wishes to sleep long; and send her attendants away。 She should leave word she does not wish to be disturbed until she summons them。 If all goes well; we should be able to give Shrewd and Kettricken most of the night hours to gain some distance。〃 He smiled at me kindly。 〃Well。 I think that is as much planning as we can do。 No; no; I know nothing is fixed。 It is better this way。 We are more flexible。 Now go get what sleep you can; boy。 You've a busy day tomorrow。 And I've much to do right now。 I must mix enough medicines to take King Shrewd all the way to the Mountains。 And package them clearly。 Burrich reads; does he not?〃
       〃Very well;〃 I assured him。 I paused。 〃Were you at the Keep well last night; about midnight? Supposedly the Pocked Man was seen。 Some are saying it means the well will go bad。 Others are seeing it as a bad omen for Regal's ceremony。〃
       〃Oh? Well; and perhaps it is。〃 Chade chuckled to himself。 〃Omens and portents they shall have; boy; until a vanishing King and a missing Queen seem but a natural thing in the midst of it。〃 He grinned like a boy; and the years dropped from his face。 Something like their old spark of mischief came into his green eyes。 〃Go get some rest。 And let Burrich and the Queen know of our plans。 I shall speak to Shrewd and the Fool。 No others are to know even a whisper。 For some of it; we must trust to luck。 But for the rest; trust to me!〃
       His laughter was not a wholly reassuring sound as it followed me down the stairs。
       Treasons and Traitors
       PRINCE REGAL WAS the only child of King Shrewd and Queen Desire to survive birth。 Some say the midwives never cared for the Queen and did not do overmuch to see her babes lived。 Others that the midwives; in their anxiety to spare the Queen her birth pangs; gave her too much of those herbs that dull pain。 But as only two of her stillborn children had been carried more than seven months in her womb; most midwives say the Queen's use of intoxicants was at fault; as well as her evil habit of carrying her belt knife with the blade toward her belly; as all know this is bad luck for a woman of childbearing years。
       I did not sleep。 Whenever I pushed my worries about King Shrewd from my mind; Molly stood there instead; beside someone else。 My mind shuttled between them; weaving me a coat of misery and worry。 I promised myself that as soon as King Shrewd and Kettricken were safe; I would find a way to win Molly back from whoever had stolen her from me。 That decided; I turned over and stared into the dark some more。
       Night's reign was still solid when I rolled from my bed。 I ghosted past empty stalls and sleeping animals to go silently up Burrich's stairs。 He heard me out; then asked gently; 〃Are you sure you've not had a bad dream?〃
       〃If I have; it's lasted most of my life;〃 I pointed out quietly。
       〃I begin to feel that way myself;〃 he agreed。 We were talking in the dark。 He was still in bed and I was sitting on the floor beside it; whispering。 I would not suffer Burrich to build up his fire; or even light a candle; for I did not desire anyone to wonder about a sudden departure from his routine。 〃For us to acplish all he is asking in two days means that every task must be done perfectly the first time。 I have e to you first。

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