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小说: rh.royalassassin 字数: 每页4000字

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o spectacularly at it。 He snubbed me at every opportunity。 I bit my tongue and did my best not to encounter him。 The close quarters of the ship made that difficult。 It was not a fortable situation。
       After great debate; with himself and me; Verity placed Carrod aboard the Constance; Burl at the Neatbay Tower; and sent Will far north; to the Red Tower up in Bearns that manded such a wide view of the sea as well as the surrounding countryside。 Once he had arranged their tokens on his maps; it made a reality of the pathetic thinness of our defenses。 〃It reminds me of the old folktale of the beggar who had but a hat to cover his nakedness;〃 I told Verity。 He smiled without humor。
       〃Would that I could move my ships as swiftly as he did his hat;〃 he wished grimly。
       Two of the ships Verity set to duty as roving patrol vessels。 Two he kept in reserve; one docked at Buckkeep; and that was the Rurisk; while the Stag anchored in South Cove。 It was a pitifully small fleet to protect the Six Duchies' straggling coastline。 A second set of ships was being constructed; but it was not expected they would be finished soon。 The best of the seasoned wood had been used in the first four vessels; and his shipwrights cautioned him he would be wiser。 to wait than to attempt to use green wood。 It chafed him; but he listened to them。
       Early spring saw us practicing drills。 The coterie members; Verity privately told me; functioned almost as well as carrier pigeons at relaying simple messages。 His situation with me was a more frustrating one。 For his own reasons; he had chosen not to disclose to anyone his training of me in the Skill。 I believe he was enjoying the advantages of being able to go with me and observe and listen undetected to the everyday life of Buckkeep Town。 I understood that the Rurisk's master had been given word that I was to be heeded if I requested a sudden change in course or announced that we were required at a certain location immediately。 I fear he saw this mostly as Verity's indulgence of his bastard nephew; but in this he followed his orders。
       Then; one early spring morning; we reported to our ship for yet another practice。 We functioned well as a crew now in maneuvering our ship。 This exercise was to have us rendezvous with the Constance at an undisclosed location。 It was a Skill exercise that so far we had not succeeded at。 We were resigned to a frustrating day; save for Justin; who was stonily intent on succeeding。 Arms crossed on his chest; dressed all in dark blue (I believe he thought the blue robe made him appear more Skilled); he stood on the dock and stared out into the thick fog that blanketed the ocean。 I was forced to pass him as I put a keg of water aboard。 。
       〃To you; Bastard; it's an opaque blanket。 But to me; all is as clear as a mirror。〃
       〃How unfortunate for you;〃 I said kindly; ignoring his use of the word 〃bastard。〃 I had all but forgotten how much sting could be put into a word。 〃I'd rather see the fog than your face of a morning。〃 Petty; but satisfying。 I had the additional satisfaction of watching his robe bind about his legs as he boarded。 I was sensibly dressed; in snug leggings; an undershirt of soft cotton; and a leather jerkin over that。 I had considered some sort of mail; but Burrich had shook his head over it。 〃Better to die cleanly from a weapon's wound than fall overboard and drown;〃 he'd advised me。
       Verity had quirked a smile at that。 〃Let's not burden him with too much overconfidence;〃 he suggested wryly; and even Burrich had smiled。 After a moment。
       So I had abandoned any thought of mail or armor。 At any rate; today would be a rowing day; and what I wore was fortable for that。 No shoulder seams to strain against; no sleeves to catch on my forearms。 I was inordinately proud of the chest and shoulders I was developing。 Even Molly had expressed an astonished approval。 I settled into my seat and rolled my shoulders; smiling as I thought of her。 I'd had far too little time with her lately。 Well; only time would cure that。 Summer brought the Raiders。 As the long fair days came on I'd have even less time with her。 Autumn could not e too soon for me。
       We settled in; a full plement of rowers and warriors。 At some moment; as ropes were cast off and the steersman took his post and the oars began their steady beat; we became one animal。 It was a phenomenon I had noted before。 Perhaps I was more sensitized to it; nerves abraded clean by my Skill sharing with Verity。 Perhaps it was that all the men and women onboard shared a single purpose; and that for most of them it was vengeance。 Whatever it was; it lent a unity to us that I had never sensed before in a group of folk。 Perhaps; I thought; this was a shadow of what it was to belong to a coterie。 I felt a pang of regret; of opportunities lost。
       You are my coterie。 Verity; like a whisper behind me。 And somewhere; from the distant hills; something less than a sigh。 Are we not pack?
       I do have you; I thought back to them。 Then I settled in and paid attention to what I was doing。 Oars and backs dipped and rose in unison and the Rurisk went nosing boldly out into the fog。 Our sail hung limp。 In a moment we were a world unto ourselves。 Sounds of water; of the rhythmic unity of our breathing as we rowed。 A few of the fighters spoke softly among themselves; their words and thoughts muffled by the mist。 Up in the bow; Justin stood beside the master; staring out into the fog。 His brow was lined; his eyes distant; and I knew he reached for Carrod aboard the Constance。 Almost idly; I reached out; too; to see if I could sense what he Skilled。
       Stop that! warned Verity; and I drew back feeling as if he slapped my hand。 I'm not ready for anyone to have suspicions about you yet。
       There was a lot behind that warning; more than I could devote myself to just now。 As if what I had begun to do were actually a very dangerous action。 I wondered what he feared; but I concentrated on the steady rhythm of my rowing; and let my eyes stare into the infinite gray。 Most of that morning passed in a mist。 Several times Justin asked the master to have the steersman change his course。 It made little difference that I could see; save in the texture of the rowing。 All of the inside of a fog bank looks much the same。 The steady physical effort; the lack of anything to focus on put me into a waking dream about nothing。
       The cries of the young watchman broke my trance。 〃 'Ware treachery!〃 he cried out; his shrill voice deepening as blood engulfed it。 〃We are attacked!〃
       I leaped up from my rowing bench; staring wildly all about。 Fog。 Only my oar dangling and skipping on the surface of the water; while my fellow oarsmen glared at me for breaking the rhythm。 〃You; Fitz! What ails you?〃 the master demanded。 Justin stood at his side; clear…browed and self…righteous。
       〃I 。。。 my back cramped。 Sorry。〃 I stooped to my oar again。
       〃Kelpy; relieve him。 Stretch and move about a bit; boy; then take your oar back;〃 the mate directed in his thick accent。
       〃Aye; sir。〃 I acknowledged his order and stood to let Kelpy have my bench and oar。 It did feel good to pause。 My shoulders cracked when I rolled them。 But I was ashamed; too; to take a rest when the others did not。 I rubbed my eyes and gave my head a rattle; wondering what nightmare had seized me so firmly。 What watchman? Where?
       Antler Island。 They came in under the fog's cover。 No town there; but the signal tower。 I think they intend to slaughter the watchers; and then do their best to destroy the towers。 A brilliant strategy。 Antler Island is one of our first lines of defense。 The outer tower watches the sea; the inner tower passes on the signals to both Buckkeep and Neatbay。 Verity's thoughts; almost calm with the same steadiness that seizes one as a weapon is brought to the ready。 Then; after a moment: The single…minded slug is so intent on reaching Carrod; he won't let me through。 Fitz。 Go to the master。 Tell him Antler Island。 If you get into the channel; the current will practically fly you to the cove where the tower is。 The Raiders are there already; but they'll have to beat against the current to get out again。 Go no

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