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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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  'For that we will need help from inside the camp;' Taita said。
  'Merykara?' Nefer looked at him sharply。
  'Merykara;' Taita agreed。
  'How can we get a message to her?' Nefer looked puzzled; but Taita smiled; touched the Periapt of Lostris that hung on his necklace and closed his eyes。 After a while Nefer thought he had fallen asleep。 The old man knew exactly how to infuriate him。
  His age is catching up with him at last; he thought irritably; and was about to shake him awake; when he heard voices from the camp; and looked up。
  Merykara had e out of her tent。 She had obviously been sleeping for her face was flushed and marked by the pillow。 She stretched and yawned。 She wore only a blue linen skirt; whose pleats hung below her knees。 Her upper body was bare。 Despite himself Nefer was astonished at the way her breasts had bloomed: they were pear…shaped and the nipples stood proud and rosy。 Merykara was arguing with the guard at the entrance to her tent and her voice rose imperiously so that Nefer could hear every word。 'I cannot sleep; and I am going out to walk awhile。' The sentry was trying to restrain her; but she shook her head until her hair danced on her shoulders。 'No; I will not let you escort me。 I want to be alone。' The sentry insisted and she flared at him; 'Stand aside; you insolent creature; or I will report your behaviour to my husband。' Reluctantly the sentry acceded to her orders and grounded his spear。 He called after her anxiously; 'Please; Your Majesty; be not too long nor venture too far。 It will be more than my miserable life is worth should Pharaoh find out about this。'
  Merykara ignored him; ducked through the horses' lines; and came out through the gate of the thornbush fence that surrounded the camp。 She looked back only once to make certain that she was not observed by any of the sentries。 Then as though to an assignation; she came directly to where Nefer and Taita lay among the desert scrub。
  Nefer saw that her green eyes were rapt and that there was an intent expression on her lovely face; as though she were listening to music that she alone could hear。
  When she was close enough to touch; Nefer said softly; 'Merykara; don't be afraid。 It's Nefer。'
  She started like an awakening sleep…walker and stared down at him。 Then her face lit with an expression of untrammelled joy and she sprang forward to embrace him。
  'Wait!' Nefer ordered。 'Don't betray us to the guards。'
  He was proud of her; for she obeyed him and stopped instantly。 She had always been an intelligent child。 She glanced around quickly and her voice trembled when she said softly; 'I was sound asleep; but suddenly I woke and knew that I had to e out into the desert。 It was almost as though a voice in my head was calling to me。' She looked at Taita。 'Was it your voice; Magus?' Then her eyes went back to Nefer。 'Darling brother; you will never know how I have missed you。 First I thought you were dead; and I mourned in your funeral procession with ashes on my head。 Look here are the scars where I cut my arms to bleed for you。'
  'I am alive; Merykara。 Believe me; this is no shade you are looking at。'
  'I know; Nefer。 All the world knows now how you took Mintaka away from Avaris into the desert; and I knew in my heart that you would e for me also; one day。' She smiled through happy tears。 'I knew you would e。'
  'Yes;' Nefer said; 'we will take you away with us。 But first there is something you must do to help us。'
  'Anything for you and Taita;' she agreed readily。
  Speaking swiftly and urgently; Taita told her what she had to do and then he made her repeat it。 She did so faultlessly。 'You are a clever girl; my little one。' Taita said。 'That is exactly what we want you to do。' He handed her a small packet。 'Here is the powder。 Remember; just enough to cover your fingernail in each jar。'
  'First you call me clever; and then you treat me as though I were stupid;' she snapped。
  'Forgive me; Your Majesty。' Taita made a gesture of penitence。
  'Don't call me that either。 I hate being married to that slimy serpent; and now I know what he is going to do to me; I hate it even more。'
  'You are not easy to please; Merykara。 Now; go back to the camp before the guards e looking for you。'
  She stooped quickly and kissed Nefer on the lips。 'Until tomorrow then; my beloved brother。'
  *  *  *
  The following noon the mighty army of Egypt camped below the high plateau where the sandy desert and the dry lands ended。 They had almost pleted the crossing and tomorrow they would go up through the pass into the cooler lands where the oases were only a day's journey apart; where forests and fields and vineyards grew and mountain streams flowed all year round。
  When the escort of the royal wives began to set up camp for the day; they found that the young Queen Merykara was fractious and overbearing; not at all her usual sweet and gracious self。 She wanted her own tent set further apart from that of her sister; Queen Heseret; and when this was done she insisted that they move the carts that carried the army war chests down into a narrow wadi two hundred paces from the main encampment。 In vain the mander of the guard pointed out that the bed of the wadi was soft and sandy and the wheels of the heavy vehicles would sink in deeply。
  'I don't care if they disappear into the sand pletely;' she told him。 'I am sick of looking at those ugly carts and listening to the mooing of the bullocks。 Get them out of my sight。'
  The mander thought of appealing to Pharaoh Naja Kiafan to ratify this unreasonable order from his youngest wife。 Then he contemplated the fact that the column was spread out over almost four leagues of desert。 It would take an hour of hard riding to reach Pharaoh at it's head; and the return ride would be just as arduous。 The day was even hotter than those that had preceded it and; besides; he had a tryst with one of Merykara's slave girls; an enchanting little black Nubian who knew more tricks than a performing monkey。 He moved the carts into the wadi bottom and; as a sop to his conscience; doubled the guard upon them。
  Having got her own way; Merykara became once again the endearing girl they all loved so well。
  'I am so sorry I was hard on you; Moram。 It must be this awful heat that affects us all;' she told the mander of the guard sweetly in front of his men。 'I am going to have Misha bring you five jars of the finest beer from my private stores to make it up to you。 But be certain that you share it equally with all your men for I have given them extra work and trouble too。'
  Misha; the statuesque Nubian maid with an imperious carriage and a legendary pair of buttocks; brought the beer jars to Moram's tent; and the men lined up to receive their share; calling down the gods' blessings on Queen Merykara and toasting her health as they swigged down the first draught of the frothing liquor。
  Despite his promise to Merykara; the beer was of such surpassing excellence that Moram drank more than his share。 As soon as they were alone in his tent he pounced on Misha who; squealing and resisting playfully; finally allowed him to lift her clothing and unveil her prodigious buttocks。 They sprang out from under her short linen skirts; shining black as new mined anthracite; great quivering rounds; dark full moons that overflowed his clutching hands。
  In a transport of lust he mounted her; but after less than a dozen mighty thrusts; he keeled over slowly; fast asleep before he reached the floor。 Misha stared at him in astonishment。 Nothing like this had ever happened to her in all her short but busy lifetime。 Moram let out a snore that reverberated like distant thunder; and she sprang to her feet; pulled on her skirt; delivered one furious kick to his sleeping form and stormed out of the tent back to her mistress。 The guard at the entrance to the royal tent was also sleeping like a dead man。
  'All men are pigs;' Misha said; in her savage native tongue; and kicked 

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