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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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odded solemnly。
  Merykara was rattling on。 'Of course; immediately after the divorce he sacrificed another ram and passed sentence of death upon Mintaka for adultery and sacrilege in dishonouring a god。'
  Nefer turned his head and stared deeply into Mintaka's eyes。 She stared back as they considered the implication of Merykara's revelations。 Slowly a strange expression spread over Nefer's face; like that of a condemned man hearing of his reprieve。 'You are free; my one true love;' he said。 'And your freedom has set me free。'
  *  *  *
  Before dawn the following morning; while most of the city was still sleeping off the effects of the good strong beer; Nefer sought out Taita in his private quarters in one of the old buildings。 Taita looked up from the papyrus scroll he was reading by the flickering yellow light of an oil lamp。
  'Are you occupied with some important matter?' Nefer asked; with strange diffidence。
  'You can see that I am;' said Taita; but resignedly he began to roll the scroll on to its wooden spine。 For a while Nefer wandered aimlessly around the room; pausing to examine some articles that the old man had collected since they had been here in Gallala: preserved skins of colourful birds; skeletons of small mammals and reptiles; oddly shaped pieces of dried wood or plants; and other amorphous substances in bowls or bottles or bags that were piled on the benches or in odd recesses。 Taita waited patiently for him to e to the reason for this visit; though he knew well enough what it must be。
  Nefer picked up a fossil of some antediluvian crustacean and held it to the lamplight。 'Mintaka is no longer married to Trok;' he said; without looking up。
  'Stone deaf as I may be in both ears; even I was able to make that out。'
  Nefer replaced the fossil and took up a copper statuette of Isis with the infant Horus sitting on her lap and nursing at her breast that Taita had dug up from beneath the city walls。 It was coated with a rich layer of green verdigris。
  'What are the restrictions placed on the marriage of a king under the statutes of Chephren?' he enquired casually。
  Taita picked his nose thoughtfully and examined what he had retrieved on the end of his forefinger。 'Like any other bride his wife should be free to marry; either a virgin or a widow;' he said。
  'Or divorced by her husband。'
  'Or divorced by her husband; or by the decree of the reigning Pharaoh。' Taita nodded。 'And before he is deified or married the king should be ordained in his sovereignty。'
  To be ordained; Pharaoh must have reached his majority; which I have not; or taken his godbird; which I have attempted but failed; or he must have bee an adept of the Red Road;' Nefer paused then went on; 'Which I have not。 Yet。' He emphasized the last word and Taita blinked; but did not reply。
  Nefer set down the idol and looked at Taita with determination。 'I intend to run the Red Road。'
  Taita studied him in silence。 'You are not yet at your full growth and strength。'
  'I am grown enough and strong enough。'
  'Who will ride with you?'
  'Meren;' said Taita firmly。
  'There are others stronger and more experienced who might be of greater help to you。 There will be many who would dearly love to gather the hair braid of a pharaoh of the Tamosian line。'
  'I have promised Meren;' said Nefer firmly。
  Two puppies; tripping over their own paws in their enthusiasm and ignorance; Taita thought; but instead he said; 'There are no unbroken horses in Gallala…at least none that would answer the purpose。'
  'I know where to find them。 Naja and Trok have left all the remaining herds of Egypt unguarded。' Taita did not bother to point out the fallacy of that assertion。 The false pharaohs had left more veteran troops to guard Egypt than ever they had taken with them on the adventure to Mesopotamia; but he knew that Nefer was not inclined to listen to any argument that ran contrary to his fixed intention。
  'If you fail in the attempt you will lose much more than your hair。 You will lose so much prestige that your claim to the throne might fail also。'
  'I shall not fail;' Nefer said quietly。 Taita had anticipated that exact reply。
  'When do you intend to attempt the Red Road?' he asked。
  'First I must have my horses。'
  *  *  *
  As soon as they had dug the fountain and it had bee feasible to use Gallala as a permanent base Nefer; advised by Taita; had instituted a cleansing system for the city。 The human waste; the manure from the cattle pens and horse lines were gathered up by the dung carts and spread on the fields as fertilizer; while the rest was carried out to dumps at the end of the valley; which soon became the home of a permanent population of crows and kites; vultures and the offal…eating marabou storks; with their obscenely naked heads。 The baboons came down from the hills; and hundreds of jackals and pariah dogs picked over the heaps of rubbish。
  At Nefer's orders traps were set each evening on the dumps; and the following morning the captured animals were taken away in cages。
  In the meantime Shabako and his most trusted men were sent as scouts and spies back to the towns and villages of the Nile valley。 They drank in the taverns and questioned the travellers they met on the road。 They scouted each fort and garrison; and counted the troops they saw entering; leaving and drilling。 When they returned weeks later the intelligence they brought back was detailed and accurate。
  They reported that the false pharaohs had left at least half of their infantry; spearmen; slingers and archers; to counter any threat to their rear。 All the border forts were fully manned and guarded; and the garrisons seemed alert and vigilant。
  'What of the remount divisions?' Nefer asked; when Shabako had e to the end of his long report。
  Trok has taken most of his chariots with him to Mesopotamia。 He has left less than two regiments in reserve in Egypt。 However; all the army workshops are hard at work building more chariots。'
  'Horses?' Nefer demanded。
  They have mandeered every animal in both kingdoms that they could lay their thieving hands on。 They have even sent army dealers to Libya to buy what they could find。 It seems that the remount depots at Thane and Manashi are at full strength。 However; most of these animals appear young and untrained。 The battle…hardened animals have been taken with the main army to the east。'
  'Thane;' Nefer decided。 'It's much closer to the edge of the desert than Manashi。' He recalled that Thane was where Taita had used his requisition order from Naja to obtain fresh horses and chariots from Socco; Hilto's old rade…in…arms; while they were on their way to rescue Mintaka from Avaris。 He cast his mind back and tried to memorize the layout of the garrison and the surrounding terrain; but it had all been a long time ago。
  'Tell me all you can about Thane。 Is Socco still in mand there?'
  'We drank beer in the local brothel with a sergeant of the garrison。 He told me that Socco has done such a good job there that Trok has promoted him to the rank of Best of Ten Thousand。'
  Ten days later Nefer and Taita sat in the thick green grass and pretended to watch over the herd of goats that grazed around them。 Although the land around the garrison of Thane was well irrigated and rich in grazing; it was also flat; treeless and featureless。 There were no hills from which they could overlook the camp。 The nearest high ground was along the edge of the desert; a league to the east。
  The two of them were dressed in the ragged dusty black robes of the Bedouin。 In this guise they were able to blend into the landscape as readily as a pair of hares or crows。 At intervals they stood and herded the goats a little closer to the garrison; then squatted down again in the characteristic attitude of the Bedouin herdsman。
  Not far from where they sat the herds of remounts were also grazing; tended by a

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