九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > wilbursmith_warlock >



小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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 him in his arms; turning him backwards so that he could not keep his balance。 Then suddenly Polios dropped on his right knee; and brought Nefer down with him。 His other leg was braced solid; left thigh parallel to the ground like a carpenter's bench; Nefer came down across it and it caught him in the small of his back; at the level of his kidneys。 It should have snapped his spine; but Nefer had practised the counter a hundred times with Meren。 He arched his back to take the strain and at the same time slammed both his heels in the ground to break the force of it。 Even so he felt his spine creak as his vertebrae were strained to the very limit。
  Polios came down on him with the full weight of his upper torso; but Nefer reached under his back and clamped his right hand on Polios' knee。 Taita had made him spend hours hardening his right thumb; squeezing a ball of leather until he could leave a deep indentation in the surface。 Even then Taita had not been satisfied。 He had made Nefer continue these exercises until he could crack a cowrie shell between thumb and forefinger。 Then time and again Taita demonstrated the exact point under the kneecap where the injury lay; and the direction of pressure he must apply to sunder it。 Nefer found it now; and drove his thumb into the hollow between the head of the tibia and the unattached kneecap。
  Every muscle in Nefer's right arm stood out with the effort and his eyes seemed to bulge from their sockets。 Then suddenly he felt something give under the point of his thumb; and he made one final effort。 His thumb went in deeper; the weakened cartilage and sinew crackling and popping as they tore; the kneecap lifted in Nefer's grip; ripped from its seat。
  Polios screamed; a sound of such extreme agony that it hushed the roar of the spectators that crowded the edge of the ring。 Polios released his own hold and tried to push Nefer away from him; but Nefer rolled easily with the throw; never releasing his grip on the mangled kneecap; tearing it further open。 Suddenly; rendered helpless as an infant; Polios sobbed and choked on the pain of it。
  Nefer came up on top of him and forced his face into the earth。 He twisted his left leg up behind him; and Polios could not resist。 Nefer bent the shattered knee back until the heel touched Polios' buttocks; and put all his weight upon it。 The terrible cry that Polios gave out sounded not human。
  'Yield!' Nefer manded; but Polios was dumb and paralysed with agony。 The umpire ran forward to touch Nefer's shoulder and signal his victory。
  Nefer sprang to his feet and left Polios writhing and blubbering in the dirt。 The spectators parted silently in front of him; stunned by the swiftness and pleteness of his victory。
  Nefer heard someone in the crowd say; 'He will never walk on that leg again;' but he never looked back as he ran to the other ring and pushed out of his way the men that surrounded it。
  Meren and Sigassa; the Crocodile; were locked chest to chest。 They rolled across the ring; first one on top then the other。 Nefer saw at a glance that Meren was injured。 Sigassa's diseased skin was thick and horny; impervious to pain; and he used it now like a weapon; rubbing himself against him; tearing Meren's flesh so the blood oozed up from the shallow lacerations across his chest and arms。 Taita had warned them of that; but it was impossible to avoid his loathsome embrace; and Meren was being overpowered。 Nefer had arrived only just in time。
  The rules of the Red Road were deliberately stacked against the novices。 However; they allowed one novice to e to the aid of the other; but only after he had defeated his own opponent。 This was one of the few concessions they were granted。 Nefer took full advantage of it。
  The moment he was into the ring Nefer stooped and picked up a white pebble the size and shape of a dove's egg。 As he ran to Meren's aid; he placed the stone in the centre of his palm; wrapped his fingers and thumb around it and clasped it so firmly that his knuckles whitened with the pressure。 He had turned his fist into a weapon as effective as a carpenter's mallet。
  The crowd shouted a warning to the Crocodile; and he released Meren and came to his feet in one swift movement。 Head down he charged at Nefer。 Taita had warned them that his bald and knobbly skull was a deadly battering ram。 Sigassa had already cracked two of Meren's ribs with his first charge; and now he strove to do the same to Nefer。
  Nefer let him e on; judging his moment; placing his feet firmly and then he swung his clenched right fist into the side of Sigassa's jaw; at the precise point that Taita had shown him。 The weight and speed of Sigassa's own rush met the full power of Nefer's shoulders behind the blow。 The great scaly head snapped back and Sigassa's legs turned soft as porridge under him。 But his momentum carried him on; he sprawled full length over the line of marker stones。
  No one in the crowd had ever seen a bare fist used as a weapon。 They gaped in amazement。 Even Nefer was startled by the result; for Sigassa lay without twitching。 Nefer recovered in a moment and yelled at the umpire; 'Sigassa has left the ring! He must forfeit!'
  The umpire shouted his agreement; 'Nefer Seti is the victor。 Sigassa forfeits the bout。 You are through and clear; Nefer Seti!'
  Nefer ran to Meren and hauled him to his feet。 'Are you hurt?'
  'My ribs! The swine butted like a bull;' he gasped。
  'We must go on。'
  'Of course。' Meren straightened and squared his shoulders。 His face was grey as ashes with the pain。 'It is nothing。' But he clutched the side of his chest as they ran back to the chariot。 Hastily they pulled on their discarded chitons and strapped on the leather armour。
  'That took too long。 We are losing ground every second。' As they scrambled up on to the footplate of the chariot they both looked back down the terraced slope of the hills towards the javelin butts on the plain below。
  'There they are;' Meren grunted; and they saw the dustcloud boiling up pale and ethereal in the sunlight。 The pursuing vehicles were still only dark specks beneath the hovering dust; but seemed to grow in size ; even as they watched them。
  There was nothing to say。 The pursuers would not be tested by the wrestlers。 They would ride straight past the rings of stones。 Nefer and Meren knew how meagre was their lead; and how swiftly they could lose even that small advantage。 It needed only one more wrong step or miscalculation on their part。
  Nefer shook out the reins and called to the team。 Dov and Krus had rested while they had been wrestling。 Now they were refreshed; they leaned their full weight into the harness and sped away。 Ahead; the line of flags marking the course began the wide turn back into the south; in the direction from which they had e。
  'Halfway through!' Meren tried to sound gay; but his voice was tight with the pain of his cracked ribs; and each breath he drew was agony。 They crossed the plateau and reached the far side where the terraces dropped in a series of giant steps to the rim of the chasm。 They looked down towards the paddocks and pastures of the irrigated lands; startlingly green against the ochre and dun hues of the surrounding landscape; and the towers and rooftops of Gallala; so tumbled and earth…coloured that from this distance they seemed not man…made but natural features of the desert。
  They looked ahead and the chasm gaped at them like the maw of a monster。 Its sides were sheer and unscaleable; falling to shaded purple depths。 There were small groups of people on the path that skirted the top of the cliffs。 These were the spectators who had watched the trial of the javelins and who had taken the short…cut and were hurrying to watch the archery trial。
  Nefer drove hard down the terrace; pushing the horses to their best speed; trying to win back even a few yards from the pursuit。 This was where Krus made up in full measure for his mistakes at the javelin butts: his great strength bore them on and gave new heart to Dov at his side。 They re

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