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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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  There is no target;' Nefer protested。
  'The will of the Nameless God;' Socco told him。 'You must submit to it。'
  'There!' shouted Taita。 'There is the manifest will of a greater and more powerful goddess。' He pointed across the deep ravine at the impenetrable cloud of yellow dust。
  Like a cork floating up from the depths of a turbid lake ; the bladder with its broken string trailing under it rose to the top of the dustcloud; and skittered in the heated air。
  'Now; in the name of the goddess Lostris!' Taita urged Nefer。 'She is the only one who can help you now。'
  'In the name of the goddess!' Nefer shouted; threw up the great bow and shot at the tiny balloon in the wild embrace of the storm。 Up and up climbed the arrow; and it seemed that it must miss to the left; but abruptly the bladder ducked and dived to meet it。 The razor…sharp flint arrowhead slashed it open; it burst and whipped away like a rag on the wind。
  'You are through and clear!' Socco released them with a shout。 Nefer dropped the bow and ran to the chariot。 Meren ran after him; favouring his injured ribs; and the crowd urged them on as Dov and Krus jumped away together。 Behind them the cries of the pursuit were frustrated and angry; but Nefer did not look back。
  A thousand paces ahead the suspension bridge spanned the gorge from cliff to cliff; with the terrible drop below; but before they reached it they must run the fire。
  *  *  *
  Shabako was the umpire of the bridge crossing。 On horseback; he had galloped across from his post at the javelin butts as soon as Nefer and Meren had cleared them。 Now he had taken his next station at the bridge。 This was the most crucial stage of the entire Red Road。
  The novices had a choice here。 They could decline to breach the wall of fire to reach the bridge。 Instead they might take the long route and cross further down the valley where the cliffs fell gently away。 However; this added almost two leagues to the course。
  Shabako stood at the head of the bridge and watched Nefer's chariot leave the archery butt and; with the pursuit close behind; e racing towards him along the lip of the precipice。
  Shabako's sympathies were with his pharaoh。 However; his loyalty to the Red God was even more pelling。 Though he longed with all his heart to see Nefer succeed; he dared not show him favour。 That would go against his sacred oath; and place his immortal soul in peril。
  He considered the fence。 Along the length of it his men crouched with burning torches。 The fence was twice the height of a man and made of bundles of dried grass that would burn like tinder on this hot; dry wind。 The fence was built in a semi…circle with each end anchored on the edge of the cliff。 It held the head of the bridge in its arms。 There was no way round it。 To reach the bridgehead the novices must break through it。
  Reluctantly Shabako shouted the order to set the fire。 The torch…bearers ran down its length; dragging the flames along the bottom of the fence。 They caught instantly; rising in a towering wall of awful crimson flame and dark smoke。
  Nefer saw the wall of flame rise ahead of them; and though he had anticipated it; still his spirits quailed and he feared for the horses; for they had already endured so much。 He watched Krus' ears and saw them switching back and forth with alarm as he smelt the smoke and watched the flames leap and tumble on the wind。
  Not far behind them he heard Daimios' derisive jeers: 'Take the long road; Nefer Seti。 The fire is too hot for your tender skin。'
  Nefer ignored him and studied the wall of fire as they bore down on it。 There was no weak place that he could see; but the nearest end had been lit first and the flames burned faster and more furiously。 As he watched; a heavy bundle of the dried grass fell out of the wall and left a narrow gap through which he could make out the wavering heat…obscured outline of the bridgehead beyond。
  He steered for the gap and told Meren beside him; 'Cover your head!' They wound headcloths over their heads and splashed water from the skin over themselves; drenching their head clothes and chitons。
  'Have the blindfolds ready;' Nefer told Meren。
  They were so close now that they felt the heat blazing out to meet them; and Krus broke step and began to balk at the barrier of leaping flame that confronted him。
  'Mount up!' Nefer ordered; and still at the gallop they ran out along the shaft between the horses and swung up on to their backs; riding astride。 Nefer stretched out along Krus' neck and spoke to him calmly。 'It's all right; my darling。 You know the blindfold。 You know I will not hurt you。 Trust me; Krus! Trust me!' And he covered his eyes with the thick woollen cloth; and steered him with his knees at the narrow gap in the burning wall。 The heat poured over them in a wave。 Their wet clothing steamed and Nefer felt the skin on the back of his hands blistering。 The tips of Krus' mane blackened and crisped。 But both horses ran on strongly。
  They struck the wall of blazing grass; and it exploded around them。 Nefer felt his eyes frying in his head and he closed them tightly and urged Krus on。 They burst out of the far side; trailing sparks and fire。
  Nefer looked back under his arm and saw Daimios aiming his chariot at the gap they had broached in the burning wall。 Daimios horses were not blindfolded; and they saw the flames and shied off the line and began to rear and plunge; fighting to avoid the horror they saw ahead of them。
  'Daimios' horses have refused!' Nefer shouted across at Meren on Dov's back。 'We have a chance now。'
  They charged up to the bridgehead; reined the horses down and halted them just short。
  'Keep them blindfolded!' Nefer ordered。 'Don't let them see the drop。'
  The catwalk of the bridge had been built deliberately too narrow for a chariot to drive across; and it would not carry the weight。 They would have to break the vehicle down and carry it across piecemeal。 While Meren unbuckled the harness and hobbled the horses; Nefer seized the mallet and knocked the bronze retaining pins out of the hubs。 Then he pulled off the wheels。 He picked up one of them and Meren took the other。 They ran to the head of the bridge。
  The bridge swung gently and undulated to the impulse of the wind。 It was not wide enough for the two of them to cross shoulder to shoulder。 Nefer did not hesitate but ran out on to the narrow way; and Meren followed close behind him。 The bridge moved under their feet like the deck of a ship at sea; but they balanced the motion and fixed their eyes on the far bank; never looked down at the terrible void beneath them and the gut of the gorge lined with jagged rock。
  They reached the far side; dropped the wheels and ran back。 At the burning fence; the flames were still too high and fierce to let Daimios pass; though they saw him flogging his team and screaming abuse at them。
  They discarded the waterskin; the last of the arrows and every other piece of redundant equipment; and picked up the chassis of the chariot between them。 They carried it out on to the bridge; where the wind caught their hair braids on the ends of the long staffs and whipped them jubilantly。 Each careful step they took seemed to take a lifetime; but at last they reached the far side; dropped the chassis and ran back。 Nefer picked up the shaft and balanced its weight across his shoulders。 Meren carried the harness and the swords and they crossed again。 Now only the horses remained to bring over。
  When they started back they saw that the flames were dying; but where the fence had collapsed it had formed a thick bed of ash that still glowed with oven…like heat。 Rastafa; one of the pursuers; forced his horses into it with whip and threatening shouts; but within a few paces the hide was burned from their legs and the raw red flesh showed through。 They turned back despite their driver; screaming and kicking at the pain。
  Nefer led Meren back at a run with the bridge swaying under t

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