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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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at the pain。
  Nefer led Meren back at a run with the bridge swaying under them。 They reached the horses。 Dov and Krus stood patiently; hobbled and blindfolded。 They unbuckled the knee hobbles。
  Take Dov across first;' Nefer ordered。 'She is the steady one。'
  While Nefer waited on the near side; with his arm around Krus' neck; Meren led Dov out on to the catwalk of the bridge。 She felt it move under her; lifted her head and snorted with alarm。 Meren talked softly to her。 Gingerly she took another pace and stopped again。
  'Don't rush her;' Nefer called。 'Let her set her own pace。' A step at a time Dov moved out on to the high bridge。 When she reached the middle she froze; and stood with all four legs splayed and trembling。 Meren stroked her forehead and whispered to her and she went on。 She reached the far side; stepped off the catwalk; felt the solid earth under her hoofs; whinnied and shook her head with relief。
  Still blocked by the burning barrier Daimios shouted; They have got one of their team across。 We have to stop them now。 Rastafa; give me your horses。 They are crippled already。 I will ride them through; even if it kills them。'
  Nefer glanced back and saw Daimios ride into the glowing bed of ash。 It reached as high as his mount's knees; and the maimed animal stumbled and almost fell but Daimios drove it on in a torrent of sparks and the stench of burning hair and flesh。 The terribly injured creature carried him through then collapsed as soon as it reached open ground。 Daimios jumped from its back; drew his sword and rushed towards Nefer。
  Nefer drew his own sword; and called to Meren across the chasm; 'e back and take Krus over。 I will hold this bastard in play。' He stepped forward to meet Daimios as he charged in。 He met his cut high in the natural line; and the blades jarred and scraped their full length。 Daimios reversed and cut again at his head。 Nefer caught the stroke; then riposted; forcing him to jump back。
  Nefer had one moment to glance back and saw that Meren was already leading Krus out on to the swaying catwalk。 Krus felt it move under his hoofs; tossed his head and tried to back away。
  'e away; Krus!' Nefer shouted at him sternly; and at the sound of his voice the colt steadied and stepped gingerly on to the planking。
  Daimios came in again and Nefer had to concentrate everything on him。 He aimed a rapid series of thrusts at Nefer's throat and chest and when Nefer blocked and parried he reversed and cut low at his ankles。 Nefer jumped over the glittering circle of the blade and went for his exposed shoulder。 He touched him and saw the blood spring brightly on the tanned and oiled muscles。
  But Daimios seemed not to feel the shallow wound。 He came on as strongly as before。 They exchanged parry for thrust and block for cut; then Daimios stepped back and circled to the left; trying to move in behind him and cut him off from the bridgehead; but Nefer went at him again and forced him to give ground。
  A moment's respite and Nefer saw that the flames had died down; the grass fence burned almost entirely away。 The other chasers had left their chariots and were jumping over the bed of glowing ash and running to join the fight。
  'Form a ring around him; and cut him down!' Daimios shouted to them as they ran up。
  Nefer glanced back and saw that Meren had led Krus far out on the catwalk。 The colt was trembling and sweating at the sensation of the moving deck under his hoofs; but he could not see the terrible aching void below him。
  Just then the other chasers ran up; brandishing their blades and jeering at Nefer: 'Now; we will ram your hair braid up your right royal arse。'
  Nefer retreated quickly on to the head of the bridge。 Now they could e at him only one at a time; and the jeers died away。 They paused in a group at the head of the catwalk。
  'He has nicked me;' said Daimios。 'Do you go after him; Rastafa; while I bind it up。' With his teeth he tore a strip off the hem of his tunic; and tied it over the shallow flesh wound。 While he was doing this Rastafa ran out on to the bridge。 He was bearded and swarthy with a dark and angry gaze; a big man but quick as a ferret。 He balanced easily on the moving deck and thrust at Nefer's throat; ing on so strongly that Nefer had to fall back again。
  Krus heard the clash of blades and the shouting close behind him and he reared up in protest。 The bridge jumped and wobbled under him; and for a terrible moment it seemed that the colt might lose his balance and go over the side; but by some miraculous chance he came down on all four legs; and stood quivering on the wildly swinging catwalk。
  It was Rastafa who stumbled and teetered on the edge。 He windmilled his arms as he fought to regain his balance。 Nefer took one quick step towards him and stabbed him under his lifted arm。 The bronze blade slipped in between the ribs and went in deeply。 Rastafa looked at him with mild surprise; and said; 'It hurts。 In the name of Seth; it hurts!'
  Nefer jerked the blade out and Rastafa's heart…blood fountained after it。 Spouting crimson; he toppled backwards; and went spinning into the abyss; arms and legs spread like the spokes of a wheel。 His voice was a wild screech; fading in volume as he fell away; and the sound was cut off abruptly as his armour clattered on the rocks in the gut of the gorge。 His rades hesitated at the bridgehead; appalled by the horror of that death plunge; suddenly reluctant to step out on to the narrow way。
  Nefer seized that moment to turn back and stroke Krus' trembling haunches; 'Steady; Krus。 I am here; my darling。 Walk on!' Krus calmed to his voice; and then; as the wild gyrations of the bridge eased; he took a step forward and another。
  'Walk on; Krus; walk on。'
  They were almost halfway across when Meren shouted a warning: 'Behind you; brother!'
  Nefer whirled around just in time to meet another opponent。 Nefer knew him by reputation。 He was a Libyan slave; and was righting for his freedom。 Fearlessly; he ran down the narrow deck; straight at Nefer。 He used the full impetus of his charge and Nefer was only just able to turn aside that first stroke。 They locked blades and came chest to chest; clamping each other in a murderous embrace with their free arms。 They heaved and wrestled; shifting and shoving for the advantage。
  Krus heard the struggle behind him and it spurred him on。 He lunged forward again; covering another few paces towards the safety of the far bank。
  Nefer was face to face with his man。 His teeth were black and jagged and his breath stank like rotten fish。 He tried to sink those filthy fangs into Nefer's face; snapping at him like a dog; but Nefer pulled back then butted with his forehead; slamming the peak of his leather helmet into the bridge of the man's nose。 He felt the bone and gristle break; and the man released his grip and reeled back。 He lost his footing and grabbed the side rope of the bridge to steady himself; hanging on desperately; his back arched out over the drop。 Nefer chopped off his grasping fingers; and the rope slipped from the bloody severed stubs。 He went over backwards; screaming and twisting in the air。 He seemed to fall for a long time before he struck the rocks far below with a meaty thump。
  There were three men on the catwalk behind him; led by Daimios。 He had bound up his wound; and seemed unhurt。 But he had seen what had happened to his two rades and now he was more wary。 Nefer engaged him; keeping him off a full blade's length; giving him ground only as Krus moved forward slowly and hesitantly towards the far bank。
  Suddenly Meren shouted triumphantly; 'We are across; Nefer。' And he heard Krus' hoofs clatter on the rock bank。 'Krus has e over。'
  Nefer could not look round for Daimios blade flashed and gleamed before his eyes; but he shouted; 'Cut down the bridge; Meren; cut away the mainstays; and let her fall。'
  Daimios heard the mand and jumped back with alarm。 He glanced over his shoulder and saw how far he had e out on to the

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