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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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  Daimios heard the mand and jumped back with alarm。 He glanced over his shoulder and saw how far he had e out on to the catwalk; how far it was back to the other bank。
  Meren stood over the two thick ropes that carried the full weight of the catwalk。 He hacked at one; and his first stroke cut halfway through; the strands parted with a sharp popping sound and began to unravel like mating serpents。
  Pale horror washed over Daimios' sweaty face and he turned and fled; his rades with him; back along the narrow way。 Nefer whirled and ran towards where Meren stood over the ropes。 He reached the end of the bridge and jumped to safety。 Immediately he attacked the other mainstay; chopping at it with full overhead blows。 One of the stays parted and the entire bridge shivered then tilted violently to one side。 Daimios flung himself forward and dragged himself on to firm ground just as the second stay gave way; and the bridge sagged and fell into the abyss。
  Daimios recovered and stood on the edge of the precipice; glaring at them across the void。 Nefer sheathed his sword and gave him a taunting wave。 'You have a long ride ahead of you。'
  Then he ran to help Meren reassemble the chariot。 They had practised this a dozen times under Taita's watchful eye。 While Meren lifted one side of the chassis Nefer eased the wheels on to the hubs and drove the bronze locking pins home with the mallet。 Then they lifted the shaft and fastened it to the ringbolt in the footplate。
  Nefer wasted a few seconds to look back across the gorge。 He saw that Daimios and the surviving chasers were already mounting their chariots; and through the last wisps of smoke from the smouldering grass fence; he saw them speed away in a line ahead; following the track along the edge of the gorge that would lead them eventually to where the cliffs flattened out; so that they would be able to bring their vehicles and horses across; and renew the pursuit。
  'We have won enough time。' Meren tried to sound confident; but the effort of bringing the nervous horses across the bridge had taxed him severely; and he pressed a hand to his injured side。
  Nefer feared for him。 'Perhaps; but that will depend on the Red God;' he said and touched the Periapt of Lostris at his throat。
  They buckled the horses into the harness and hitched them to the long shaft。 Then they scrambled up on to the footplate and started them along the line of marker flags。 They could push the horses to the utmost on this stretch; for at the end of it waited Khama of Taurine and Drossa of Indus。 The horses might have a long rest indeed while their drivers went into the ring with the two most notorious swordsmen in Aartla's troupe。
  Nefer forced the pace; and the marker flags sped by in quick; regular succession。 They crested the final rise and saw ahead of them; at the far end of the long; narrow valley; the city of Gallala with her gates standing wide open to wele them。
  But at the head of the valley; between them and the city; gathered in a shallow basin of hills; was a large crowd of many hundreds of persons。 It seemed that every last citizen had e out from the city to watch the trial by swords。
  They rode down fast; and heard the din of the crowd rise like the sound of storm surf to greet them。
  There was a lane through the crowds demarcated by wooden railings that led them to the two rings of white stones in the centre。 As they jumped down and the grooms ran forward to hold the horses; Nefer embraced Meren。
  'You are sore hurt; brother;' he whispered to him。 'There is no shame in that; for it was a wound received with honour; but it will hamper you。 You must not try to confront Drossa; and trade him blow for blow。 He is fast and strong; and he wears full armour。 Run from him and keep running until I can e to your aid。'
  They parted then; each to the ring allotted to them by the umpires and Nefer halted at the line of white…painted stones; and looked at the warrior in the centre。
  Khama of Taurine wore full armour; helm; breastplate and greaves。 If Nefer and Meren had wanted the same protection they would have had to carry it in the chariot from the start; but the weight of the two suits would have drained even Krus' strength。
  From the edge of the ring of stones Nefer studied his man。 Khama's helmet was a hideous mask with spread wings above the ears; and the nosepiece was an eagle's beak。 The eyes that glittered behind the sockets were inhuman and implacable。 His chest was protected by a bronze cuirass。 His gauntlets were covered with golden fish scales。 He carried a small circular shield on his left shoulder。
  'Throat; wrist; armpit; ankles and eyes;' Taita had instructed Nefer。 'All else is covered。'
  Nefer lifted the Periapt of Lostris over his head and wound the long golden chain around his left wrist。 Then he held the tiny golden figure to his lips and kissed it。 He stepped over the white stones and went forward to meet Khama of Taurine。
  They circled once to the right; then back; and suddenly Khama burst upon him with a blazing series of thrusts and cuts that were so rapid as almost to cheat the eye。 Carrying that weight of armour; Nefer had not expected him to be so fast。 He had to exert all of his skill and strength to hold him off; and still he received a cut through his leather body armour that scored his ribs。 He felt the hot blood trickle down his flank as they disengaged and circled again。
  The crowd was shouting and roaring like a storm sea all around them; but in the sudden quiet as they disengaged he heard a cry of pain from the other ring and he recognized Meren's voice。 Meren had taken a hit; and by the sound of it a grievous one。 He needed Nefer's help; probably his life depended upon it。 But Nefer's own life was in terrible jeopardy; for he had never faced an opponent such as this Khama before。
  Even Taita had not been able to divine any weakness in him; but as they came together again in the whirl and clangour of metal on metal; Nefer noticed a tiny flaw。 When Khama made a low underhand cut; he opened his right side for an instant and thrust his head forward; an awkward gesture out of keeping with his otherwise fluid and graceful style。
  Nefer knew that he could not hold out much longer。 Khama was simply too skilful and powerful for him。
  'Everything on one throw of the dice。' He took the gamble; and offered his right hip unguarded and like a striking adder Khama went for it with the low cut; his front opened and his head thrust forward。 Prepared for it; Nefer swayed his hip out of the shot and the blade slit the hem of his chiton without drawing blood。
  The golden Periapt of Lostris twinkled as he spun it on the end of its chain then Nefer whipped it in like a slingshot; using the chain to speed the throw so it became a darting beam of light。 It flashed into the eye socket of Khama's helmet and the sharp metal edge sliced deeply through his eyeball。
  Khama reeled back with a mixture of eye jelly and blood pouring down his golden mask。 He was blinded and disorientated with pain; trying to wrench off his helmet to reach his burst eyeball。 As the rim of his helmet lifted and exposed his throat; Nefer drove his point in a thumb's width above the lump of his Adam's apple。 The point angled up into the back of his brain; and Khama flung his arms wide and went down; dead before his armour clanged on the sun…baked earth。
  Nefer placed his cleated sandal on his throat and had to wrench with all his strength to draw the point of his sword free from where it was trapped between the metal of the helmet and the bone of his skull。
  Nefer left the corpse lying; and wrapping the chain of the amulet around his wrist again; ran from the ring。 He tried to reach the other ring where he knew Meren was in mortal danger; but the crowds impeded him。 He swung his sword to clear the way and the spectators fled screaming ahead of him。 He broke through the press and saw that in the second ring Meren had lost his weapon and was bleeding profusely from a 

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