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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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second ring Meren had lost his weapon and was bleeding profusely from a terrible gash in his right side; and a cut that had half severed his ear。 It dangled down his cheek on a thread of flesh。 Somehow he was managing to stay out of Drossa's reach; backing frantically away from him。
  Drossa was laughing; bellowing like a bull with the joy of killing; the sound echoing eerily within the confines of his crested war…helmet。 He was goading Meren into a position for the killing stroke; taking his time; enjoying it。
  Drossa's back was turned to Nefer。 Nefer sprang at him and aimed a thrust through the lacing of his cuirass。 With the instincts of a wild animal; Drossa sensed the danger and spun to face him; Nefer's thrust struck the metal breastplate and glanced aside and Drossa aimed a full…blooded cut at his head。 Nefer ducked and recoiled; and they circled each other。
  Meren saw his chance and stooped to pick up the sword he had dropped; but Drossa leaped at him。 Meren was so weak that he stumbled backwards and fell。 Drossa kicked the fallen sword out of the ring and placed his foot between Meren's shoulders and pinned him down。
  'Behold; mighty Pharaoh; feared by all the world; I have your bum…boy in my power。' He feigned the stroke of a headsman; but stopped his blade against the back of Meren's neck。 'Shall I give you his head? A gift fit for a king。'
  Nefer felt red blind anger sweep over him; and he rushed at Drossa to drive him off Meren's prostrate form。 He felt the sting of the blade across his thigh; which sobered him。 He jumped back; and saw by Drossa's eyes in the helmet slits that he was toying with him; drawing the last drop of sadistic pleasure from the encounter。 Drossa was an entertainer; and the crowd were loving his performance。 They howled their approval。
  Suddenly Meren reached up and grasped Drossa's ankle with both bloody hands; and tried to trip him。 Drossa stumbled; swore and kicked his foot free; but for an instant he was off…balance and Nefer seized the opportunity and rushed in。 He aimed for the throat; into the gap between the chinpiece of the helmet and the top of the breastplate。 Drossa twisted away and the point of Nefer's sword rang on metal。
  Nefer had missed his chance for a kill; but he had driven Drossa off his victim; and Meren scrambled to his feet and staggered behind Nefer; using him as a protective shield。
  They circled again; and Nefer felt the first cold draught of despair lift the hairs on his forearms。 He knew he could not expect a man like Drossa to give him another chance。 In despair he tried again with the Periapt; swinging it on the length of gold chain and aiming for the eye slits in Drossa's helmet。 Drossa dropped his chin and the golden charm glanced off the brow of his helm。 If it had not been upon the chain Nefer would have lost it; but he recovered it and let the chain wind itself around his left wrist again。
  'That is no weapon but a child's toy。' Drossa laughed scornfully。
  They circled and feinted; Drossa moving easily; but Nefer was hampered by his need to guard Meren。 He could not launch an attack; and leave Meren unprotected。
  Drossa was working the two of them like a sheepdog with a flock of lambs; pushing them back against the line of white stones。 He wanted to make a spectacular kill to please the crowd; and enhance his own reputation。
  'The chasers!' someone in the crowd yelled; and every head swung and lifted to the crest of the rise at the head of the long valley。
  Daimios' chariot raced over the skyline。 Desperate to make up for his humiliation at the bridgehead; he was riding hard and outstripped the rest of his troop。 He came tearing down towards them at the top of his speed。
  'You belong to me; mighty Egypt!' Drossa mocked Nefer。 'I will not let an upstart like Daimios take your hair braid from me。'
  He moved in menacingly; and Nefer could see the icy determination in the pale eyes that watched him through the helmet slits。
  Nefer whispered to Meren; 'If I fall; save yourself。 Step out of the ring。'
  'No; Pharaoh; I will ride with you as your lance…bearer on the road to paradise;' Meren said softly; and his strength failed him。 His legs gave way under him; and bleeding he sagged to earth。 Drossa seized the moment; and came down upon Nefer like an avalanche。 His sword clanged and rang on Nefer's desperate guard like a coppersmith's hammer on the anvil。
  Each blow jarred and numbed Nefer's right arm to the shoulder; and he knew he could not last out much longer。 Still he watched Drossa's eyes to read each blow; and saw them narrow and gleam as he gathered himself for the killing stroke。
  It came from on high; like a thunderbolt from the sky and all Nefer could do was lift his own blade above his head to meet it。 He knew he could not turn or stop it with one hand; it was too powerful。 So he braced his sword hand; gripping the right wrist with his left hand; the hand that held the golden Periapt。
  The two swords came together with force that bronze could not resist。 Both blades snapped cleanly and spun away; glittering out of the circle of white stones。
  At a stroke they were both disarmed; and for an instant they stared at each other in astonishment。 Nefer recovered first and hurled the hilt of the sword at Drossa's head。 Instinctively Drossa blinked and ducked。 Nefer charged him and they came chest to chest。
  Like a pair of temple dancers they whirled together; first one way then back again; trying to throw each other。 Irresistibly Drossa worked his arms under Nefer's armpits and locked his armoured fists between his shoulder…blades。 With wristlets of silver and gauntlets of gold he started to grind Nefer against his bronze cuirass。 Nefer had no response as he was lifted off his feet。 He had no weapon to defend himself; except the Periapt of Lostris。
  With the last of his strength he managed to throw a loop of the gold chain over Drossa's helmet。 He took a turn around each of his own wrists and pulled the chain downwards until suddenly it found the gap below the rim of the helmet and closed around Drossa's neck。 Nefer strained and sawed the ends of the chain; and felt the golden links biting deeply in living flesh。
  Drossa gasped; released his grip and reached up with both hands to try to break free。 He seized Nefer's wrists and tried to pull them away from his throat; but this increased the cutting power of the links。 Staring into the slits of the helmet; Nefer saw Drossa's eyes start from their sockets and swell with blood。 He took another turn around his right wrist and sawed the chain back and forth。 Drossa made a gargling sound and a vein popped in one of his eyes。 It bulged crimson as a ripe berry from the socket; and still clutching Nefer's wrists Drossa sank to his knees。 Nefer stood over him and rolled his wrists; tightening the chain until suddenly he felt it cut through something gristly and Drossa's breath burst explosively from his severed windpipe。 Nefer took another wrap of the chain and pulled again; feeling it cut its way down to bone。 Blood erupted in thick gouts from under the rim of the helmet; and Nefer gathered himself and exerted all his remaining strength。 The chain found the joint between two vertebrae in Drossa's neck and cut through。 Drossa's head sprang from his shoulders and; still clad in the heavy helmet; rolled across the ring。
  As Nefer staggered backwards he heard the umpire shout; 'You are free and clear;' and he slipped the bloody golden chain back over his head。 As he did so he looked over the heads of the maddened crowd; back up the slope of the hill。 Daimios' chariot was already halfway down; and ing straight towards him at full gallop。
  Nefer stooped over Meren。 'Can you stand?' he asked; but when Meren made the effort his legs collapsed under him and he sprawled on the trampled earth。 Nefer pulled him up by one arm then swung the arm over the back of his neck。 Taking the weight across his shoulders; he raised Meren to his feet; grabbed him behind the knees and lifted his iner

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