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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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tantly rendered blind and slobbering twitching mad。'
  Sobered by that thought Trok had knelt before the image and remained silent while the priests had brought in twin newborn infants; and offered them to the god。 Ishtar had slit their throats so skilfully that they made hardly a cry as they bled into the golden divination bowl that he held beneath them。
  When the small exsanguinated bodies were dropped into the marble chute that led to the furnace beneath the sanctum; Ishtar had placed the golden bowl before the altar and lit the incense braziers。 Chanting and mumbling; he threw handfuls of herbs on the flames until the vault filled with wreaths of blue smoke and the air became fragrant and enervating。 After a while Trok found it difficult to think clearly and his vision became distorted so that the shadows seemed to waver and dance; and he heard the sounds of distant; mocking laughter。 He closed his eyes and pressed his fingers to the lids。 When he opened them again he saw that the sweet smile on the face of the god had bee a leer so obscene and frightening that his skin crawled as though poisonous insects were creeping upon it。 He tried to look away but found he could not。
  The great god Marduk is pleased;' Ishtar repeated; reading the auguries reflected in the surface of the blood…filled bowl。 'He deigns to answer your questions。'
  Tell Marduk that I honour him as my peer。 I shall send a thousand more sacrifices into his furnace。'
  'Marduk hears you。' Ishtar picked up the bowl and peered into it。 After a long silence he began to rock gently back and forth with the bowl in his lap。 He looked up at last。 'Behold Marduk; the great god of Babylon! Speak to us; dreadful one; we entreat you!'
  He opened his arms to the golden statue; and the god spoke in the voice of a child; lisping and mellifluous。
  'I greet you; my brother Trok;' said this strange voice。 'You wish to know about the fledgling falcon that spreads its wings and sharpens its talons in the desert places。'
  Trok was startled not only by the disembodied voice but also by the accuracy of this statement。 Indeed; he had intended asking for counsel on his plans to attack and destroy Nefer Seti。 He tried to reply; but his throat was closed and as dry as the wrappings of an ancient mummy。
  The sweet; childlike voice went on; 'You have had good counsel from my loyal servant Ishtar the Mede。 It was as well that you hearkened to him。 If you had not done so; if you had marched on Gallala when you purposed to do so; you would have encountered a disaster even greater than the khamsin winds that destroyed and buried your legions。'
  Trok recalled bitterly how Ishtar had dissuaded him from leading another army into the eastern desert to attack Nefer Seti and to capture Mintaka; his runaway woman。 Long ago his spies had reported to him the exact whereabouts of the pair at Gallala。 He had assembled another force of chariots and foot soldiers for the expedition。 He knew that if he did not rid himself of this challenge to his throne; if he did not crush the boy pharaoh before he attained his full strength; then soon the rebellions and insurrections would spread through his entire realm。 Once that happened he knew that the dynasty he was founding would end in destruction and extinction。 As much as he longed to rid himself of the challenge and the threat of Nefer Seti; he longed much more to recapture the only woman who had ever humiliated and defied him。 His hatred for her surpassed any other of his emotions。
  Ishtar had prevented him marching。 With predictions of dire consequences; with warnings of disaster and death; Ishtar had persuaded him to divert his forces into this joint expedition with Naja to the fabled city of Babylon。 Although; thus far; the expedition had turned out to be a triumph; although the booty and the slaughter had been beyond counting; still Trok felt himself unfulfilled。
  He spoke as much to himself as to the golden god when he growled; 'I must have Nefer Seti。 The double crown will sit uneasily on my head until I kill him and throw his body on the flames so that he will never know resurrection。 Already I have expunged his name and the name of his sire from every edifice and monument in Egypt; but I must destroy him and his memory for ever。'
  In his anger and hatred he sprang to his feet; and shouted at Ishtar and his god; 'You have cheated me of my destiny once before with your ill omens and baleful warnings。 Now I address you as your peer; your equal; and not as a worshipper。 I demand that you deliver the person and the soul of Nefer Seti to me; in justice and retribution。 I will not accept another refusal from you and your minion here。' In his fury and frustration Trok aimed a kick at Ishtar。 The Mede saw it ing and rolled aside。 Trok's bronze…cleated sandal caught the divining bowl and the blood of the babes splattered across the flags and down the front of the altar。
  Even Trok was appalled by what he had done。 He stood frozen before the image waiting for the reaction of the god。
  'Sacrilege!' Ishtar wailed。 Trok Uruk; now your enterprise is surely doomed。' Then he prostrated himself in the puddle of blood; so terror…stricken that he could not raise his eyes to the image。
  A dreadful hush had fallen over the sanctum。 The faint rumble of the flames of the sacrificial furnace under the stone floor on which they stood seemed to enhance it。
  Then there was a sound; soft but unmistakable。 It was the sound of breathing; like that of a sleeping child to begin with but then growing harsher and stronger。 Now it was the breathing of a wild beast; then of some monster that echoed through the temple。 At last it became the furious sound of an outraged god; roaring like all the storms of the heavens; thundering like the galeswept waves of the ocean。 So terrible was it that even Ishtar the Mede whimpered like a child。
  'The god will never allow you to succeed now。 You dare not march against Taita and his protégé; not until the Warlock is dead;' Ishtar whispered。
  Then a terrible voice spoke; so harsh and unearthly that it raked Trok's nerves and made him shudder。 'Hear me! Trok Uruk; you mortal man who claims to be part of the godhead!' The thunder echoed and rolled around the dark recess of the sanctum。 'You know that you are no god。 Hear me; blasphemer! If you march against Gallala in defiance of me and my prophet; Ishtar the Mede; I shall destroy you and your army just as I buried your other army in the sands of the desert。 This time you shall not escape my wrath。'
  Even though he was befuddled by the poisonous smoke of the incense braziers; and fearful of the rage of Marduk that filled the temple; Trok was still cunning enough to sense some false note in Ishtar's protestations; something not convincing in the force of Marduk's fury。
  He gathered his courage; which had been scattered by the supernatural manifestations of the god; and tried to identify exactly what had given him pause。 He realized that the sound of the bestial breathing; and the thunderous voice issued from the belly of the golden statue。 He stared at it hard and saw that the navel of the god was a dark slit。 He took a step towards the statue and Ishtar raised his head in alarm and cried; 'Beware; Pharaoh! The god is angry。 Do not approach him。'
  Trok ignored him and took another step forward; staring at the god's belly button。 He saw a faint gleam in the depths of the aperture; a shadowy movement。 Often in battle he had sensed the exact moment when the fates had swung in his favour and he felt it now。 He steeled himself and shouted; above the awful sound of the god's breathing; 'I defy you; Marduk the Devourer! Strike me down if you are able。 Heap your temple fires upon me; if you can!'
  Suspicion became certainty as that glimmer showed again in the slit in the god's belly; and the breathing faltered。 Trok drew his sword and; with the flat of the blade; knocked Ishtar out of his way。 Then he ran forward; darting behind the golden image。 Quickly he examined the back; tapping the meta

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