九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > wilbursmith_warlock >



小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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  'You have e back;' she whispered。 'You have e back to me。' He was still cold; and when he shivered; she held him with both her arms around his chest; and wrapped her legs around his hips; warming him with her own body。 Slowly; his breathing became deep and regular; and she felt the warm blood flowing back into his veins。 She lay with him and felt a deep sense of fulfilment; for she knew that she had saved him; and that from this night onwards he would belong to her alone。
  In the dawn another miracle occurred。 She felt his body awaken; and what she had once held soft and small in the palm of her hand now swelled against her once more; being enormous; hard as bone; pressing up between her spread thighs。
  She looked into his face and saw that he was conscious; his eyes dark and sunken in the wasted sockets; but with an expression of such awe and tenderness in them that her heart swelled within her chest so that she felt she might suffocate with the strength of her own torrential emotions。
  'Yes?' he asked。
  'Yes;' she answered。 'It is what I want more than anything else in all the world。' She spread herself; and reached down to guide him; aching inside with her need for him; taking him in deeply to the core of her existence; rising with him as if on wings to a place she had never been before; then crying out as she felt him fill her with a hot flood; as though she had drawn out of him and into her own body all his fever and pain and suffering; sensing the deep peace in him as he slumped against her and slept。
  She lay quietly beside him; careful not to disturb him; revelling in the sound of his breathing and the warmth of his thin; ravaged body; savouring the ache where he had been deep within her。
  She felt him ing awake and kissed him gently on the lips to wele him back。 He opened his eyes and looked into hers; first with bewilderment and then with dawning joy as the events of the night came back to him。
  'I want you to be my wife;' he said。
  'I am your wife already;' she replied; 'and I will be your wife until the day I die。'
  *  *  *
  Nefer looked back along the column of chariots。 They were at full gallop; four abreast。 The platoon manders were watching for his signal。 He looked ahead and saw the line of enemy foot soldiers out in the plain; distorted by the heat mirage so that they seemed to be a wriggling serpent; swimming in a lake of shimmering water where there was no water。 He steered for their centre。 Under Taita's care; Dov had fully recovered from her wound and now she ran strongly; matching Krus' long stride。
  As they raced in he saw the enemy formation change: like a giant hedgehog; the line rolled itself into a ball; a tight circle two ranks deep; facing outwards; the outer rank with their long lances levelled; and the second rank with their lances thrust through the gaps; so that they offered a glittering wall of bronze spearheads。 Nefer raced straight at the centre of the double row of lances; and then; when they were only two hundred paces away; he gave the hand signal for the 'wings of Horus'。
  The formation of chariots opened like a blossom in the sun; successive ranks wheeling alternately right and left; spreading the wings of Horus to envelop the hedgehog of crouching infantrymen。 The chariots whirled around them like the rim of a wheel around the hub; and the arrows from the short recurved cavalry bows flew into them in a dark cloud。
  Nefer gave the signal to break off the attack and withdraw。 Smoothly the chariots re…formed into columns of four and wheeled away。 Another signal; and they split down the centre and came racing back; their javelins poised and the throwing thongs wound around their wrists。
  As he swept past the infantry circle; Nefer raised his right fist in a salute; and shouted; 'Well done! That was much better。'
  The foot…soldiers raised their lances to acknowledge his praise and shouted; 'Nefer Seti and Horus!'
  Nefer slowed the horses and turned them; trotting back to halt his squadron in front of the ranks of infantry。 Taita stepped out of the defensive circle to greet him。
  'Any injuries?' Nefer asked。 Even though the tips of the practice arrows they had shot into the hedgehog were padded with leather; they could still knock out an eye or inflict other damage。
  'A few bruises。' Taita shrugged。
  'They have done well;' Nefer said; then shouted to the centurion manding the infantry; 'Let your lads fall out。 I want to speak to them。 Afterwards they can eat and drink。 Then we will practise the false retreat again。'
  There was an outcrop of rock that formed a natural podium; and Nefer climbed to the top of it while all the men; infantry and charioteers; gathered below him。
  Taita squatted at the base of the rock and watched and listened。 Nefer reminded him strongly of Pharaoh Tamose; his father; at the same age。 He had the easy manner; and spoke simply but effectively in the colloquial language that his men understood best。 At times like these he became one of them; and the warmth and respect they felt for him was evident in the way they responded; grinning and crowding closer to catch every word; laughing at his jests; scowling with shame at his rebukes; and glowing at his pliments。
  Nefer reviewed the morning's exercises; giving them the credit they deserved; but ruthlessly picking out every deficiency in their performance。
  'I think you are almost ready to give Trok and Naja the surprise of their pretty lives;' he ended。 'Now; get something to eat。 We have not finished for the day…in fact we have barely begun。' They laughed and began to disperse。
  Nefer jumped down from the rock; and as he did so Taita sprang to his feet and said quietly but urgently; 'Stop; Nefer! Do not move!' Nefer froze where he stood。
  The cobra must have had its nest in the rock pile; but the noise and the trampling of feet and hoofs had disturbed it。 It came slithering out of the crack in the dark rock just as Nefer jumped down and landed almost on top of it。 The serpent reared up behind him; almost as high as his waist。 Its hood was flared open; and its feathery black tongue flickered between the thin grinning lips。 Its eyes were beads of polished onyx; with sparks of light in the black centres; and they were fastened on Nefer's long bare legs within easy striking distance in front of it。
  The nearest men had heard Taita's warning and they turned back。 Now almost five hundred men were gathered around Nefer; but none dared move。 They stared in horror at the mortal predicament of their pharaoh。
  The cobra gaped wide; the preliminary to the attack; and the bony fangs came erect in the pale roof of its mouth。 Drops of venom sparkled on the needle points。
  Taita swung the Periapt of Lostris on its long chain like a pendulum; and it twinkled in the sunlight。 He sent it swinging past the cobra's raised head。 Distracted; the serpent swivelled its eyes away from Nefer to stare at the glittering charm。 Taita had his staff in his other hand; and he edged closer。 'When I strike; jump clear;' he whispered; and Nefer nodded。 Taita moved gradually out to one side and the cobra turned with him; fascinated by the golden charm。
  'Now!' said Taita; and thrust at the cobra with his staff。 At the same instant Nefer jumped clear; and the snake struck at the staff。 Taita jerked away; so the cobra missed and for an instant it was stretched out along the bare earth。 With a movement even faster than the strike; Taita pinned it behind the head with the curved end of the staff; and a shout of relief went up from the watchers。
  The cobra writhed and coiled into a glittering scaly ball around the end of the staff。 Taita reached down and worked his hand through the heaving coils until he could grip the snake behind its head。 Then he lifted it up and showed it to the men; who gasped with fear and horror。 They shrank back instinctively as it coiled around Taita's long; thin arm。 They had expected him to kill it but; still carrying the writhing snake

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