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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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projectile stream on to the stony track。 Overwhelmed with a sudden; terrible nausea; Taita almost collapsed but regained his balance; and staggered back; wiping the bitter taste of bile from his mouth。
  'Careless!' he rebuked himself angrily。 'So close to the quarry I should have taken greater care。 The Mede has detected me。'
  He drank a little water from the skin; then went forward cautiously。 He pointed his staff ahead and swung it slowly from side to side。 Suddenly it grew heavy in his hand。 He followed that direction and saw ahead of him; glinting in the moonlight; the circle of pale pebbles laid out on the side of the track。
  'A gift from the Mede;' he said aloud。
  Nausea seized him once more; but he choked it back; struck the earth with the staff and spoke one of the words of power。
  'Ncube!' His nausea receded; and he could approach the circle closer。
  It is not enough that I should break his spell; he thought grimly。 I must turn it back upon the Mede。
  He used the tip of his staff to move one of the pebbles out of the circle; disrupting its power。 Now he could squat beside the pattern without experiencing any harm。 Without touching any of the pebbles he leaned close and sniffed at them。 The smell of the Mede was strong upon them and he smiled with cold satisfaction。
  'He touched them with his bare hands;' Taita whispered。 Ishtar had left traces of his sweat on them。 Taita could use that faint effluent。 Careful not to make the same mistake; he moved the pebbles with the tip of his staff; forming them into a different pattern; an arrowhead pointing in the direction that Ishtar had taken。 He took a mouthful of water from the skin and spat it on the pebbles; which shone wetly in the moonlight。 Then he pointed his staff like a javelin along the same line as the arrowhead of pebbles。
  'Kydash!' he shouted; and felt pressure build up in his eardrums as though he had plunged deeply below the surface of the ocean。 Before it became unbearable; it began slowly to abate; and he felt a sense of well…being and pleasure。 It was done。 He had turned it back upon the Mede。
  *  *  *
  A league ahead Ishtar the Mede was hurrying along the track。 He was by now fully aware of the pursuit。 He was confident that the barrier he had placed across the track would stop most men; but he knew it would not long deter the one he feared most。
  Suddenly he staggered in mid…stride and clutched his ears with both hands。 The pain was blinding; as though a red hot dagger had been thrust deep into each of his eardrums。 He groaned and dropped to his knees。 'It is the Warlock。' He sobbed。 The pain was so intense that he could not think clearly。 'He has turned it back on me。'
  With shaking hands he reached into the pouch on his belt and brought out his most potent talisman; the dry embalmed hand of one of Pharaoh Tamose's infants who had died soon after birth during the plague of the Yellow Flowers。 Ishtar had robbed the little prince's tomb to obtain it。 The hand was dark and clawed like a monkey's paw。
  He held it to his pounding head; and felt the pain start to abate。 He came unsteadily to his feet; and broke into a shuffling dance; chanting and wailing。 The pain in his ears cleared。 He gave one final leap in the air and stood facing back along the way he had e。 He could feel the presence of the Warlock close; like the threat of thunder on a close summer's day。
  He thought of laying another snare; but knew that Taita would send it back to him。 I must turn aside and conceal my path; he decided。 He ran on along the road seeking the place where he could turn。 He found where the track crossed an intrusion of grey schist; so hard that even the passing of Trok's legions had left no mark upon it。
  With his left forefinger he traced out lightly the sacred symbol of Marduk on the rock; spat on it and uttered the three hidden names of the god that would summon him。
  'Hide me from my enemies; mighty Marduk。 Bring me safely back to your temple in Babylon; and I will make for you the sacrifice you love so well;' he promised。 Best of all Marduk loved little girls sent into his furnace。
  Ishtar stood on one leg and hopped backwards five and fifty paces; the esoteric number of Marduk known only to the adepts。 Then he turned sharply off the road and set out at right angles to it; heading into the northern wilderness。 He went swiftly; trying to open the distance between him and the man who pursued him。
  *  *  *
  Taita reached the point where the ridge of grey schist crossed the road; and stopped abruptly。 The aura that had been so strong only moments before had disappeared like mist in the warmth of the rising sun。 There was neither taste nor smell nor a glimpse of the Mede remaining。 He went on down the road a short way; but found that the trail was dead and cold。 Quickly he retraced his steps until he reached the point where he had lost it。 Ishtar would not have wasted his time with a simple spell of concealment。 He knows that the Ashes or the Water and Blood would hardly give me pause; he thought。
  He looked up at the sky; and from the starry firmament picked out the single red star low on the horizon; the star of the goddess Lostris。 He held up her Periapt and began to chant the Praise to the Goddess。 He had barely pleted the first stanza when he felt an angry; alien presence。 Another god had been invoked on this spot; and knowing Ishtar he could guess well enough who that was。 He started on the second stanza of praise and on the bare rock ahead of him appeared a glow; like that of the copper walls of the furnace in the temple of Marduk when the sacrificial fires were burning。
  Marduk is affronted; and shows his anger; he thought; with satisfaction。 He went to stand over the faintly glowing spot and intoned。 'You are far from your own land and your temple; Marduk of the furnace。 Few worship you in this very Egypt。 Your powers are dissipated。 I invoke the name of the goddess Lostris; and you cannot stand against it。'
  He lifted the skirt of his chiton。 'I quench your fires; Marduk;' he said; and squatting like a woman; he urinated on the rock。 It sizzled and steamed like a bar of metal from the forge of the coppersmith drenched in the trough。 'In the name of the goddess Lostris; Marduk the Devourer; stand aside and let me pass。'
  The rock cooled quickly; and as the steam dispersed he could make out once more the shadowy traces of the Mede beyond as they turned off the track towards the north。 The veil that Ishtar had laid was pierced and torn。 Taita stepped through it and set off again after him。
  The horizon paled and the light increased to a golden radiance in the east。 Taita knew that he was gaining steadily; and he strained his eyes ahead in the gathering light for the first glimpse of his quarry。 Instead he came to an abrupt halt。 At his feet gaped a terrible abyss; whose sheer sides dropped into darkness far below。 No man could scale those depths; and there was no way around this obstacle。
  Taita looked across at the far side。 It was at the very least a thousand paces across; and the precipice was even more daunting when seen from this angle。 There were vultures soaring over the bottomless gulf。 One of the grotesque birds circled in to alight on its shaggy nest of sticks and twigs built on a ledge high in the opposite cliff face。
  Taita shook his head with admiration。 'Wonderful; Ishtar!' he murmured。 'Even the vultures。 That was a masterful touch。 I could not have improved upon it; but such an effort called for a great expenditure of strength。 It must have cost you dearly。'
  Taita stepped out over the edge of the cliff; and instead of plunging down into airy space; there was firm ground under his feet。 The vista of cliffs and gorges; even the circling vultures; wavered and broke up as a mirage does when you walk towards it。
  The abyss was gone and in its place was a gentle plain of stony ground; with low hills still blue with shadows at the far end。 In the middle of this plain; not five hu

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