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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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  The abyss was gone and in its place was a gentle plain of stony ground; with low hills still blue with shadows at the far end。 In the middle of this plain; not five hundred paces away; stood Ishtar the Mede。 He was facing Taita with both arms held above his head; trying desperately to preserve the illusion that he had created。 When he saw that he had failed and that Taita was striding towards him like an avenging djinn; he dropped his arms with a hopeless; resigned gesture and turned towards the limestone hills at the far end of the stony plain。 He broke into a shambling run; his black robes swirling around his legs。
  Taita followed him with his long indefatigable strides; and when Ishtar looked back there was desperation on his blue…whorled face。 For a moment he stared in terror at the tall silver…haired figure; then he turned and ran faster。 For a while he pulled away; opening the gap; then his run faltered; and Taita gained upon him inexorably。
  Ishtar dropped the waterskin from his shoulder; and ran with a lighter step; but he was only a few hundred paces ahead of Taita when he reached the low hills that were grey blue with limestone outcrops in the early light。 He disappeared into one of the gullies。
  When Taita reached the mouth of the gully he saw Ishtar's footprints strung along the sandy floor ahead of him; but they disappeared round the corner where the gully turned sharply to the right。 Taita followed him; but as he reached the corner of pale limestone pillars; he heard the thunderous grunting and roaring of a wild beast。 As he stepped round he saw that the gully narrowed ahead of him; and standing foursquare in the way; its tail lashing from side to side; was a huge male lion。
  The lion's black mane was erect; a great bush that shook like grass in a high wind at each roar that erupted from the gaping jaws。 Its eyes were golden and the pupils were implacable black slits。 The rank; bestial scent of the animal was thick in the hot air; the stench of the rotting carcasses on which it had feasted with those long yellow fangs。
  Taita looked down at the sandy earth on which the massive paws were planted with all the claws unsheathed。 He could still see Ishtar's footprints in the sand; but the paws of the lion had left no mark。
  Taita never broke his stride。 He raised the Periapt on its chain; and walked straight at the slavering animal。 Instead of rising in pitch the roaring became muted; the outline of its head turned transparent so that he could see the rock walls of the gully through it。 Then; like river mist; the animal faded and was gone。
  Taita walked through the space where it had stood and rounded the corner。 Ahead of him the gully became narrower still and the sides were steeper。 It ended abruptly against a wall of rock。
  Ishtar stood with his back against the rock; staring at Taita with mad eyes。 The whites were yellowed and bloodshot; the pupils black and dilated。 The smell of his terror was more rank than the odour of the phantom lion had been。 He raised his right hand and pointed a long bony finger at Taita。 'Back; Warlock!' he screamed。 'I warn you!'
  Taita walked towards him and he screamed again; this time in a guttural language; and made the gesture of hurling some unseen missile at Taita's head。 Quickly Taita held the Periapt of Lostris before his eyes; and felt something fly close past his head; with the sound of a flighting arrow。
  Ishtar turned and bolted into a narrow opening in the rock wall behind him; that had been screened from Taita by his body。 Taita paused before the entrance; and tapped the stony portals with his staff。 The rock rang true; and he heard Ishtar's blundering footsteps echoing out of the dark entrance。 Taita was almost certain that this was no illusion; but the real entrance to a cavern in the limestone cliff。
  Taita stepped through after him; and found that he was in a low; rocky passage; dimly lit by the sunlight through the entrance behind him。 The floor of the cave sloped away in front of him; and he went on; stepping more cautiously。 Now he was certain that the passage was real in time and dimension; not something conjured up by the Mede to thwart him and turn him aside。
  He could hear the echoes of Ishtar's footsteps; distorted and magnified in the tunnel ahead。 Taita counted his paces as he went forward into darkness。 After a hundred and twenty the light strengthened again; a strong emanation from some source deeper in the hillside。
  Suddenly the tunnel took a sharp bend; and as he stepped round it Taita found himself in a large cavern with a high roof。 In the centre of the roof was an aperture which must lead to the outside world and open air for a beam of bright sunlight fell from it to the floor of the cavern。
  From the floor rose sharp…pointed stalagmites; the crystals glimmering like the fangs of a man…eating shark。 From the high roof hung down matching stalactites; some shaped like spearheads and others like the shining wings of the gods。
  Across the cavern Ishtar crouched against the far wall。 There was no escape that way。 When he saw Taita appear in the mouth of the tunnel he began to shriek and blubber。 'Mercy; mighty Magus! There is a bond between us。 We are brothers。 Spare me and I will show you such mysteries as even you have never dreamed of。 I will place all my powers at your disposal。 I will be your faithful dog。 I will devote my life to your service。'
  So abject were his entreaties and his promises that; despite himself; Taita felt his resolve waver。 It was just the mere flicker of doubt in his mind; but Ishtar picked up the tiny chink in his armour; and exploited it instantly。 He flung out one hand with the thumb and forefinger forming a circle; the sign of Marduk; and shouted something in that strange guttural tongue。
  From behind him Taita felt an insupportable physical weight bear down upon his shoulder; and something like the invisible tentacles of a giant octopus envelop his body; trapping his arms to his sides; wrapping around his throat in a strangler's grip。 He smelt scorching human flesh; the aura of the Devourer; suffocating him。 He could not move。
  On the far side of the cavern Ishtar danced and capered; his tattooed face contorted in a grotesque mask; his tongue sticking out between his blue lips and lapping at the air like that of a cat。 He lifted his skirts and thrust his hips out at Taita。 His penis was in full erection; the skin peeled back from the swollen purple head like an obscene fruit。 'Your frail goddess cannot protect you here deep in the earth; Taita。 You can no longer prevail against Marduk the Devourer and Ishtar; his minion;' he shrieked。 'Our contest is over。 I have defeated you and all your wiles; Warlock! Now you will die。'
  Taita turned his eyes up towards the high dim roof of the cavern and fixed all his attention on one of the long gleaming stalactites that hung down from it like a great shimmering dagger。 He gathered all his reserves; lifted the staff in his right hand and pointed it upwards。 With the last breath in his lungs he shouted; 'Kydash!' the word of power。
  There was a crack like the ice shattering in the depths of a glacier; the stalactite broke from the roof and plunged downwards。 Driven by its own immense weight; the point struck Ishtar on the top of his shoulder; close to its juncture with his neck。 It transfixed him through chest and belly and tore out through his anus。 The long stone spike pegged him down on the cavern floor like a gutted fish on the drying rack。
  As Ishtar twitched and shuddered and kicked convulsively in his death throes; Taita felt the weight lifted from his shoulders and the pressure on his throat relax。 Marduk had retreated and Taita could breathe again。 The smell of burnt flesh was gone。 The air was ancient and sterile once again; cool and tainted only with the faint odour of fungus。
  He picked up his staff; turned and walked back along the tunnel into the open air and the sunlight。 At the entrance he turned back and with his staff struck the limestone portals of th

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