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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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am sure I could convince him to turn against Naja and throw in his lot with us。'
  'What do you mean?' Nefer's voice was harsh and his expression stern。
  'Dressed as a boy; with a small detachment of good men and fast horses; I could circle around Naja's main army and get through to Uncle Tonka in the rear。 There would be little risk。'
  Nefer's face blanched with anger。 'Madness!' he said quietly。 'Stark raving madness of the kind you exhibited at Gallala when you showed yourself as bait to Trok。 I will not hear another word of it。 Can you imagine what Naja would do to you if you fell into his hands?'
  'Can you imagine what Naja would do if; in the critical moment of the battle; Uncle Tonka and his legions fell upon him from his own rear?' she flashed back at Nefer。
  'We will not speak of it again。' Nefer came to his feet and slammed his fists down on the table…top。 'You will stay with Merykara here in the fort during the rest of the campaign。 If you do not give me your word to put such stupidity out of you mind; I will have the door to your chamber barred and guarded。'
  'You cannot treat me as a chattel。' Her voice crackled with fury。 'I am not even your wife。 I will take no orders from you。'
  'I am your king; and I demand your solemn word not to place yourself in jeopardy with this wild scheme of yours。'
  'It is not a wild scheme; and I will not give you my word。'
  Taita looked on; expressionless。 This was their first serious argument; and he knew it would be all the more bitter because of the depth of their feelings for each other。 He waited with interest to see how it would be resolved。
  'You deliberately disobeyed my orders at Gallala。 I cannot trust you not to do the same now。 You leave me no alternative。' Nefer told her grimly; and shouted to the sentry outside the door to send for Zugga; the head eunuch of the royal harem。
  'I can't trust Merykara either。' He turned back to Mintaka。 'She is pletely under your influence; and if you put your mind to it you will turn her to this lunatic enterprise of yours。 I am sending both of you back to the zenana in the Avaris palace。 You are to remain there in the care of Zugga。 You can amuse each other by playing bao until the battle is fought and the war is won。' And Zugga led Mintaka away。 At the door she looked back over her shoulder at Nefer; and Taita smiled as he read her expression。 Nefer had taken on a more stubborn adversary than both the false pharaohs bined。
  That evening Taita went to visit her in the new acmodation that Mintaka now shared with Merykara in what had once been the mander's suite of the fort。 A pair of large; placid eunuchs were at the door and another outside the barred window。
  Mintaka was still seething with anger; and Merykara was every bit as outraged by her brother's treatment of herself and her dear Mintaka; and especially this humiliating incarceration。
  'At least you have learned from this that it does not pay to confront a king; even if he loves you;' Taita told them gently。
  'I don't love him;' Mintaka replied; with tears of anger and frustration in her eyes。 'He treats me like a child; and I hate him。'
  'I hate him even more;' Merykara declared; not to be outdone。 'If only Meren were here!'
  'Has it occurred to you that what Nefer is doing to you is evidence of his love and concern for your safety?' Taita suggested。 'He knows how dire will be your fate if you fall into the hands of Naja Kiafan and Heseret。' They turned upon him so roundly that he held up both hands to deflect their wrath and withdrew tactfully; their denials and recriminations still ringing in his ears。
  The next morning both Nefer and Taita watched from the ramparts of the fort as the little caravan left Ismailiya; escorted by the eunuchs and a contingent of chariots; and headed back towards Avaris。 Mintaka and Merykara were closeted together behind the silk curtains of the litter in the centre of the column。 They did not show themselves or take their farewells of Nefer and Taita。
  'Personally; I would have preferred to stir up a beehive with a short stick;' Taita murmured。 'It may have made for a more restful climate to have shown a little more tact。'
  'They must learn that I am pharaoh; and that my word is law even to them。 Besides; at the moment I have other concerns than female tantrums;' Nefer said; 'They will get over it。' But he stayed on the wall and watched until the swaying litter and the caravan disappeared in the hazy distance。
  *  *  *
  Taita and Nefer rode out and inspected the stone walls that Shabako had hastily thrown up along the eastern approaches to the oasis of Ismailiya。
  'Shabako's efforts will not rank among the great architectural achievements of the age;' Taita gave his opinion; 'but that is all to the good。 From the direction in which Naja will e; they appear to be natural features and will excite no suspicion until he enters the funnel and finds his front progressively narrowed。'
  'Your plan has the towering virtue of allowing us to choose our own battleground。' Nefer nodded。 'With the help of Horus; we will turn it into a slaughter…ground。' Then he laid his hand upon Taita's skinny arm。 'Once again I find myself deeply in your debt; Old Father。 This is all your work。'
  'No。' Taita shook his head。 'It was a gentle nudge I gave to you。 The rest of it is yours。 You have inherited the military instincts of your father; Pharaoh Tamose。 You will achieve the greatness that might have been his; had he not died so cruelly at the hands of the enemy who faces us now。'
  'It is time for me to avenge that death;' Nefer said。 'Let us ensure that we do not let the cobra slither away again。'
  Over the days that followed Nefer exercised his forces; and rehearsed in detail the plans and tactics of his defence。 The battalions of archers and slingers marched out each morning and took up their positions behind the rough; ungainly walls。 They placed small cairns of stones in front of the walls to mark the range; so that they would be able to judge precisely the moment to spring the trap。 They concealed bundles of spare arrows close at hand so that they would not run short of missiles during the battle。 The slingers moulded their clay balls and baked them in the fire until they were rock hard。 Then they laid up mounds of these deadly missiles behind the walls; close at hand。
  During the exercises; Nefer and his manders played the role of Naja's troops and rode in from the desert; viewing their dispositions with a critical eye; making certain that they were pletely concealed by the breastworks。
  Then; while they waited; Nefer rehearsed his tactics before the walls; charging; wheeling and retreating; covering the ground so that his men came to know every fold; plain and gully; even the location of the aardvark holes and other small obstacles across the field。 He chose carefully the secure points behind the walls where he could water the horses during the battle; and where his reserves would be held until they were needed。 'I doubt that there was ever a mander able to learn the board on which the game will be played as intimately as I;' Nefer told Taita; and ordered his squadrons out again to go through the same evolutions。
  In the evening he rode back into the fort at the head of his squadron。 The dust had mingled with his sweat and caked his face and body。 He was weary to the bone; but content in the knowledge that he had done all in his power to ready his legions for what lay ahead。
  When he pulled up Krus and Dov; threw the rein to the grooms and jumped down on to the hard…baked parade…ground; his sense of well…being evaporated。 Zugga; the head eunuch of the royal zenana; was waiting for him; wringing his fat hands; his eyes red with weeping and his reedy voice whining with fear。 'Great Pharaoh; forgive me。 I did my best but she is wily as a vixen。 She has outwitted me。'
  'Who is this vixen?' Nefer demanded; although he knew who it must be。
  'The Princess M

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