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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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  'Who is this vixen?' Nefer demanded; although he knew who it must be。
  'The Princess Mintaka。'
  'What has happened to her?' Nefer voice was harsh with alarm。
  'She has run away; and taken the Princess Merykara with her;' blubbered Zugga; in sure expectation of the strangling garotte。
  *  *  *
  Mintaka and Merykara spent much of the journey back to Avaris huddled together in the screened litter; whispering as they planned their escape。 They soon discarded the notion of seizing one of the chariots from their escort and riding away in it。 In the unlikely event that they were able to trick or overpower one of the charioteers; they knew that within an hour they would have the entire army of Egypt on their heels; led by a wrathful pharaoh。 Gradually a better plan emerged from their deliberations。
  Mintaka's first endeavour was to make herself agreeable to Zugga; their guardian and gaoler; and to impress him with her submissive resignation to his authority。 By the time they reached the palace in Avaris four days later; she had him pletely gulled; believing only the best of her gentle; innocent nature。 There; in the most pretty and convincing manner; she appealed to Zugga to allow her and Merykara to visit the temple of Hathor to pray for the safety of Nefer and his victory in the looming battle。 With some misgivings; Zugga acquiesced and the two women were able to spend almost an hour alone with the high priestess in the sanctuary of the temple。 Zugga waited anxiously at the door; for no man; not even a eunuch; was allowed to enter the sanctum。
  Great was Zugga's relief; and all his suspicions set at rest; when Mintaka and Merykara at last re…emerged; both as beautiful; demure and innocent as any of the temple virgins。 A few days later when they asked to be allowed to pray again in the temple; and to make sacrifice to the goddess; Zugga was amenable to the request and waddled beside their litter chatting blithely through the curtain; and relating to the princesses the most juicy items of scandal in the life of the palace。
  Once again the high priestess was waiting in the forecourt of the temple to greet Mintaka and Merykara and lead them into the sanctum。 Without misgivings Zugga settled down to await the return of the lovely royal pair。 The high priestess sent out two of her acolytes to serve him an overflowing platter of grilled chicken and fish; together with a large jar of excellent wine。 Zugga ate it all and polished off the contents of the jug; then fell asleep in the shadow of the cow effigy of the goddess。 When he woke the sun had set and he was alone。 He saw that the litter bearers had gone。 He heaved his vast bulk upright and experienced twinges in his belly that were not caused by dyspepsia but by a pressing sense of alarm。 He shouted for attention and beat on the temple door with his staff。 It was a long time before a priestess came to him with a message: 'The two princesses have pleaded for sanctuary within the temple。 The holy mother has granted their plea; and taken them under her protection。'
  Zugga was thrown into turmoil。 The sanctuary of the temple was inviolate。 He could not demand the return of his charges; not even under the authority of Pharaoh。 The only course open to him was to return to Ismailiya and confess his failure; but that was risky。 The young pharaoh had not yet revealed his true nature; and his rage might well be fatal。
  *  *  *
  The moment the temple doors closed behind them Mintaka and Merykara dropped their pretence of resigned innocence。 'Have you made the arrangements; Holy Mother?' Mintaka demanded eagerly。
  'Have no fear; daughter。 All is in readiness。' The priestess's brown eyes sparkled with amusement。 Clearly she was enjoying this escapade; a break from the tranquil routine of temple life。 'I took the liberty of slipping a mild sleeping draught into the eunuch's wine。' She giggled。 'I hope you will not think I have overstepped myself; and that you will forgive me。'
  Mintaka kissed her smooth pale cheek。 'I am sure Hathor will be as proud of you as I am。'
  The priestess led them to a cell where all the items that Mintaka had requested were laid out for them。 They dressed hastily in the rough peasant garments; and covered their heads with woollen shawls。 Then; carrying the leather pouches slung across their shoulders; they followed the high priestess through the maze of corridors。 The temple backed on to Nile; and they became aware of the gentle swish of the river current against the outer walls growing louder ahead of them。 At last they stepped out through a low doorway into the sunshine; and on to the jetty where a large dhow was moored。 'The captain has been paid with the gold you gave me; and he knows where to go。 All the other items you asked for are stowed in your cabin on board;' she said。
  'You know what to tell Zugga;' Mintaka said; and the old woman giggled again。
  'I am sure that Hathor will forgive me such an insignificant falsehood。 It is in such a good cause。'
  As the pair jumped down on to the deck of the dhow; the crew; who had been dozing in the shade; scrambled to their feet and rushed to set the lateen sail。 Without waiting for orders; the captain steered out into the main flow of the current and turned the bows downstream; heading for the delta。 For the rest of that day Mintaka and Merykara stayed in the tiny cabin; taking no chance that they might be recognized from the shore; or from a passing riverboat。 In the late afternoon the dhow moored briefly against the east bank and two armed men came aboard; carrying heavy sacks。 Immediately the dhow captain hoisted the sail again and they pressed on with all speed downriver。 The two men came to the cabin and prostrated themselves before Mintaka。
  'May all the gods love you; Majesty;' said the bigger of the two; a bearded Hyksos with large nose and strong features。 'We are your dogs。 We came as soon as we received your summons。'
  'Lok!' Mintaka smiled with pleasure to see his well…remembered face; and then turned to the other man。 'And surely this is your son; Lokka。' He seemed as big and doughty as his father。 'You are both well met and wele。 You; Lok; served my father well。 Will you and your son do the same for me?' She spoke in the Hyksosian language。
  'With our lives; mistress!' they told her。
  'I will have hard employment for you once we go ashore; but until then rest and prepare your weapons。'
  The dhow captain selected one of the many mouths of the delta where the current slowed and meandered through swamps and lagoons over which hovered clouds of waterfowl。 Darkness fell before they reached the open sea; but the dhow captain steered his craft unerringly through the shallows and the hidden sandbars; until at last the miasma of the swamps was blown away on the clean salt airs of the Mediterranean。 The two girls came up on deck。
  'Just about now; Zugga will realize that we have flown。' Mintaka smiled at Merykara。 'I wonder what he will tell Nefer。 That we are safely locked up in the temple under the wing of the high priestess? I hope so。'
  With half a moon in the sky they sailed out of the confined waterways and felt the scend of the open sea lift the deck beneath their feet。 As soon as he had made his offing and there was deep water under his hull; the captain turned eastwards and hugged the coast throughout the night。
  In the dawn Mintaka and Merykara stood in the bows; huddled in their shawls for warmth。 They stared south at the low bleak desert shore to their right。
  'To think that Nefer is only a few leagues out there;' Mintaka whispered。 'I feel as though I could reach out my hand to touch him。'
  'Meren is there too; only a little further to the east。 What a surprise they would have to know that we are so close。'
  'My heart yearns for Nefer。 I pray every hour to Horus and Hathor to keep him safe。'
  'You no longer hate him; then?' Merykara asked。
  'I never did;' Mintaka denied hotly; then hesitated。 'Well; perhaps for a 

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